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Can't post, stuck in endless preview loop #688

Open nolanw opened 7 years ago

nolanw commented 7 years ago

sometimes when making a post, the preview screen won't let me post, instead leading to another preview screen (and then another). Canceling out resolves the issue (allowing me to post what was previewed).

This happened with this very message btw.

[iPhone SE] — Rinkles

nolanw commented 7 years ago

I'm also having this issue with the newest version. To elaborate further, what happens now is that hitting "preview" puts you on the preview screen, but the button in the top-right says "preview" and hitting it slides the screen to the right but gives you the exact same screen (that is, it says "preview" and acts like a preview button). Hitting cancel on the preview screen and then the post icon again (ie, from the thread view) loads the preview screen back up (not the compose post screen, but I'm not sure which of the two screens (compose post and preview) is the intended behavior is for canceling out of the preview screen then hitting the post icon again), but now the top-right button is "post" and submits the post.

The same behavior happens on editing. Hit edit, type your edit, hit preview (go to a preview screen that will take you to an endless series of preview screens), cancel out, hit post again, hit save.

iPhone 6. — Shear Modulus

nolanw commented 6 years ago

Apologies if this has already been said, but I’ve been having an issue with posting replies. Whenever I press “preview” after writing a reply the post button doesn’t appear, and instead I just get the preview button indefinitely. If I want to post I have to hit cancel and then come back into the post every time.

Editing also doesn’t work for me, but unlike the previous solution I haven’t been able to discover a work around. — Hot Dog Day #82

nolanw commented 6 years ago

[quoting Rinkles's post above] same problem/phone.

But when quoting somebody; after cancelling and then posting the quote gets posted double as you can see above. I added this edit on my PC, because editing won't work on the app, because you get stuck in the preview loop.

Hope this helps. — mrfart

nolanw commented 6 years ago

This only happens in split view on iPad:

  1. Quote a post
  2. Tap Preview in the nav bar

Expected: preview of post with a Post button on the nav bar Actual: there is a Preview button in the nav bar where Post should be, allowing an endless stack of preview VCs

Oddly if I get rid of the other split view app and make Awful fullscreen it fixes itself.

iPad Pro 10.5, iOS 11.1.1 .— Regular Nintendo

nolanw commented 6 years ago

I’ve been stuck with the infinite preview loop for a few months.

When replying to the thread, I click preview, my only option is to continue clicking preview. If I click cancel and then try to post, it brings up my post in the actual preview window and then let’s me post.

So it would seem to be that when clicking preview initially and it switching to the “bugged” preview window, it is failing to load whatever code calls for the post button. Cancelling and reloading the post calls the proper code. — Mordiceius

nolanw commented 6 years ago

Is there any temporary workaround for the infinity preview loop? I know how to post, but is there an action I can take to hopefully avoid it?

Its been affecting me for months too

e: iPhone 7+, latest iOS & Awful version [iOS 11.2.1; Awful 3.32]. — buglord

nolanw commented 6 years ago

May be more easily reproduced in the thread compose screen. When pushing the preview screen on to the navigation controller, you can see the new navigation item animate into position, then it suddenly disappears when the animation completes, revealing a title-less navbar with the compose screen's cancel/preview buttons.

nolanw commented 6 years ago

Having an issue sometimes where I can't post at all through the app. I can hit reply in a thread and write out what I want to say, but as soon as I go to the preview and hit post the app just keeps looping back to the preview and nothing gets posted.

I'm using an iPhone 8 Plus on iOS 11.3 (GM not beta). — Skeezy

nolanw commented 6 years ago

I’m having a new bug that started today. When I quote someone, write a reply, and hit the preview button, the app formats the preview properly but the post button is still a preview button, and just shows the preview no matter how many times I mash it. If I cancel and go back to the thread, then hit the new post button, everything is still saved and I can hit the post button normally, and it works fine. — MrYenko

nolanw commented 6 years ago

This started happening to me yesterday, but it happens regardless of if I'm quoting someone or justposting. E: I hit the back arrow in the 2nd image until it brought me back to where I can edit the post, and then just had the "post" button instead of preview. — heeheex2

nolanw commented 6 years ago

When I hit Preview for a post, instead of letting me reloads the same screen. So 80% of the time I can't post! — Golden Bee

nolanw commented 6 years ago

Latest app [3.36] / iOS [11.4.1?], with ‘preview new posts’ switched on I get an endless preview > preview > etc loop, switching the option off allows for posting. — NoneMoreNegative

nolanw commented 6 years ago

In case more detail helps: I get the preview loop on iPhone (but not iPad, that seems to work fine) and when I cancel out to the thread and re-open the compose screen it gives me the option to immediately post the previously-composed message (which works). — Lazlo Nibble

realModusOperandi commented 6 years ago

Did some investigation, all I can see is that the PostPreviewViewController has the post button as its right navigation button, but something is replacing/covering up the whole bar since, as you mentioned, the title appears and then goes missing. I'm stumped for now though.

nolanw commented 6 years ago

I came to post that the iPhone 8 Plus glitch where it always says “preview” until you go back and tap post again is still a thing, but it’s not a thing right now so uh never mind maybe

Also the way I would fix it is for some reason it works fine in landscape mode — heeheex2

nolanw commented 5 years ago

“always preview posts” is getting you into a loop. There is no Post button when this option is enabled. — bronin

nolanw commented 5 years ago

I occasionally get caught in “preview loops” where I can’t advance to post and keep getting put into preview. Workaround is to cancel out and hit the make post button, which brings you to the submit post page with your looped post. It’s a minor annoyance at worst, so no hurry. — Warbird

nolanw commented 5 years ago

after hitting preview the post is displayed as a preview but the preview button stays, never changing to “post”. I have to back out of the post completely then hit the pen/post button from the thread view which takes me back to preview, but this time with the post button. — Snowy

nolanw commented 5 years ago

Edit: Also that preview loop bug seems to be getting more common lately as well. — Warbird

nolanw commented 5 years ago

Not sure I can reliably recreate it but I have a really minor issue with post previews. Sometimes after clicking through to the preview where it would normally change to the ‘post’ button, it just constantly loops back to the preview. Backing out to the thread view and hitting the post button again skips the preview but works correctly.

iPhone 8+ running 12.3.1 — Auxiliary Treats

nolanw commented 5 years ago

Also on an 8+, same software, same thing. It’s weird!

e: Happens with edits too FWIW but here’s a video of this very post. — Dewgy