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Crash opening Leper's Colony, or an author's rap sheet from a post #1049

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 13.7, most recent [5.2]

echi got dinged and I wanted to see the probe reason - tap user pic, select 'rap sheet' = app crash. Tested three times, same behaviour

From this post:

Edit: huh, tried my own rap sheet link, worked fine, tried the above again, worked fine. Chalk it up to 'one of those things'. — NoneMoreNegative

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Can confirm that that same rap sheet crashed the app for me twice, then worked fine after I looked at yours first. — Diabolik900

nolanw commented 3 years ago

I think someone had this issue earlier, but right now if I try to view the lepers colony the app crashes. — `Nemesis

nolanw commented 3 years ago

That was me. The loading smilie did its thing for a few seconds and then the app crashed, it happened like three times and then suddenly just worked. Works fine for me now too. Dunno what caused it. — Stare-Out

nolanw commented 3 years ago

lepers colony worked when i saw the original post about that, but crashes now. i sent a crash report. — baram.

nolanw commented 3 years ago

I got a crash when I tried to open Leper’s Colony. I can browse it now, but I’m guessing it might have to do with YouTube embeds in probation/ban reasons? This is what I see in app. Opening a browser window shows there are actually YouTube links.
