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GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
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Tunestamp: powered by blockchain, to establish immutable proof of existence and ownership of creative works, innovations, and ideas (copyright record) #118

Closed grantshares-dapp[bot] closed 4 months ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 6 months ago


Tunestamp is a robust solution for copyright protection. Utilizing blockchain technology, Tunestamp provides a secure, transparent, and unalterable record of content creation and ownership. This can be done without even disclosing the content( as might be the case with Work In Progress etc) This method aligns well with the principles of the Berne Convention too, which emphasizes automatic and independent protection of works. Once you stamp your (original)work, you can be assured you have protection.

Proposal Information


We are seeking a grant to further our mission of empowering creators and safeguarding their intellectual property. With this grant support, it would help us to enhance our platform's capabilities as we intentent to onboard more developer and incentivize them, expand our marketing campaign efforts, and develop innovative features to better serve our community of artists, musicians, writers, and innovators.

By securing this grant, we can continue to protect and promote creativity worldwide, ensuring that creators receive the recognition and compensation they deserve for their hard work and talent using the blockchain technology


TuneStamp's quest for a grant is fueled by our commitment to revolutionize the protection of creative works through verifiable timestamped Proof of Creation. Unlike the unreliable "poor man’s copyright," our digital records offer unparalleled reliability and legal robustness.

Furthermore, our platform's global compatibility, aligned with the Berne Convention's international standards, ensures relevance and applicability across borders.

With the use of blockchain technology, TuneStamp guarantees enhanced security and transparency, making records impervious to tampering and completely futureproof.

Above all, TuneStamp is dedicated to empowering creators by providing indisputable proof of creation and ownership. This empowerment enables creators to assert their rights with confidence, particularly in cases of infringement or disputes.


-Our goals includes the advancement in adoption of Blockchain: The primary goal is to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology by integrating TuneStamp's innovative solution into the ecosystem. This aligns with NEO's mission to build a smart economy by leveraging blockchain technology.

-Enhance Intellectual Property Protection: Another goal is to enhance intellectual property protection for creators worldwide. By providing a secure and transparent platform for timestamping creative works, TuneStamp contributes to the integrity and trustworthiness of digital content

-Foster Innovation and Collaboration: Additionally, the grant aims to foster innovation and collaboration within the NEO community. By supporting projects like TuneStamp that leverage blockchain technology for social good, NEO encourages collaboration and the development of impactful solutions.

Bringing Value to the Community:

  1. Technological Integration: TuneStamp's integration with the NEO blockchain ecosystem adds value by expanding the use cases and utility of NEO's technology. This integration enhances the overall functionality and appeal of the NEO ecosystem.
  2. Intellectual Property Protection: By offering a reliable solution for timestamping creative works, TuneStamp brings tangible benefits to creators within the NEO community. This includes artists, musicians, writers, and innovators who seek to protect their intellectual property rights.
  3. Community Engagement: TuneStamp's presence within the NEO community would foster engagement and collaboration among community members. Through educational initiatives, workshops, and events, TuneStamp promotes awareness of intellectual property rights and blockchain technology, empowering creators to take control of their creative works thus making NEO .
  4. Alignment with NEO's Values: As an advocate for innovation, transparency, and decentralization, TuneStamp's values align closely with those of the NEO blockchain community. By supporting TuneStamp, NEO demonstrates its commitment to advancing technological solutions that benefit society as a whole.

Deliverables & Roadmap

Specify deliverables in detail, including the following info for each:

First month:

  1. Platform Enhancement: Allocate resources to enhance TuneStamp's platform UI, focusing on improving user experience and streamlining the timestamping process.
  2. Integration with NEO Blockchain: Begin the integration process with the NEO blockchain
  3. Community Outreach: Launch an outreach campaign within the NEO community to raise awareness about TuneStamp's upcoming integration and its benefits for creators.
  4. Legal Compliance: Review and ensure compliance with relevant legal regulations and standards, particularly regarding intellectual property rights and data privacy.

Month 2:

  1. Beta Testing: Conduct beta testing of the integrated TuneStamp platform on the NEO blockchain, soliciting feedback from users, paid testers and making necessary adjustments to improve functionality and performance.
  2. Documentation and Tutorials: Development of comprehensive documentation and tutorials to guide users through the process of using TuneStamp
  3. Marketing and Promotion: Ramp up marketing and promotional efforts to generate excitement and anticipation, highlighting the unique features and benefits of TuneStamp.
  4. Finalization and Launch: Finalize all aspects of the integration, addressing any remaining technical issues or feedback from beta testing. Prepare for the official launch of TuneStamp on the NEO blockchain, including press releases, media outreach, and community engagement events.

Deliverables Verifiability

By providing transparent communication, regular updates, and opportunities for community involvement, TuneStamp would ensure that community members are able to verify the successful achievement of promised deliverables and milestones throughout the process. The intergration of NEO blockchain will be priotized.

Currently we have an existing working version:

Demo of how it works:

We are open to continuous communication and providing update during this process. Email:

Budget Plan

Development Costs: A significant portion of the budget will be allocated towards development costs, including software development, coding, testing, and optimization. This fund would be used to onboard a contracted frontend developer. At $12/hr working 25hrs in a week for the duration of 2 month. Total amount = $2400 (150 NEO) Legal and Compliance Expenses: A portion of the budget will be allocated towards legal and compliance expenses, including legal consultations, regulatory compliance assessments, and intellectual property rights protection. Ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of the project. $5000 (312.5 NEO) Marketing and Community Engagement Initiatives: Funds will be allocated towards community engagement initiatives, including marketing campaigns, community outreach events, and educational workshops. These initiatives are vital for raising awareness about TuneStamp and its integration with the NEO blockchain, as well as fostering collaboration and feedback from the community. $2000 (125 NEO) Documentation and Training: Budget will be allocated towards the development of comprehensive documentation and training materials (Writing,graphics and video) educate users about TuneStamp's features, benefits, and how to use the platform effectively. cost of making these material: Est $1200 (75 NEO)

Testing and Quality Assurance: Funds will be allocated towards beta testing programs, quality assurance measures, and bug fixing. These activities are crucial for identifying and addressing any technical issues or usability concerns before the official launch of TuneStamp after NEO integration, ensuring a seamless user experience. Beta testing and Bug bounty, Est. $1800 (112.5 NEO) Operational Expenses: A portion of the budget will be allocated towards operational expenses, and administrative costs. These expenses are necessary for maintaining the day-to-day operations of TuneStamp and ensuring the platform's reliability and scalability. Currently we are a team of 4. Est. $5600 (350 NEO)

About You / Your Organization


Jamie Gilchrist: CEO & Developer, technology focused, (SRE & Devops), Architecture & Systems engineering, blackchain and web3 expert. Joao Navarro: Product development & Delivery, Enterprise DevSecOps background, Security focused. George: Dev and UX Background Adelabu Abduquadri: UIUX designer, Marketing expert and business development specialist.

Portfolio of Projects / Past Experience

Recently worked as a business development specialist for MavaApp (a blockchain B2B platform based in UK). After a successful fund raising by the company, I helped with leads generation and onboarding of new users, collaboration with top web3 platforms. I have also worked as UI designer for various web2 and web3 products.

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "fa74ba52453d3b3f246a6913817390c8aedc85db"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "1125"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

DylanNNT commented 5 months ago

Thanks for submitting the Tunestamp proposal to GrantShares! Copyright protection is not something I think about often, but agree that it is an important part of any economy and businesses that operate within them. Further, Neo's smart economy focuses on digitizing real world economic processes, and this seems to be a perfect area when a public blockchain fits a real world need, without forcing a square peg into a round hole. So, I like the premise and envision a platform like this serving a necessary role in the Smart Economy!

With that said, I'll just rapid fire some questions to help get the convo starting.

I've got some general questions:

And some developer-oriented questions

And some decentralization maxi questions

Thanks, looking forward to the discussion!!

Realbislab commented 5 months ago
  1. I've got some general questions:

Answer: The market for copyright and patenting is a multi-billion dollar industry. IP rights are the bedrock of the creative and innovative industries, providing creators and inventors with the legal framework to protect and monetize their work. Tunestamp focuses on Copyright proof, which is standardized across 178 nations globally(Berne Convention) YouTube handles 75 million DMCA requests every month, with over $50 Billion paid in royalties to creators over 3 years(reported in 2022). However the process of proving the ownership of a particular copyright is problematic in the current model, where there are disparate methods of proof(notaries, centralized authorities, copyright offices etc). These methods are slow, and never proactive. Tunestamp leverages blockchain, so that our records are decentralized, independently verifiable(even via open source tooling), and provide an accurate irrefutable proof of creation. This streamlines the process of confirming intent(license type) and authorship. We also preserve identity, and users instead use key pairs, therefore having the ability to prove ownership(by signing) cryptographic proofs, rather than associating their name, email etc.

We also run audio fingerprint analysis on music files, checking these against known music databases, while building databases and deep learning models internally, so we can proactively seek out infringing content on behalf of our users.

Answer: Although we have gone live with our MVP, we are still working closely with our small customer base to refine the initial offering. Our intention is to stall on our hard launch date in favour of the soft launch date we passed at the end of 2023. Currently, we have been focussing on developing our market strategies, brand identity, and further research & development activities. We have also been actively working with legal representation in regards to blockchain legislation, and associated precedents in case law.

As part of our research and development activities we are working on our bespoke technologies, which move beyond copyright proof, to include DRM, royalty management, and form user-centric models for creative individuals to collaborate and monetise their work. These range from technologies involving Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Homomorphic Encryption, Proxy-Re-encryption, audio fingerprinting, social network implementations, and many more. Recently we have become associated with Scotland's first Blockchain Centre of Excellence, and we will be giving a talk at Napier University in June, at the upcoming conference on Cybersecurity & Cryptography: Digital Trust, Digital Identity and Blockchain. My talk, entitled: Copyright Proof for the 21st Century, will focus on the implications of blockchain in assisting the proof of copyright claims, as defined under the Berne Convention, and covering 178 nations.

  1. And some developer-oriented questions

Answer: Through extensive research. We currently have implementation on both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. For the initial MVP ( focussing on the Proof and verification mechanisms) did not require a Turing-Complete blockchain. Our initial focus was on:

A) Establishing irrefutable proof in the form of distributed/decentralized timestamp(aka timestamp-server) B) Digital Signatures( representing signed copyright encoded data, conforming with our soon to be Open Source standard Schema). C) An indexing system, so that files would be inherently linked with their record(in a self-verifying nature). I.e Cryptographically the file is hashed, and the result is then encoded (with additional identity information via Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Techniques) which then makes the file hash a deterministic pointer to the data, similar to the Content Addressing System used in IPFS. D) I also develop a system called AIDIOS(, which is a storage system protocol designed to store data( tied to identities directly) on multiple blockchain networks. I also utilise the properties of Ordinal Theory, where fractional UUID’s are associated with each asset. This means that without smart contracts, or turing complete systems, AIDIOS achieves non-fungeability across multiple blockchain protocols using the UTXO model. It was our original intention to utilize this, however I have recently agreed to license AIDIOS to AIBlock, who will use this as part of their blockchain storage, and integrate with their 2-way(double book keeping) ledger system. Now, as we look to implement further developments to the plattform it is our intention to move to a turing complete system, which also utilizes a consensus method, which is more socially conscious than the Proof Of Work. We are looking into the possibility of various network protocols( for exclusive use, or in tandem with an addition protocol)

Answer: Neo, Polygon. We are not looking at any other grants related to network protocols at this time.

Answer: We have various internal workshops, but as yet have not arranged workshops with our customers. Our intention is to first target communities and their respective administrators, where we run workshops and build affiliations.

  1. And some decentralization maxi questions

Answer: All user activity on the platform is handled via cryptographic means. The users identity, in the form of their private key ( which we act as custodian for), acts as sole gatekeeper of the records. All records are tied immutably to the file itself(no need to keep records, txid etc) and the users private key can be used to sign messages at a later date, proving ownership over the record. Although this proof is convenient via our platform and api, but via public block explorers this information will persist indefinitely.

Answer: We are open to the idea that this entire system will become open sourced in future, and certainly within the next 2-3 months all schema, verification tools, and other information will be made publicly available and open source. It is our firm belief that we must make open source and transparent the model used. We believe that there can exist a rich ecosystem of people working on different areas, all while sharing a common platform standard. Problems in this space are vast, and building upon known standards is a first step towards moving IP in line with Web3.0 principles.

Mrxdaunknown commented 5 months ago

Indeed an interesting and at the same time important topic. Maybe you could explain it in simpler terms about what´s your goal? Let´s say I´m an artist and I want to protect my creations, how could Tunestamp help me? Thanks in advance.

Also it would be great to see more GrantShares members comment on this proposal .).

Realbislab commented 5 months ago

Our Goal

Our goal is to empower creators with the ability to cheaply, efficiently and securely create proof of copyright for their creative work. Once they have done this, it means that they are then free to share,and otherwise work with others on their original pieces, while having the peace of mind that any infringing material (across any platform) can be actioned upon and any infringing material can be swiftly removed.

Our objective is to align with the terms and conditions as dictated in the Berne Convention(1886), which largely outlines the act of copyright across all 178 of it’s signatory members. In the Berne Convention, there are no boundaries or central authorities who govern copyright, instead copyright is achieved as soon as something is presented in a tangible medium( i.e a recorded track). However, although this right is afforded at creation time, proving this later, becomes a challenge.

The current solutions for providing proof depend on central authorities and notary services. These solutions are expensive, slow and go against the very core ethos of the Bern Convention itself. The current solutions also depend on trust(of the notary who would ultimately vouch for you or a central copyright office), lack of privacy technologies( other advanced cryptographic processes), and enhanced security features.

Our solution provides a cost efficient and instant method to achieve this proof, and the ability for other 3rd parties(across all borders) to verify it, without costly administration, delays or cost. Our solution leverages technologies/principles to enhance security( no single attack vectors, or points of failure), non-repudiation(digital signatures), advanced analysis of content(fingerprint analysis for identifying derivative work which may infringe), and self-verifying content(where original file content is tied directly to blockchain records, with no need for receipts, txids, addresses…streamlined). As well as also having record of the copyright, we also support over 60 licence types(a first) for the user to choose from. IN this sense, we empower the user to not only prove the fact they hold a valid copyright, but also that we have implicitly marked the user intention for the content.

Our plans extend beyond the proof of copyright. With the above system, we are working to streamline the back-logged DMCA and Takedown systems of the big providers( Apple, Youtube, Spotify etc), by providing them with a quick and instant method to verify infringement claims. With our system, providers can verify the copyright infringement claim in seconds, versus days/weeks. At the moment, YouTube faces over 4 Million Takedown requests per week, with no sign of slowdown or deceleration.

Let´s say I´m an artist and I want to protect my creations, how could Tunestamp help me?

As an artist:

I am a singer songwriter called Bob. I play in small clubs and venues and also have music published online. I use Tunestamp to protect my work( as well as my as-yet undisclosed work-in-progress) before I share or otherwise release my music. This means that I can dictate the terms of the copyright and have a way to prove this later. I can confidently share with potential collaborators, etc., without fear of my work being stolen, knowing that there is an irrefutable record stamped on TuneStamp which is a proof for copyright and ownership.

Later, when I upload my music to a platform(lets say SoundCloud), I can include the terms for the track(i.e All Rights Reserved), and optionally the link to the direct proof.

If later, I see someone using my track, or some large component of it, I can contact the platform hosting the infringing content, and request they take it down. The proof for my claim is included, and can be verified by the platform instantly.

Additionally, as a musician, I am always looking for ways to monetize my work. When I release my work through platforms like Spotify or Apple, I only receive some of the royalties for this. At the moment, I am at the mercy of the platform to accurately present me with the total number of streams my track has received, but this is not transparent. Further, for each platform, they need to track this individually(and disparately).

With Tunestamp, we aim to provide a mechanism for tracking and ensuring that royalties are accurately paid to the creator, and not lost in administration/and or technical errors. This constitutes the second phrase of the business model, which reaches beyond the DMCA and Takedown process streamlining.

We also have plan to create a social media platform within Tunestamp core GUI, a marketplace( for selling rights, leasing etc), a set of collaboration tools, and more.

Mrxdaunknown commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your detailed response. As a content creator myself I´m somehow interested :).

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 5 months ago

⛓ This proposal was created on-chain! 🔥🚀🎉

➡️ Now, waiting for a GrantShares Member to endorse it... ⏰

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

roman-khimov commented 5 months ago

I don't think it's viable on its own, without integrations into existing platforms.

Realbislab commented 5 months ago

Our project is entirely viable as a standalone solution, as we have already developed and implemented it. In our proposal, we're not seeking funding to create something new; rather, we're focused on growing what we've already built. While integration into existing platforms could provide additional benefits, our core functionality and value proposition are strong on their own. We're confident that our solution has the potential to become the preferred choice for music copyright management, and we're committed to achieving that goal.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 4 months ago

🚨 Outcome: this proposal expired! ⏰🤷‍♂️️

General info: