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Last Page action in posts view (instead of Last Post) #1138

Open nolanw opened 2 years ago

nolanw commented 2 years ago

Another minor request: would it be possible to have a "LastPage" jump feature? Like, when you tap the Page number at the bottom of a thread and you get that little nav pop-up? For me, jumping to the lastpostin a thread never seemed particularly useful, because usually I prefer to see the lastcoupleposts (or couple dozen) in a thread for context. I rarely use "Last Post" for it's actual, intended use...instead I either tap Last Post then immediately tap the top of the screen to scroll to the top on the page, or I just manually select the last page of the thread.

I'm suggesting "Last Page" because that seems like the easiest thing to implement, but if I'm being honest, I'd rather have something more granular like "Last 25 posts" (for those times when the last page only has like 2 posts so I end up jumping back a page anyway). — Shnakepup

nolanw commented 2 years ago

That’s always seemed strange to me too. The long press menu on a thread or bookmark has a last page button in case you didn’t know about that, so you could do what you want that way.

It’s odd that there are 2 different but similar commands like that in different places though. — spanky the dolphin

nolanw commented 2 years ago

+1 last page instead of last post — `Nemesis

nolanw commented 2 years ago

:agreed: — Snowy