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Buttons above keyboard in compose screen don't work when keyboard is split #433

Open nolanw opened 6 years ago

nolanw commented 6 years ago

The buttons above the keyboard don't work when you have the regular keyboard in split mode. For all I know this could have been in there for a long time, but I haven't been using my iPad much lately.

Also seeing this:

nolanw commented 6 years ago

There doesn't seem to be any reliable way to figure out when the keyboard is split or whether it's undocked (it can be either, both, or neither). (I got close, checking for UIKeyboardWill-/-DidChangeFrameNotification without a preceding UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, but it falls apart when the hardware keyboard is taken into account.)

[above note made at some indeterminate past date, it's possible that iOS 9 or 10 made something available to help here]