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Move "ignore user" button out of post author actions #1022

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

I'd like to second this +1, with a further suggestion that the "ignore user" button doesn't even belong on the thread view user bubble(?). The other actions in that bubble are "Profile", "Their Posts", "PM", and "Rap Sheet", which are all (mostly) non-destructive, easily reversible actions which immediately Do Something right then and there. But the "Ignore User" action, on the other hand... • doesn't actually do anything within the Awful app when you execute it (you must reload the thread or go to a new page before you can see the results of your potentially-accidental handiwork of that user's posts being hidden) • cannot be undone from within Awful; you instead must log into the forums on your browser, navigate around to your ignore list, and then find and delete whoever you just ignored.

So my suggestion is to move the "Ignore User" button to the bottom of a user's profile sheet, same as it is on the forums proper! That's more out of the way and less prone to accidentally selecting it. Also a "Pay Attention To User Again" button there as well would be great. — Grace Baiting

Makes sense to me!