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Slowdown when there's a lot of embedded tweets #1054

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

app slows down really bad when theres too many twitter embeds. iphone x — scary ghost dog

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Someone earlier mentioned Twitter embeds make the app really slow and a link to a page was asked for but never provided. This page does it for me: Baron

Weird, XR here and I’ve never been to that thread before and everything loaded pretty much instantly for me. — EL BROMANCE

Yeah I'm on an old SE and though it takes about a second for the tweets to load (during which some parts of the page don't render while scrolling) after that it's all smooth for me. — Stare-Out

I will add that it does seem to be hit-or-miss for me even on pages with a ton of Twitter embeds. Having only followed this thread for the last few pages i anecdotally will also say that “app hopping” does seem to exacerbate the issue, but I can’t empirically confirm that.

I will definitely say that the longer I read that thread the worse the issue has gotten, so I’m not sure if there’s some caching issue happening.

Perhaps semi related there was some conflagration of stickied threads in that forum recently that caused my view of it in the app to become a random mashup of stickied threads and actual new updated ones about a month ago that was only resolved by deleting the app and then reinstalling it, but I cannot honestly remember if this was an issue before or not.

I also would add that this doesn’t seem to just be an issue on Twitter heavy threads, but I have also had issues scrolling past just embedded images. I want to say that this may have only become a real issue since I enabled experimental features in my user CP? I’m not sure how to best provide data for this, but I’m willing to grab whatever would help. — Red Baron

nolanw commented 3 years ago

I don’t know if this is helpful for the random slowdown thing but I’ve found that if I hit a page of a thread that’s slow (on iOS) if I drag down the notifications window so it fully covers the page and can scroll normally in there 99% of the time when I go back to my thread (just swiping up) I can freely scroll again.

The other 1% of the time I regain control about a second later. — Red Baron