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Links to quoted posts go to the latest unread post instead #1029

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Did something change with the links for quotes? When I click a quote to go back to the linked post it’s not working correctly anymore. It looks like it goes to the latest unread post on the page instead. — mike-

(Some possibly-relevant context: we've recently messed with trying to follow links to posts (i.e. whether we look through the markup or use the URL fragment).)

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Bug report

Mostly only seems to happen on fast threads.

  1. Go to the last page of the thread, where a post quotes another post on the last page
  2. Tap on the "xyz posted:" or subforum equivalent at the top of the quote

Expected: scroll to post or push another VC pre-scrolled to the post Observed: if there has been a new post added to the current (last) page, the user will see the new posts instead of the desired one — 16-bit RDRAM