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Turn off autocorrect for BBcode #247

Open nolanw opened 11 years ago

nolanw commented 11 years ago

is there a way to get it to ignore stuff in bbcode brackets? It's trying to correct s to a, and i to I (which is fine, but unnecessary) — myron cope

In context, myron cope was talking about typing something like [i] and getting the iOS autocorrect thing popping up.

I'm fairly sure there's no way to do this, but if anyone knows of or finds one, do it!

diabolik900 commented 11 years ago

There apparently is a way to do this! I don't know what it is though. I was just playing around with Drafts and it seems to do it.

nolanw commented 10 years ago

AwfulComposeTextViewController does something similar for YOSPOSy forums and capitalization. Can probably extend/mimic that technique to fix this issue.

ultramiraculous commented 10 years ago

So this fixes at least the case of [s turning into [a. Still shows the autocorrector suggestion, though, which is kinda gross.