Awmusic12635 / Wearables-Final-Group-Project

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Choose Beacon ID System (p2) #8

Open Awmusic12635 opened 7 years ago

Awmusic12635 commented 7 years ago

You should use your Gimbal beacons, either as iBeacons or Eddystone Beacons. You should have 6 beacons for your group. You need to decide on an identification system (e.g. same UUID but different Major/Minor numbers). The identification system should take into account the same type of machine (e.g. X-Ray) as well as recognize each individual machine of that type (e.g. X-Ray machine 1, X-Ray machine 2 etc.) That is, it needs to be capable of handling multiple devices of each multiple types. Here are the devices you need to track:

1) X-Ray machine (2 of them) 2) EKG machine (3 of them) 3) MRI machine (1 of them)