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Stuttery bookmarks scrolling when Awful and YouTube are showing on an iPad in Split View #1130

Open nolanw opened 2 years ago

nolanw commented 2 years ago

If you are using an iPad in portrait mode and you have YouTube open and then do a side by side with the awful app in bookmarks view both apps grind down to about 20fps. If you go into a post from your bookmarks everything smooths back out. This happens on both my iPad Pro gen 3 and my iPad Pro M1 so its not a cpu issue from what I can tell.

To further make the issue weird I just tried to screen record the issue on my M1 and magically the issue went away! I turned off the screen record and the issue came right back.

I’m going to see about getting a shitty cell phone video of it because clearly I can’t just record the screen lol.

Its a really weird issue that I’m sure no one else has come across. — MarcusSA