AxLabs / grantshares

GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
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Citizen Assemblies for DAOs #17

Closed grantshares-dapp[bot] closed 2 years ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

Citizen Assemblies for DAOs


Voxiberate solves one of the hardest problems in participatory governance, namely how to meaningfully engage a community made of members with a range of views, beliefs and experiences so that these members rationally deliberate on proposals and arrive at consensus decisions without coercion. Currently, most DAOs are opting for centralized forms of governance, which defeats the utility of decentralized peer-to-peer networks running on blockchains. The reason for this “web3 governance paradox” is lack of tools that could be used by DAO members to discuss and deliberate. Current tools such as Discord, Twitter, GitHub, etc. are not built for the purpose that DAOs need. Voxiberate is a tool based on a well-tested approach from applied political science called Citizen Assemblies. We have currently completed and tested our MVP. We believe DAOs will find our tool very useful in implementing decentralized forms of governance. Our tool can be used across a range of governance frameworks, from representational models (where members elect a governing council to deliberate and take decisions on their behalf), liquid democracy (where members can use Voxiberate to delegate deliberation - not just voting - to other members), and all the way to direct democracy (where all decisions are taken by plenary deliberation and voting). Voxiberate will thus enable innovators on NEO to experiment with new ways of governance that are not possible to implement on web 2.0, and thus demonstrate the true value, significance, and historical importance of the decentralized web.

Description of the Tool

For a full description of Voxiberate MVP and how it can be used by DAO communities please see this video where the product is demoed.


What are the main goals, and why?

We have developed our MVP and we now wish to add specific decentralized features so that Voxiberate can be used by DAOs. More specifically, we would like to:

  1. Ensure citizen anonymity and security via DID/Wallet login;
  2. Deliver transparency and auditability of deliberations and votes by recording votes on a blockchain or on a permaweb/decentralised storage;
  3. Leverage a native utility token to incentivise "good civic behavior", encourage citizens towards consensus and away from polarization, and provide opportunities for civic and community leadership to those who deserve it;
  4. Integrate a middleware for DAOs to release funds via deliberations on Voxiberate ("voxiberations");

Deliverables & Roadmap

The total project will last two months.

Month 1


  1. Research on Neo tooling to clarify how we can integrate the following with Voxiberate: DID login and wallet support Audit votes/store votes on-chain Delegated voting The Vox token A Neo-based DAO with releasing of funds after approving proposals;
  2. Selection of technology by prioritizing Neo tools mentioned in Task 1, on the basis of technological maturity, availability, and complexity for integrating to our platform;
  3. Selecting the desirable integrations that are feasible to implement in the second month.
  4. Improve the deliberation method by increasing the accuracy of the AI engine, as necessitated by the decentralized features that we will select and implement;
  5. Necessary UX design improvements to accommodate decentralized features (facilitator dashboard; citizen UI; Analytics dashboard) and front-end development;

Team Responsibilities G Zarkadakis (overall management responsibility; AI development; communications and community engagement); D Lazarou (further development of AI Engine); A Alm (software development and integrations); M Ilie (UX design); L Romero (Product Lead)

Milestone: List of Neo integrations to implement in second month

Key Deliverables

  1. Report on desirable integrations and decision on what to integrate with Voxiberate (prioritizing preference for Neo technologies, providing they are mature, easy to integrate); DID/Wallet support Audit votes/store votes on-chain Delegated voting Vox token Neo-based DAO integration with releasing of funds after approving proposals;
  2. Iteration of developed AI Engine;

Man-days: 30 Cost (USD): 10,486 Cost (NEO/USD $10.1): 1,038

Month 2


  1. Implement selected Integrations;
  2. Further development of AI Engine, as necessitated by the decentralized features that we will select and implement;
  3. Software implementation of improved and new UX features and functionality;
  4. Continuous testing of software development and integrations (automated testing of integrations and manual testing of the platform in combination with the integrations);

Team Responsibilities G Zarkadakis (overall management responsibility; AI development; communications and community engagement); D Lazarou (further development of AI Engine); A Alm (software development and integrations); M Ilie (UX design); L Romero (Product Lead)

Milestone: NA

Key Deliverables

  1. Dapp MVP 1.0 (50-60% complete). We are targeting to integrate as many of the following features as possible (depending on maturity and availability of Neo technologies and tools): DID/Wallet, Auditing votes; delegating votes; DAO Middleware for releasing funds via voxiberations; depending on maturity, complexity and availability of existing tools; smart contract code to integrate the Voxiberate platform with Neo will be open-source.
  2. Iteration of improved AI Engine and deliberation method

Man-days: 30 Cost (USD): 10,486 Cost (NEO/USD $10.1): 1,038

Deliverables Verifiability

How would the community be able to verify that the promised deliverables (or milestones) were successfully achieved?

Our Key Metrics per month of the project are as follows: For Month 1: Selection criteria for integrations: maturity of technology; acceptability; user base; sociopolitical nature of projects For Month 2: Software testing criteria: integrations functioning properly and reliably

We will be reporting on the above metrics at the end of each month with a Monthly Progress Report. This Report will be published on our Twitter channel, Telegram channels, and on the Discord Channel.

Budget Plan

What are the overall required resources (i.e., budget)?

We are requesting a total budget of USD 20,960 (NEO: 2,076)

How will the budget be used to achieve the project goal?

It will be used to pay for labor costs only. We have not included technology and computing costs, or other overheads, which we will absorb. For a detailed breakdown of rates and budget allocation for each member of the Voxiberate team see table below:

Name H Rate ($) Max Hours/month Availability 1. Month Hrs 1. Month Fees 2. Month Hrs 2. Month Fees Total Fees
George Zarkadakis 45 160 10% 16 720 16 720 1,440
Anders Alm 45 160 100% 160 7,200 160 7,200 14,400
Dimitris Lazarou 45 160 20% 32 1,440 32 1,440 2,880
Luiza Romero 45 160 10% 16 720 16 720 1,440
Maria Ilie 25 160 10% 16 400 16 400 800
Total hours 240 240
Total mandays 30 30
Fees/month (USD) 10,480 10,480
Total Fees (USD) 20,960

About You / Your Organization

Dr George Zarkadakis is Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Centre and the CEO of Voxiberate. He has >25 years’ experience in business consulting, media, marketing and communications; as well as in technology innovation as a founder, advisor, and investor in startups. He has held leadership positions at Accenture, Silicon Graphics, the European Bioinformatics Institute, and Willis Towers Watson. He holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from City University, and is the author of "In Our Own Image: will Artificial Intelligence Save Us or Destroy Us?” (Penguin 2015), and "Cyber Republic: reinventing democracy in the age of intelligent machines" (MIT Press 2020, with an introduction by Don Tapscott, author of “Blockchain Revolution”). He has been awarded a knighthood by France for his international work on the public understanding of science; is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; and a global thought leader on the future of work and democracy. He speaks English, French, and Greek.

Anders Alm has >20 years of experience as a software developer and entrepreneur, and is the CTO of Voxiberate. He is the founder of WAU I/O, a technology company that delivers customised web 3.0 and business software solutions to the international market, and an investor and Board member of e-sakafo, the leading food delivery service in Madagascar. Prior to that Anders has worked in various project management and product development roles with the Government of Norway, McAfee and Dell. He studied engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, and is fluent in English, Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish.

Luiza Romero has a degree in Law. She has worked at EY for 11 years, in its global tax practice. In 2014 she became the driving force behind the design and implementation of six uniquely positioned tax data analytics solutions with a global scale, and worked with global innovation leaders on a variety of technology projects, mobile/web applications (TaxChat), AI and crypto (EY CryptoPrep). In 2018 she joined a blockchain startup as a product manager to help lead the financial audit and reporting industry transformation into its decentralized and real-time future. She is a lecturer on blockchain at NYU. She speaks English and Portuguese.

Dimitris Lazarou has an MSc in High Energy Physics from Florida State University, and a BSc in Software Engineering from Athens University. He has 8+ years of experience head of data science in successful startups such as Seez (second hand car marketplace in Middle East) and Careem (acquired by Uber for $3.1B in 2020). Prior to that he worked as quantitative analyst at Golden Water Capital (a hedge fund) and Signal Maritime. He is an expert in Machine Learning, Data Engineering and Data Warehousing. He speaks English and Greek.

Maria-Adriana Ilie is graduating in 2022 with a BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, and she's an experienced UX/UI designer across a diverse portfolio of projects. She has worked with Voxiberate in the design of the first iteration of our MVP. She speaks English and Romanian.

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "0567d50f5afec7e8455583996d38dddd7af3c30b"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "2076"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your proposal, @zarkadakis!

It's a sound, organized, and self-contained proposal, from our point of view (@AxLabs). 💪

About the deliverables: we think that the way you split it into 2 parts, makes sense. The first it's like a feasibility study, where Voxiberate's team will interface with the Neo community and build the concept + PoC's. The second, it's the start of implementation. Thus, it gives room for adapting the implementation based on what the team discovers in the first part.

We, from @AxLabs, also think that having Voxiberate in our community will be a pretty much useful tool to flourish DAO ecosystems. I'm still in love with this demo. That's awesome. 🚀 ❤️

Perhaps GrantShares could think about using Voxiberate in the future for deliberation. But that's something for the far future. 😄 Just thinking out loud.

Besides that, it's awesome to see people from different areas of knowledge (besides Computer Scientists) getting interested in Blockchain, and, more specifically, in Neo. 💚

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

@shargon @lllwvlvwlll @devhawk @JohndeVadoss @steven1227 @igormcoelho @deanragnarok @hacfox @realloc: What's your opinion on this proposal?

deanragnarok commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis

Thanks for the proposal! I have one main question, and probably others depending on the answer. Your first key deliverable is noted as:

Report on desirable integrations and decision on what to integrate with Voxiberate (prioritizing preference for Neo technologies, providing they are mature, easy to integrate)

This sound pretty non-committal to using Neo, and that in fact, we may fund this proposal and you could decide after phase one that Neo is not suitable for Voxiberate. NNT feels that ideally this evaluation should be done prior to us funding the initiative.

Can you speak to any R&D you've already done on the Neo technologies and ecosystem, and what you need to see before you're sure Neo can support your needs?

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis

Thanks for the proposal! I have one main question, and probably others depending on the answer. Your first key deliverable is noted as:

Report on desirable integrations and decision on what to integrate with Voxiberate (prioritizing preference for Neo technologies, providing they are mature, easy to integrate)

This sound pretty non-committal to using Neo, and that in fact, we may fund this proposal and you could decide after phase one that Neo is not suitable for Voxiberate. NNT feels that ideally this evaluation should be done prior to us funding the initiative.

Can you speak to any R&D you've already done on the Neo technologies and ecosystem, and what you need to see before you're sure Neo can support your needs?

Thank for your question @deanragnarok Let me clarify our intention, and our thinking. Our vision is for Voxiberate to be used by DAO projects across many blockchain ecosystems. We do not have the bandwidth to do everything at once, so we need to prioritize. Having completed the first iteration of our MVP our immediate next goal is to develop several Dapp features (as described in the Proposal) so that Voxiberate can be used by DAOs. We have expertise in the team to do this for Ethereum right away. We do not unfortunately have the time, or resources, to divert into exploring other blockchain ecosystems and do feasibility studies on available tech etc., unless we get funded to do so. We definitely want to include Neo in our roadmap. However, we can only prioritize Neo (including research into available technologies etc.) if we get a grant to do so. Which also means that if we do get the grant of course we are committed to develop Dapp features so that Neo projects can use Voxiberate. The deliverable is described in the proposal so that we are all aligned around scope, i.e. given the budget and time duration of the project we cannot integrate/develop everything, so we need to - again - *prioritize" what we will integrate/develop. So the question you need to ask yourself is whether you believe Neo projects will benefit from using Voxiberate, and if our product will enrich the Neo ecosystem. If the answer to those questions is "yes" then your support, and the support of Grant Shares, will enable us to prioritize Neo over other blockchains at this juncture of our product roadmap, start from here, and make Voxiberate available to Neo projects.

lock9 commented 2 years ago

Hello. What is your business model? Who and how, will maintain the project, after it is released?

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Hello. What is your business model? Who and how, will maintain the project, after it is released?

Thanks for your question @lock9 We will have a subscription model based on how many members "voxiberate" on a number of sessions per month. We will be maintaining, and indeed improving, Voxiberate as we grow our customer base and attract investment.

lock9 commented 2 years ago

Hello @zarkadakis, could you elaborate a bit more?


gsmachado commented 2 years ago
  • What is the predicted cost for maintenance? How much funding would be needed to sustain this project for 12 months? (after release). Considering only fixes and small updates

@lock9 while the question above ☝️ is super relevant, I don't think that the answer is a "make-it-or-break-it" point for deciding on whether to provide a grant or not. By reading the proposal and checking their website, it's clear that Voxiberate is a commercial platform and will acquire money from VCs and paid customers along their journey to sustain the project. Therefore, if GrantShares DAO sees potential in the overall idea/project and it's something customers would want, I wouldn't be super concerned about "predicted maintenance costs". Also because Voxiberate is a start-up in pre-traction, and things might not be so crystal clear yet at this stage.

Do you agree with me?

But I'm certainly curious about the answers to your other questions. 👍 🤔

If I'm misunderstanding something, @zarkadakis, please chime in. 😄

lock9 commented 2 years ago

Hi @gsmachado, I don't think it is a blocker either. I'm making these questions because I would like to understand what will happen after it has been released. I like the proposal, and I would vote for it. The team seems very capable and educated.

I know that it is not easy to come up with an answer to those questions. 'We don't know yet' is a valid answer. I believe that it is important to know what is missing. This can help the team to allocate resources properly. I would like to have some commitment that the project will be maintained. I'm not worried that the team will disappear, but if there are no funds to pay for their time, they won't be able to sustain it - even if they want to.

TL;DR: I would vote for it without the answers. I worry about not having a medium-term plan, but that is not a blocker.

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Hello @zarkadakis, could you elaborate a bit more?

  • Who will pay for this? The DAO members?
  • How do they pay for this? Credit card? Crypto? How do you charge for the subscription?
  • About the investors: what kind of return will you provide them?
  • You say about creating the Vox Token. What is this going to be used for?
  • What is the predicted cost for maintenance? How much funding would be needed to sustain this project for 12 months? (after release). Considering only fixes and small updates


Thanks @lock9 for you questions - let me try to respond the best way I can:

lock9 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @zarkadakis. Besides funding, is there any other help the community can provide? I like this project a lot and would vote in favor of it. I don't have any more questions.

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @zarkadakis. Besides funding, is there any other help the community can provide? I like this project a lot and would vote in favor of it. I don't have any more questions.

Absolutely yes @lock9 and indeed we look forward to engaging with the community deeper and get help in navigating and understanding better the Neo ecosystem, test and get feedback on our value proposition and use cases, and piloting Voxiberate with Neo projects.

lock9 commented 2 years ago

I was discussing this project with other COZ members and one thing wasn't clear. What is going to be built as a result of this project? Because I'm assuming that something will be built. In month 2 there are the 'Software testing criteria: integrations functioning properly and reliably". The time sheet also uses all of the CTO time.

Is this just an investigation project or is this an implementation project?

andersalm commented 2 years ago

I was discussing this project with other COZ members and one thing wasn't clear. What is going to be built as a result of this project? Because I'm assuming that something will be built. In month 2 there are the 'Software testing criteria: integrations functioning properly and reliably". The time sheet also uses all of the CTO time.

Is this just an investigation project or is this an implementation project?

Hi @lock9 ,

Thanks for the questions.

What is going to be built as a result of this project?

Depending on how our research and priority, we aim to build the following:

**1. VOX (NEP-17 token), a utility token that can be used to get access to the service and rewards related to user activities.

  1. Wallet integration and interface for VOX tokens overview
  2. Distribution mechanisms for VOX tokens
  3. Interface for delegating votes
  4. Smart contract for delegated voting**
  5. Interface for verifying the integrity of completed proposals
  6. Smart contract for storing/auditing votes
  7. Interface for adding funding rewards to proposals
  8. Smart contract for releasing funds after approved proposal
  9. Login with NeoID (if not available, we can log in with wallet)

I don't expect us to be able to build everything during these 2 months. Points 1-5 seems most likely. If we find a DAO to work with, points 8 and 9 could be a higher priority. NeoID would also be a higher priority if this feature is ready (it seems not to be publicly available)

The time sheet also uses all of the CTO time.

This also includes development time from the dev team.

Is this just an investigation project or is this an implementation project?

~50% investigation and ~50% building. The investigation phase will produce the implementation plan and a suggested roadmap that includes the features we won't prioritize implementing.

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

I don't expect us to be able to build everything during these 2 months. Points 1-5 seems most likely. If we find a DAO to work with, points 8 and 9 could be a higher priority. NeoID would also be a higher priority if this feature is ready (it seems not to be publicly available)

@andersalm, about your point related to a DAO integration👆 , well, we should chat a bit -- GrantShares DAO is a strong potential candidate. 😄 😅 I just can't imagine yet how this would work.

But, I agree with you that points 1-5 seem to be the base for 6-10.

lllwvlvwlll commented 2 years ago

I think we could provide some direct support for wallet integrations as well as prioritization of features and advisory for (10). We can also provide support for any needs in the first set of deliverables. I really like the concept you would be bringing to our ecosystem, but have some concerns which were already presented by @deanragnarok as well as some associated with the scope.

Personally, I consider our ecosystem tools to be relatively mature (if you know where to look for what you need), but would challenge even our existing ecosystem teams to deliver on the scope of 1-5 in a way that is ready for general availability in 4 weeks. The scope and timeline are my primary concerns.

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

I think we could provide some direct support for wallet integrations as well as prioritization of features and advisory for (10). We can also provide support for any needs in the first set of deliverables. I really like the concept you would be bringing to our ecosystem, but have some concerns which were already presented by @deanragnarok as well as some associated with the scope.

Personally, I consider our ecosystem tools to be relatively mature (if you know where to look for what you need), but would challenge even our existing ecosystem teams to deliver on the scope of 1-5 in a way that is ready for general availability in 4 weeks. The scope and timeline are my primary concerns.

I share everyone's concerns about scope and that explains our approach, as described by @andersalm . We have prioritized certain features from the outset (1-5), but we will review this list on the basis of the research, and from discussion and guidance given by the community during month 1. And then we will build as much as we can i(ie deliver so that they work) n month 2.

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Expanding further on my response to the community regarding uncertainty of scope, let me suggest the following. We can shorten the research part of the project significantly (say to 2 weeks max instead of 4), if we can get the community to provide us with advice and guidance on the Neo ecosystem. This advice may take the shape of a 1-2hrs workshop on week 1 whereby we go through the "wishlist" presented by @andersalm and identify the tools, components and technology options for making Voxiberate available to Neo projects. We can then dive deeper on documentation during week 2 and quickly decide what we will/can build during the 6 weeks, and go ahead and begin the building. As we build we will probably need some additional support and guidance, so it would be great to have identified a small group of individuals ("advisors") whom we can contact on an ad hoc basis (via email, or quick call) and ask questions. I hope that by reshaping our proposal approach this way we can respond effectively to any concerns around reducing risk and managing scope. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this suggestion.

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

We can shorten the research part of the project significantly (say to 2 weeks max instead of 4), if we can get the community to provide us with advice and guidance on the Neo ecosystem. This advice may take the shape of a 1-2hrs workshop on week 1 whereby we go through the "wishlist" presented by @andersalm and identify the tools, components and technology options for making Voxiberate available to Neo projects.

Great to hear that ☝️, @zarkadakis. I think this covers what @deanragnarok raised in this comment.

We, @AxLabs, could provide you with some guidance in the first week, no problem.

As we build we will probably need some additional support and guidance, so it would be great to have identified a small group of individuals ("advisors") whom we can contact on an ad hoc basis (via email, or quick call) and ask questions. I hope that by reshaping our proposal approach this way we can respond effectively to any concerns around reducing risk and managing scope. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this suggestion.

About this ☝️, it would be nice to get more members from our DAO (besides @AxLabs). It would be good to see more candidates here, part of such a "group of individuals" as "advisors".

deanragnarok commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis,

Let me pose this question:

Let's say we fund this proposal and at the end of the research phase (whether this is done internally, or via a workshop with the community) Voxiberate decides that Neo is not mature enough or that it's features do not meet your needs - How will you proceed in next phase?

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis,

Let me pose this question:

Let's say we fund this proposal and at the end of the research phase (whether this is done internally, or via a workshop with the community) Voxiberate decides that Neo is not mature enough or that it's features do not meet your needs - How will you proceed in next phase?

Hi @deanragnarok Our decision point question is NOT if Neo is mature enough but WHICH NEO TECHNOLOGIES are mature enough so we can work with them in the timeline and budget available.

lock9 commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis ,

What features do you need for your project? What kind of answer are you looking for? What are the questions?

zarkadakis commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis ,

What features do you need for your project? What kind of answer are you looking for? What are the questions?

Hi @lock9 I would kindly refer you to our proposal and to the conversation thread above. Thanks

andersalm commented 2 years ago

Hi @zarkadakis ,

What features do you need for your project? What kind of answer are you looking for? What are the questions?

One example is NeoID, which is mentioned as a feature on However, I have not been able to find any SDKs and existing implementations regarding it. Only some mentions about possible implementations in a 2-3-year-old Github Issue and various Twitter posts.

The question, in this case, would be is this feature ready? If so, where can I find SDK/tools/documentation regarding it?

Some features might be at an early stage, as we have experienced with other projects. In this case, should we spend our time on this and help push the technology forward to make it more usable or is it better to way a few months?

I took an interest in Neo when it was called Ant Shares and played around in the ecosystem then and during Neo v1, but I have not used it since Neo 2/3 and I assume many things have changed since then.

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

One example is NeoID, which is mentioned as a feature on However, I have not been able to find any SDKs and existing implementations regarding it. Only some mentions about possible implementations in a 2-3-year-old Github Issue and various Twitter posts.

The question, in this case, would be is this feature ready? If so, where can I find SDK/tools/documentation regarding it?

Maybe @lllwvlvwlll could give you more insights about the progress of this!? ☝️ Or, maybe, someone else?

@andersalm In any way, I think Voxiberate could start by integrating Neo wallets into the dApp. Once a Voxiberate-based community is created (and potentially integrated into a DAO), how would you invite blockchain-based members to it? The most simplistic way I can think of, is that the community owner could add Neo wallet addresses to it (with the help of some sort of tooling developed for this purpose). Or, another way, would be: the owner could generate invitations for users (through email, maybe) for minting a non-transferrable NFT (representing membership in one or more communities). Or something like that. I'm just brainstorming out loud.

Maybe this could be a good "design work" for the first month of this proposal.

andersalm commented 2 years ago

@andersalm In any way, I think Voxiberate could start by integrating Neo wallets into the dApp. Once a Voxiberate-based community is created (and potentially integrated into a DAO), how would you invite blockchain-based members to it? The most simplistic way I can think of, is that the community owner could add Neo wallet addresses to it (with the help of some sort of tooling developed for this purpose). Or, another way, would be: the owner could generate invitations for users (through email, maybe) for minting a non-transferrable NFT (representing membership in one or more communities). Or something like that. I'm just brainstorming out loud.

Maybe this could be a good "design work" for the first month of this proposal.

Yes exactly. There are many details to work out on how to integrate these functionalities, ideally in cooperation with the community and specific projects.

If we add a DAO as a community, we could also automatically invite all token holders, or let anyone with tokens get access. Minting NFTs for access is an exciting approach that we should explore further, as it provides Proof of Attendance and could probably make the system Sybil-attack resistant.

lock9 commented 2 years ago


Hi @zarkadakis , What features do you need for your project? What kind of answer are you looking for? What are the questions?

Hi @lock9 I would kindly refer you to our proposal and to the conversation thread above. Thanks

I've read it again. I think I've missed some important things you said.Let me see if I can rewrite those questions with some references:


What are the main goals, and why?

We have developed our MVP and we now wish to add specific decentralized features so that Voxiberate can be used by DAOs. More specifically, we would like to:

  1. Ensure citizen anonymity and security via DID/Wallet login;
  2. Deliver transparency and auditability of deliberations and votes by recording votes on a blockchain or on a permaweb/decentralised storage;
  3. Leverage a native utility token to incentivise "good civic behavior", encourage citizens towards consensus and away from polarization, and provide opportunities for civic and community leadership to those who deserve it;
  4. Integrate a middleware for DAOs to release funds via deliberations on Voxiberate ("voxiberations");

It is not clear to me what is already implemented on MVP. I didn't understand if your research is about knowing if Neo is going to support DID, or if Neo is going to support your implementation of the DID.

Month 1


  1. Research on Neo tooling to clarify how we can integrate the following with Voxiberate: DID login and wallet support Audit votes/store votes on-chain Delegated voting The Vox token A Neo-based DAO with releasing of funds after approving proposals;
  2. Selection of technology by prioritizing Neo tools mentioned in Task 1, on the basis of technological maturity, availability, and complexity for integrating to our platform;
  3. Selecting the desirable integrations that are feasible to implement in the second month.
  4. Improve the deliberation method by increasing the accuracy of the AI engine, as necessitated by the decentralized features that we will select and implement;
  5. Necessary UX design improvements to accommodate decentralized features (facilitator dashboard; citizen UI; Analytics dashboard) and front-end development;

Again, it is mentioned maturity and availability. The answer to these questions may depend a lot on what you expect to exist. DID as an example. What is the current situation?

After reading the last post, you seem to want to develop some kind of DID SDK.

The most confusing part to me, and that is why my brain is going back and forth about this: On deliverables:

Dapp MVP 1.0 (50-60% complete)

Is the current MVP 50/60% complete, or is the final delivery going to be 50/60% complete? I thought it was the second, but the proposal has this line:

We have currently completed and tested our MVP

What is included in this completed and tested MVP? Is there a list?

The same here:

Improve the deliberation method by increasing the accuracy of the AI engine, as necessitated by the decentralized features that we will select and implement;

It is not clear to me what is this AI engine. I suppose this is part of the existing MVP. I didn't understand how it relates to all of it.

The vital part that I've missed:

Expanding further on my response to the community regarding uncertainty of scope, let me suggest the following. We can shorten the research part of the project significantly (say to 2 weeks max instead of 4), if we can get the community to provide us with advice and guidance on the Neo ecosystem. This advice may take the shape of a 1-2hrs workshop on week 1 whereby we go through the "wishlist" presented by @andersalm and identify the tools, components and technology options for making Voxiberate available to Neo projects

That is a great idea. We can provide help for more than 2 hours a week if needed.

andersalm commented 2 years ago

It is not clear to me what is already implemented on MVP. I didn't understand if your research is about knowing if Neo is going to support DID, or if Neo is going to support your implementation of the DID.

  • Is your DID solution implemented? How much of it? (if not all). Or do you want to use an existing DID solution?
  • Do you have a solution for anonymity yet? Do you want to know if your solution is feasible on Neo, or do you want to design a solution that is compatible with Neo?
  • I didn't understand what features you need to integrate into your project. Do you need a specific hash function or curve parameters?
  • About the token, I understand that you will come up with this during the research.
  • It is unclear what you mean by 'integrate a middleware for DAOs to release funds". Do you mean voting, like here on GrantShares?
  • Could you explain what you mean by middleware? Is this a smart contract, a website, or a service that runs daily to aggregate votes?

The MVP includes the minimum features needed to make a Voxiberation (AI-assisted deliberation with voting on a proposal) as seen here:

There are no blockchain features in this MVP. No DID features are implemented; only register/login with email and password.

The features we are looking to implement is to make the web application work with blockchain technology (wallet/token/smart contracts and so on).

For example, the "middleware for DAOS" would include setting up funding/escrow smart contracts for proposals. Then we can do voting on-chain and release funds if the proposal is passed.

Again, it is mentioned maturity and availability. The answer to these questions may depend a lot on what you expect to exist. DID as an example. What is the current situation?

  • Your team is planning to use their existing DID framework
  • Your team is planning to use our existing DID framework
  • Your team is planning to build a DID framework using Neo

After reading the last post, you seem to want to develop some kind of DID SDK.

The most confusing part to me, and that is why my brain is going back and forth about this: On deliverables:

We were expecting to use NeoID, hoping the SDK was already available, but it looks like it is not. We are familiar with DID on Elastos, which is W3C compatible. I have no idea if this is relevant, or will fit, Neo.

Dapp MVP 1.0 (50-60% complete)

Is the current MVP 50/60% complete, or is the final delivery going to be 50/60% complete? I thought it was the second, but the proposal has this line:

I can see why this is confusing. The APP MVP 1.0 is complete. Then we will build a dAPP MVP, which will include about half of the features mentioned.

We have currently completed and tested our MVP

What is included in this completed and tested MVP? Is there a list?

Refer to above comments and the video.

It is not clear to me what is this AI engine. I suppose this is part of the existing MVP. I didn't understand how it relates to all of it.

The AI engine deals with all the comments generated by users, groups them by theme, and presents them back to the user for voting with a Delphi method. Depending on use cases, this AI engine must be tweaked to fit the purpose.

lock9 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @andersalm.

I liked the proposal of having a hackathon / group research method to help your team. My personal opinion is that you can submit the proposal for phase 1, and include this mandatory community participation (hackathon, meeting, or equivalent). I want to make sure that our responsibilities are also included. I would also suggest you add some background on what already exists.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

🚫 This proposal was cancelled (closed discussion) on request of the proposal's owner.