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Thread title disappears from navigation bar after locking phone or changing size class via iPad multitasking #1002

Open nolanw opened 4 years ago

nolanw commented 4 years ago

This is a weird bug but the titles of the threads disappears if I lock my phone with the thread up.

image It obviously comes back but it’s gone till I go back to my bookmarks. — MarcusSA

nolanw commented 3 years ago

First- when I put my phone down for a bit and come back to it, the title at the top of the thread has disappeared.


nolanw commented 3 years ago

Small bug: latest ipad pro, ios 14.2 (also observed on older os versions)

  1. Open a thread
  2. Open another app in multitask mode, so the awful interface reverts to phone-like (root tabbar screen is the bottom of the nav stack instead of a slide-over view on the left)
  3. Drag the multitask border over, restoring awful to fullscreen

The thread title in the nav bar will be blank when this is done — 16-bit RDRAM

nolanw commented 2 years ago

why does the thread title often disappear from the top, like the attached image?
