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Phantom private message appears that cannot be deleted #1016

Open nolanw opened 4 years ago

nolanw commented 4 years ago

I went back a few pages and didn’t see this posted. I keep getting phantom notifications for a PM that doesn’t exist. Here’s the preview and body: When I delete it, it does delete it and removes the red notification, and says: It’s mostly annoying as, once I delete it, it will then reoccur within hours or minutes, and I can’t figure out what might be triggering it. — Lisztless

nolanw commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I had the same experience, though mine hasn’t come back after the first delete. That’s why I asked if pms were being weird the other day. Same 12/31/01 date as well. — `Nemesis

Correction: now it always comes back. No new pms from the first time it happened days ago, no clue what is triggering the behavior. — `Nemesis

I’ll shoot you a PM and see if it’s like that one error where a thread gets stuck until someone posts in it. — Warbird

Had the erroneous notification, it didn’t increment when I got your PM. I opened PMs in the app, saw yours and the error. I tried to delete the error PM and got the message about it not being on the live forums. Opened yours, backed out of it, and deleted it. The error pm hasn’t come back yet. Will update if it does. — `Nemesis

nolanw commented 4 years ago

I’ve had that issue off and on before, usually when I get a new PM and delete it after reading. The system wants to flag a blank one for me for a few minutes. — IllegallySober