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CloudFlare blocks certain text in attempted posts but no error is displayed #1060

Open nolanw opened 3 years ago

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Cloudflare blocked me from making a post because it contained "boot dot ini". But, with a period and no spaces not as I wrote it just there. — kirbysuperstar

Sure as shit. just drops me back to the thread when I try to post that — Jim Silly-Balls

nolanw commented 3 years ago

What about onClick with just an equals and nothing after it? BLOCKED.

EDIT 5: What about a space between the equals and the other stuff? Nope, blocked as well. Even putting a space between the "on" and the "Click" get you blocked. My goodness, what are those crazy kids at Cloudflare up to!? — Lumpy

nolanw commented 3 years ago

I've consulted with Jeffrey and, theoretically, you should be able to make that post now, though you may have to pass an annoying CAPTCHA in order to do so. — astral