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Save posted videos #1025

Closed nolanw closed 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Hi not sure if this is possible but it would be awesome if we could save videos that were posted.

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It would be nice to long press and save or share

Unless there is something I missing? — MarcusSA

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to save videos that aren't YouTube? — St_Ides

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Is there anyway we can get the option to save videos that are imbedded? Such as,

Long press brings up copy url and it would be awesome to save it so I can send it from my camera roll. — MarcusSA

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Hi it’s my bi monthly friendly request to let me save inline .mp4s to my camera roll.

You guys do fantastic work and I love this app. — MarcusSA