AvoinGLAM / h4og-dashboard

Hack4OpenGLAM automations, data parsing, and visualization
MIT License
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Include page on CC WP #39

Open susannaanas opened 3 years ago

susannaanas commented 3 years ago

The dashboard will be embedded in the CC Summit website. Considerations to take into account:

To do

susannaanas commented 3 years ago

Already happened: A page has been created in CC WP for the new dashboard

brylie commented 3 years ago

For context, I received a request to modify the .htaccess file via email:

.htaccess modification request > Hack4OpenGLAM Dashboard is a SPA-app, that takes advantage of React Router. We are planning to embed the React app under /hack4openglam-dashboard/ WordPress-page. To make our app’s routing mechanism work on the CC Summit’s website, we need to add something like the following into summit.creativecommons.org’s .htaccess: ``` RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /hack4openglam-dashboard/ RewriteRule ^/$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l RewriteRule ^.*hack4openglam-dashboard/.* /hack4openglam-dashboard/ [L] ``` > Please be careful with this htaccess-configuration, as I have not tested it yet. The goal is to route everything in /hack4openglam-dashboard/* to a single page: /hack4openglam-dashboard/, which is responsible for handling the routes client-side. If this isn’t possible, we can alternatively try to stick to using hashbang URL routing, which may not need additional configuration. Thank you in advance. (Mikael Hannolainen)

The .htaccess approach would create some administrative overhead and introduce boundary issues between projects. In effect, we would need to

Alternative proposal

If possible, we should treat this repository as a stand-alone project. We can use a static hosting service such as GitHub pages to automatically bundle and serve the latest project changes. This approach would be more "conventional" and would have the following benefits:

brylie commented 3 years ago

Ping @TimidRobot

brylie commented 3 years ago

@susannaanas mentions the 2020 Hack4OpenGlam dashboard is currently deployed to the Summit website.