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Haptics #537

Open nolanw opened 6 years ago

nolanw commented 6 years ago

haptics all over the app - esp a nice "chunk" kick from the haptic engine when i pull for the next page of posts

nolanw commented 6 years ago

Also pull to refresh.

nolanw commented 5 years ago

Also, is it possible to give [pull for next page] a haptic mini vibration on trigger? That would really level it up. — spanky the dolphin

nolanw commented 4 years ago

Feature request - haptic feedback on buttons and pull to refresh / next page triggers. — spanky the dolphin

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Feature request: I just got a 12 mini and I very much enjoy the little haptic feedback bumps when long pressing or scrolling around in other apps, could we get something like that in Awful please? Adding these would take the Posting Experience even further beyond what was thought possible. — jackhunter64

nolanw commented 3 years ago

Think you’ll ever add haptics to Awful? It’s not that I particularly want them as such, it’s just strange tonothave them in pull to refresh and whatnot since they’re everywhere in iOS. — Stare-Out