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Difficulty sharing an image via Slack's share extension #1037

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Weird share sheet interaction.

iOS 14 Awful v 4.11 iPhone XR

When I try to share an image from the forums through the Share Sheet to Slack, it doesn’t dismiss the Share Sheet after sharing. It dismisses just fine if it’s being shared to Discord or Messages, though.

Also, sharing URLs works fine. Do a long press on a URL, select “Share URL”, select Slack, and post - everything dismisses properly.

And I can’t interact with the Share Sheet after that, either. It’s like it locks it in place and doesn’t accept any taps. The Share Sheet looks a little weird near the bottom of the screen too - like a thick grey bar.

I end up having to swipe up and close the app fully (not just go to Home Screen), then open it again.

Previously, whenever I had issues like this, I could swipe up or down on the sheet, and it would “come forward” (it would get bigger, as if it was initially sitting further away from the screen and the swipe would make it move towards me). Then I could dismiss it manually.

I don’t know if this is an Awful thing, or some way that the Slack share sheet item is broken. I have screenshots but I never post pics on SA, so I have no idea how to do it properly here. — experienceBeej

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Having this same issue — Trevor Hale

nolanw commented 3 years ago

I think someone mentioned it before but sharing an image from the awful app to slack (and maybe elsewhere) doesn’t allow for a user to come back to the app. The share option menu freeze above the app and can’t be dismissed — Trevor Hale