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Allow quoting posts from other threads #911

Open nolanw opened 5 years ago

nolanw commented 5 years ago

It would also be nice to be able to quote a post in a locked/archived/mined/gassed thread, to copy/paste into a post in a different thread. It would make sharing funny old posts easier. — Cease to Hope

Especially if the post involves smilies, bbcode, etc. This is one I've seen proposed before and it's a good one. — Son of Sam-I-Am

realModusOperandi commented 5 years ago

Looks like we depend on being able to access the "compose post" screen to be able to get the bbcode version of the post, which gassed/goldmined/closed threads don't allow. Gonna need a way to back-translate HTML to bbcode...

nolanw commented 5 years ago

I last thought about that when pondering rendering posts using TextKit instead of WebKit, as it starts in the same way. I’ve also considered whether it’d be useful to parse BBcode into a syntax tree for things like "close open tag" or a hypothetical "split quote" button.