AvolitesLtd / TitanManual

Official Documentation for the Avolites Titan software
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Add clarification to Quick Build instructions #414

Closed Wrekriem closed 2 years ago

Wrekriem commented 2 years ago

Link to the page in the manual: https://manual.avolites.com/docs/cues/creating-a-cue/?_highlight=quick&_highlight=build#quick-build-cues

Old Text (if applicable): After setting the record mode to Quick Build, the console will wait for you to select playbacks or palettes.

Press OK once you have selected all the playbacks or palettes required.

New Text: After setting the record mode to Quick Build, then selecting a record target, the console will wait for you to select playbacks or palettes. The record target can be a memory, chase or cue list.

If recording a memory, Press OK once you have selected all the playbacks or palettes required. If recording a cue list or chase press Exit

Why it should be changed: Missing information on quick building a cue list or chase. Instruction misses out key step of selecting a record target between setting the mode to quick build and selecting palettes/playbacks.

Other Information: Any other information