AwesomeIndustry / SIMLessPNRGateway

[Public version] iMessage phone number registration on Android devices, without a separate SIM card!
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Use on iOS 14.2 - no log entries with prebuilt binaries #7

Open Technophilus opened 7 months ago

Technophilus commented 7 months ago

Hello world!

I've been trying to use the SIMLessPNRGateway on iOS 14 on an iPhone 6 (using Substitute instead of Substrate) from the released pre-compiled binaries. Unfortunately, though it does log some PNR function hooks in the console, it doesn't log the request token as expected, nor do any of the log entries begin with PNRGateway. Is there any way to fix this? Or is there perhaps another way to register the number --- perhaps without an iPhone as Beeper Mini manages to achieve?

Thanks in advance 😄

Sniper26 commented 7 months ago

Similar issue here on 12.5.7. Wonder if this method does not work any longer

slayian commented 7 months ago

Same issue here on 10.3.3 using VintagePNR. Seems like something might have changed on Apple's side since release.

amteza commented 7 months ago

Same issue with an iPhone 5S iOS 12.5.7. Jailbroken with checkra1n, and all binaries compiled in macOS' host machine. Nothing in the log, even after many killall identityservicesd tries.

Technophilus commented 7 months ago

It's possibly that this got even more broken after Beeper Mini's launch because their phone number registration afaik is still broken. This might take significant work to fix. I guess for now we will need to use Apple ID and email addresses.

slayian commented 7 months ago

Was able to get this working today. If you are using an iPhone 5C on 10.3.3 you need to update both makefiles to ARCH = ARM64 to ARMv7, and modify TARGET = iphone:clang:10.3 to TARGET=iphone:clang:12.4:10.3 for ReceivePNR. Really helpful instructions here by a kind contributor on the PyPush discord:

slayian commented 7 months ago

@Technophilus method is still working, it sounds like PNRSender and ReceivePNR are not running properly on your device, could be an iOS compatibility issue since it was built for 12.5.7 and 10.3.3. A few users are attempting this on different devices on the pypush discord.