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Animating smoothly in editor, but not in built game #154

Open andthenwhat opened 2 years ago

andthenwhat commented 2 years ago

I'm having a weird issue where in the editor, MxM is animating smoothly (see first 8 seconds of attached video), but when I do a build (windows, if that matters), the animation "pops" (from 8 seconds on, there's a pop right as the the character hits their stride right after a 180): any ideas?


I'm using movement animset pro with runtime splicing: I have "before clips" for all stop animations, "after clips" for all starts (with splicing) and both before and after clips for the 180’s


Unity: 2021.2.1f1 MxM: latest

andthenwhat commented 2 years ago

one other note: I do see the popping in editor play mode (very rarely), so your thought that it was due to framerate tracks for sure