AwesomeTTS / awesometts-anki-addon

AwesomeTTS text-to-speech add-on for Anki
GNU General Public License v3.0
481 stars 100 forks source link

audio delay #236

Open AxelBohm opened 2 years ago

AxelBohm commented 2 years ago

I recently switched from a 2012 macbook to the new M1 and suddenly it takes at least 2 seconds (sometimes even more) to start reading the card out loud. My anki version is 2.1.35 on both machines and they are synched as well. Does anybody know what could be causing this? Also, I am using the with Google Cloud Text-to-Speech support added , so I also raised an issue there as I am unsure where it comes from.

luc-vocab commented 2 years ago

Do you know how to enable debug logging ? the output will be useful to troubleshoot this issue

AxelBohm commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for the reply -- sorry it took me a while --- here's the output:

mpv too old for key rebinding
Qt WebEngine resources not found at . Trying parent directory...
Qt WebEngine resources not found at /Applications/ Trying application directory...
Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
qt.qpa.fonts: Populating font family aliases took 340 ms. Replace uses of missing font family "Segoe UI" with one that exists to avoid this cost.
AxelBohm commented 2 years ago

I just realized there was some additional output after closing anki:

[35517:259:1121/] Trying to call glFlush without current GL context
addons_dialog_will_delete_addon is not a hook yet
gettext _() is deprecated: &View
gettext _() is deprecated: &Zoom
gettext _() is deprecated: Zoom &In
gettext _() is deprecated: Zoom &Out
gettext _() is deprecated: &Reset
deckDueTree() is deprecated; use decks.deck_tree() for a tree without counts, or sched.deck_due_tree()
gettext _() is deprecated: New Cards
gettext _() is deprecated: Learn
gettext _() is deprecated: To Review
gettext _() is deprecated: Due
gettext _() is deprecated: Total
gettext _() is deprecated: Average
gettext _() is deprecated: %.01f
gettext _() is deprecated: Cards
gettext _() is deprecated: Minutes
ngettext() is deprecated: %s minutes.
gettext _() is deprecated: More
conf key heatmap should be fetched with col.get_config(), and saved with col.set_config()
conf key heatmap should be fetched with col.get_config(), and saved with col.set_config()
named arguments in queries will go away in the future: 
STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'start of day') + (due - :today) * 86400
AS day, -COUNT() -- negative to support heatmap legend
FROM cards
WHERE did IN (1631863820555,1631863820621,1631863822000,1631863819672,1631863822282,1631863819637,1631863820028,1631863819673,1631863821279,1631863819997,1631863820976,1631863820027,1631863819840,1631863820769,1631863820225,1631863821477,1631863820115,1631863821629,1635791626876,1631863819646,1631863819841,1631892183331,1631863821409,1631863819638,1631863820562,1631863821483,1631863820185,1631863821569,1631863819764,1631863819770,1,1631863819639,1631863819919,1631863819659,1631863819710,1631863820469,1631863820505,1631863821192,1631863820068,1631863819636,1631863819771,1631863820579,1631863821370,1631863821487,1631863819644,1631863821338,1631863820424,1631863819647,1631863819649,1631863819662,1631863821042,1631863820712,1631863821339,1631863820186,1631863820561,1631863821297,1631863822073,1631863819824,1631863819642,1631863819648,1631863820116,1631863819656,1631863819657,1631863820642,1631863821191,1631863819823,1631863819643,1631863819651,1631863819658,1631863819876) AND queue IN (2,3)
 AND day >= 1637452800
conf key imgocc should be fetched with col.get_config(), and saved with col.set_config()
conf key imgocc should be fetched with col.get_config(), and saved with col.set_config()
conf key imgocc should be fetched with col.get_config(), and saved with col.set_config()
deckDueTree() is deprecated; use decks.deck_tree() for a tree without counts, or sched.deck_due_tree()
gettext _() is deprecated: New Cards
gettext _() is deprecated: Learn
gettext _() is deprecated: To Review
gettext _() is deprecated: Due
gettext _() is deprecated: Total
gettext _() is deprecated: Average
gettext _() is deprecated: %.01f
gettext _() is deprecated: Cards
gettext _() is deprecated: Minutes
ngettext() is deprecated: %s minutes.
gettext _() is deprecated: More
named arguments in queries will go away in the future: 
STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'start of day') + (due - :today) * 86400
AS day, -COUNT() -- negative to support heatmap legend
FROM cards
WHERE did IN (1631863819638,1,1631863819876,1631863819658,1631863820225,1631863820621,1631863821279,1631863819710,1631863820561,1631863821487,1631863820505,1631863821192,1631863819659,1631863819636,1631863819919,1631863819997,1631863820028,1631863821297,1631863820579,1631863819646,1631863822073,1631863820562,1631863819841,1631863821629,1631863822282,1631863819639,1631863819644,1631863820712,1631863819840,1631863819656,1631863821477,1631863820186,1631892183331,1631863819648,1631863820027,1631863819649,1631863820976,1631863820185,1631863820555,1631863819823,1631863820068,1631863819662,1631863819770,1631863820116,1631863821409,1635791626876,1631863819764,1631863819647,1631863821042,1631863819657,1631863821191,1631863819642,1631863821569,1631863820115,1631863819771,1631863819673,1631863820424,1631863820769,1631863821339,1631863819824,1631863821483,1631863822000,1631863819643,1631863820642,1631863819672,1631863819637,1631863821338,1631863819651,1631863820469,1631863821370) AND queue IN (2,3)
 AND day >= 1637452800
gettext _() is deprecated: Mature
gettext _() is deprecated: Young
gettext _() is deprecated: Unseen
gettext _() is deprecated: Suspended
gettext _() is deprecated: Total
gettext _() is deprecated: Learned
gettext _() is deprecated: Unlearned
gettext _() is deprecated: New
gettext _() is deprecated: Learning
gettext _() is deprecated: Review
gettext _() is deprecated: Done in
gettext _() is deprecated: Study Now
named arguments in queries will go away in the future: 
STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'start of day') + (due - :today) * 86400
AS day, -COUNT() -- negative to support heatmap legend
FROM cards
WHERE did IN (1631863819636,1631863822282,1631863819659,1631863819642,1631863819643,1631863819649,1631863819646,1631863819647,1631863819648,1631863821569,1631863821629,1631863821487,1631863819651,1631863819662,1631863819644,1631863820579,1631863819637,1631863819823,1631863819997,1631863819824,1631863820424,1631863819638,1631863819639,1631863819919,1631863819876,1631863821370,1631863819672,1631863819710,1631863819673,1631863819770,1631863819771,1631863820469,1631863820115,1631863820116,1631863820505,1631863820621,1631863820555,1631863819840,1631863819841,1631863821279,1631863821297,1631863821483,1631863821338,1631863821477,1631863821339,1631863820561,1631863820562,1631863820976,1631863820769,1631863820642,1631863820712,1631863821042,1631863821191,1631863821192,1631863822000,1631863822073,1631863821409,1631863820185,1631863820225,1631863820186,1631863819656,1631863819764,1631863819657,1631863819658,1631863820027,1631863820068,1631863820028) AND queue IN (2,3)
 AND day >= 1637452800
legacy _anki/overview.css remapped to _anki/css/overview.css
legacy _anki/jquery.js remapped to _anki/js/js/vendor/jquery.js
legacy _anki/overview.js remapped to _anki/js/overview.js
Not found: '_anki/jquery.js'
legacy _anki/jquery.js remapped to _anki/js/js/vendor/jquery.js
Not found: '_anki/jquery.js'
JS error /_anki/overview.js:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
JS error :438 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()
stripSounds() deprecated
.fields() is obsolete, use .note() or .card()