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Following a link to a quoted post or from the Leper's Colony/Rap Sheet breaks with unread posts on a page #1030

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

The noseen=1 stuff has shattered some stuff when it comes to following quote/lepers colony links in a way that I’m having a hard time explaining because it breaks my brain. Basically it’ll make following quotes in a thread that has new unread posts do the unread posts instead, and hitting previous posts is broken. I haven’t been able to reliably replicate it and when it’s going on I’m tooto really tell exactly what it’s doing. — Ugly In The Morning

Sounds possibly related to #1029?

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Clicking through from a rap sheet or quote is still bringing up the unread posts in the thread instead of taking me to the correct post- but only in bookmarked threads. If I’ve read the thread but not bookmarked it it’s working as normal. — Ugly In The Morning

nolanw commented 2 years ago

I’ve noticed this bug that might be well known but I don’t follow the thread, so here goes: I’ve notice that when I’m in the newest page of a thread and click a quoted post to try to get to that original post, if a new post has been made in the meantime the page will just show that new post and ignores the fact that I clicked on a link to an earlier one. Even if I load previous posts then try clicking on the quoted post link again the same thing happens. That link will only work if I reload the page.

Hope that makes sense.

E- I’m on an 8 plus with latest iOS and awful test version — Snowy

nolanw commented 2 years ago

Oh yeah I've definitely been having this as well (I think others have tried to describe this before although missing some of the details). — Grace Baiting