AxLabs / grantshares

GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 3 forks source link

Cross-Chain Tech Aggregator for users and developers Rubic #33

Open grantshares-dapp[bot] opened 1 year ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago


This proposal is prepared for getting integration of Neo into Rubic, which is a "One-click" Cross-Chain Swap Protocol and tools to enable it for dApps. Users can swap over 15,500+ tokens, on and between 60 + blockchains, through the aggregation of over 90+ DEXs, different bridges and cross-chain providers.

Proposal Information


DeFi is a complex subject. Sometimes it can be very complicated for even experienced users to understand it, not to mention newcomers.

Rubic's main goal is to simplify the whole of DeFi. Using our platform, users can swap almost any token for any other, on and between any of supported blockchains, DEXs and bridges, while enabling the swapping of 15,500+ assets with the best rates, highest liquidity, and transaction speeds - in one click of a button. We offer developer tools that enable platforms to quickly and easily build omnichain dApps as well.

In addition, Rubic’s app and our cross-chain widget provide Fiat On-ramp services, making crypto easy to access and buy.


At Rubic, we are committed to making Web3 more accessible and interoperable. Our vision is to aggregate the best cross-chain technologies into a single platform that developers can use to easily build interoperable dApps and users even with no experience.


We know that cross-chain technology is not just a trend, but a necessity, as liquidity is distributed over different chains. This point touches each project type - Gaming, DeFi, NFT marketplaces, launchpads, DEXs, Social, Education.

We also understand that this infrastructure is lacking in the blockchain space, making development time-consuming and expensive for developers who want to make their dApps interoperable across chains. That's why Rubic's solution is so important: we help developers to easily and quickly create cross-chain dApps, regardless of what their function is and help experienced or fresh blockchain users to orient is this complicated cutting-edge world.

Deliverables & Roadmap

Milestone 1:

Rubic integration with a fiat gateway (i.e., ChangeNOW) to expose $NEO and $GAS to fiat and to make $NEO and $GAS accessible to other ecosystems was completed in March 2023.

Milestone 2:

Benefits for NEO

This integration provides benefits for NEO users and for users of all other supported blockchains and developers as well as the NEO ecosystem as a whole.


The Rubic Cross-Chain Widget is an unparalleled solution that enables users to buy and sell tokens without leaving the website. By integrating this Widget, NEO projects can benefit from a seamless and user-friendly token trading experience. They can access 15,500 tokens for cross-chain and on-chain swaps across 60+ blockchains, leveraging Rubic's extensive network of DEXs and bridges that provide the best transaction routes and token prices. This integration also offers a fiat on-ramp, allowing users to easily onboard and participate in the NEO ecosystem.


Furthermore, Rubic's SDK provides a comprehensive set of cross-chain functions that can be implemented by NEO developers. In 1-2 weeks or less, developers can deploy a complete cross-chain product, ready to go to market and generate revenue. With Rubic's SDK, developers can build cross-chain technology from scratch or enhance existing projects with cross-chain features. The SDK opens a seamless access to 60+ blockchains, 90+ DEXs, and bridges, enabling efficient transaction routes and token rates. Developers also benefit from 24/7 support, timely updates, and the ability to customize the UI/UX to their preferences. By integrating Rubic's SDK, developers can make NEO interoperable with other projects, wallets, dApps, games, NFT platforms, and more, expanding its reach and attracting users from different chains and projects. Additionally, developers can earn up to 50% of the fees generated through the SDK, boosting revenue and incentivizing cross-chain adoption.

Achievements of Rubic:

Roadmap Development:

Deliverables Verifiability

Budget Plan

About You / Your Organization



Vladimir Tikhomirov -

Highly experienced and visionary founder, with a PhD in Computer Science and a successful track record as a software industry executive with over 10 years of experience, Vladimir brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the team. He is a seasoned entrepreneur, having founded the popular smart contract platform and the Polygon-based DEX Algebra

Alexandra Korneva -

Alexandra Korneva brings a wealth of business acumen to the team, with a Master's degree in Business Administration and Management and extensive experience leading marketing and communication companies, including Hapax and AIESEC in Ireland.

The rest of the Rubic team consists of talented entrepreneurs and smart contract developers, with a wealth of experience in the industry and previous stints at renowned companies such as Microsoft, Motorola, Visa, and Unilever.

Rubic team is multinational from different regions of Earth including Eastern Europe, Germany, and the United States, with our headquarters in Dubai, UAE.

Our team is fully transparent, with all members publicly disclosed, and we have earned recognition from industry leaders such as Polygon, Harmony, Symbyosis, Tezos, Bitgert, and the Internet Computer for our outstanding contributions to the Web3 space.

If you want to know more about the team and assess their social media or github channels, check out:

Portfolio of Projects / Past Experience - Algebra is a breakthrough AMM, and a concentrated liquidity protocol for decentralized exchanges, running on adaptive fees. Providing projects with more user-friendly, fresh DeFi solutions and implementing the most efficient technologies, it reforms the DeFi field as we know it. Algebra is a concentrated liquidity protocol used by DEXs, such as QuickSwap, StellaSwap, ZyberSwap, UbeSwap and so on. - MyWish smart contract platform. The platform fully automates the process of contracts creation and deployment making the whole process fast and simple. MyWish fully automated smart contracts creation, and provides pre-audited smart contracts for both: private and business use: Token, Deflationary token, Crowdsale, Airdrop, Token protector, Investment pool, Lost key for tokens, Lost key, Deferred payment, Will contract, Wedding contract.

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "0fa10ea73ac2ff69d05d932e971a882762d98533"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "1000000000000"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Will be glad to answer all questions regarding Rubic and its service.

Btw amount requested is only 7000 GAS, not 700000000000.

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Will be glad to answer all questions regarding Rubic and its service.

Btw amount requested is only 7000 GAS, not 700000000000.

Hello i have one question do you use Polynetwork relayer's or do you have your own bridge solution. ;

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Will be glad to answer all questions regarding Rubic and its service. Btw amount requested is only 7000 GAS, not 700000000000.

Hello i have one question do you use Polynetwork relayer's or do you have your own bridge solution. ;

Hi there! We use Polynetwork relayers so in regard of being hacked we are secured. We have no risk in case of bridges hacking, we have ability to shut off any of different bridges, any of different liquidity pools that were sourcing from at any given time. We do 24/7 monitoring, we have 24/7 support stuff as well. Someone is always present to be able to make sure the system is automatically doing what it needs to do.

DylanNNT commented 1 year ago

Howdy team Rubic! Neo can definitely use more cross-chain solutions beyond Poly Network, so it's nice to see this proposal. It's also nice to see the various L1's Rubic supports, and their associated tokens. I've got a bunch of questions and look forward to reading your responses!

Beyond the fees on both networks when swapping tokens between blockchains, what sort of fees does Rubic charge for users who access the bridging and swapping services?

Does the BRBC token live on each network Rubic supports? Do users need to pay for fees in BRBC? Does Rubic intend to launch a BRBC token on Neo?

Beyond NEO and GAS, will users be able to send and swap other NEP-17 tokens (i.e., FLM, GM, etc.) with tokens on other networks?

Neo operates on the NeoVM, not EVM. Do you foresee any issues associated with implementing a non-EVM network into the suite of blockchains, DEXs, and bridges Rubic supports?

Do you plan to add support for Neo's Chrome extension wallets (NeoLine, OneGate) and desktop Neon Wallet (which has integrated Wallet Connect) into the Rubic dApp?

What do relationships with DEXs look like? How would Rubic collaborate with Neo's premiere DEX, Flamingo Finance? What about a grassroots token swapping platform like Forthewin Network?

When adding support for new blockchain networks, does Rubic need support from developers in the associated foundations? Will there be any additional support needed from the Neo Foundation, or can Rubic integrate Neo into its dApp without direct support from the developers building the Neo blockchain?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions!

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Will be glad to answer all questions regarding Rubic and its service. Btw amount requested is only 7000 GAS, not 700000000000.

Hello i have one question do you use Polynetwork relayer's or do you have your own bridge solution. ;

Hi there! We use Polynetwork relayers so in regard of being hacked we are secured. We have no risk in case of bridges hacking, we have ability to shut off any of different bridges, any of different liquidity pools that were sourcing from at any given time. We do 24/7 monitoring, we have 24/7 support stuff as well. Someone is always present to be able to make sure the system is automatically doing what it needs to do.

Great. Another question , could Rubic protocol bridge any(NVM) stablecoin like FUSD(Coming soon ) to <-> EVM stablecoins like USDT ,BUSD,USDC etc to enable and inflow and out flow of funds via stablecoins between NEO Chain and EVM compatible chains., thanks.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Howdy team Rubic! Neo can definitely use more cross-chain solutions beyond Poly Network, so it's nice to see this proposal. It's also nice to see the various L1's Rubic supports, and their associated tokens. I've got a bunch of questions and look forward to reading your responses!

Beyond the fees on both networks when swapping tokens between blockchains, what sort of fees does Rubic charge for users who access the bridging and swapping services?

Does the BRBC token live on each network Rubic supports? Do users need to pay for fees in BRBC? Does Rubic intend to launch a BRBC token on Neo?

Beyond NEO and GAS, will users be able to send and swap other NEP-17 tokens (i.e., FLM, GM, etc.) with tokens on other networks?

Neo operates on the NeoVM, not EVM. Do you foresee any issues associated with implementing a non-EVM network into the suite of blockchains, DEXs, and bridges Rubic supports?

Do you plan to add support for Neo's Chrome extension wallets (NeoLine, OneGate) and desktop Neon Wallet (which has integrated Wallet Connect) into the Rubic dApp?

What do relationships with DEXs look like? How would Rubic collaborate with Neo's premiere DEX, Flamingo Finance? What about a grassroots token swapping platform like Forthewin Network?

When adding support for new blockchain networks, does Rubic need support from developers in the associated foundations? Will there be any additional support needed from the Neo Foundation, or can Rubic integrate Neo into its dApp without direct support from the developers building the Neo blockchain?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions!

Good day to you kind sir! Definitely Rubic's service will fit for users needs as it does from its launch in September 2020, our team does a huge amount of work every day to be the best solution. I will post the answers below one by one for your evaluation:

Beyond the fees on both networks when swapping tokens between blockchains, what sort of fees does Rubic charge for users who access the bridging and swapping services? Beyond the network fees Rubic charges only 1$ fee for any cross chain swap flowing through the platform, it doesn't depend on the amount of transaction. Just 1$ fee for execution.

Does the BRBC token live on each network Rubic supports? Do users need to pay for fees in BRBC? Does Rubic intend to launch a BRBC token on Neo? Rubic has BRC token on the following networks - Ethereum, Polygon, but BRBC is on BNB Smart Chain. Users don't pay the fee in BRBC or RBC, Fee is paid by users in network source native token, it is one-time payment fee. I think launching of RBC on Neo can be discussed but for now there were no intentions to do that.

Beyond NEO and GAS, will users be able to send and swap other NEP-17 tokens (i.e., FLM, GM, etc.) with tokens on other networks? Speaking about cross chain swapping tokens except for GAS and NEO - sure, we will whitelist different assets at the same time with Neo integration. Moreover, any project on Neo network can send a request to our team for listing their token as well. Usually listing enquires are reviewed during 2 working days.

Neo operates on the NeoVM, not EVM. Do you foresee any issues associated with implementing a non-EVM network into the suite of blockchains, DEXs, and bridges Rubic supports? Rubic supports both EVM and non-EVM chains. Our tech team is overwhelmingly experienced in development, they do integrate different networks, decentralized exchanges and bridges frankly speaking on daily basis so I see no obstacles in connection of Neo into Rubic's protocol.

Do you plan to add support for Neo's Chrome extension wallets (NeoLine, OneGate) and desktop Neon Wallet (which has integrated Wallet Connect) into the Rubic dApp? We can consider this option.

What do relationships with DEXs look like? How would Rubic collaborate with Neo's premiere DEX, Flamingo Finance? What about a grassroots token swapping platform like Forthewin Network? To be honest we would like to set up a partnership relations with Flamingo Finance. Initially we will add them as a native gateway at Neo chain. Indeed we can improve relationship with Flamingo once we reach agreement they integrate Rubic's protocol as SDK. Actually project of any size can utilize our tools for swapping right on their website, get profit from that and receive win win solution. Rubic is always welcome to collaborate, each integration for us is significant.

When adding support for new blockchain networks, does Rubic need support from developers in the associated foundations? Will there be any additional support needed from the Neo Foundation, or can Rubic integrate Neo into its dApp without direct support from the developers building the Neo blockchain? Nice question. Rubic's development team does the integration on their own, however consultations are always good at the stage of integration and proceeding business. Basing on previous experience I you tell tech guys know what to do and try to solve some issues without involvement of the third party so requests are possible, not the whole integration.

Feel free to ask more!

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Will be glad to answer all questions regarding Rubic and its service. Btw amount requested is only 7000 GAS, not 700000000000.

Hello i have one question do you use Polynetwork relayer's or do you have your own bridge solution. ;

Hi there! We use Polynetwork relayers so in regard of being hacked we are secured. We have no risk in case of bridges hacking, we have ability to shut off any of different bridges, any of different liquidity pools that were sourcing from at any given time. We do 24/7 monitoring, we have 24/7 support stuff as well. Someone is always present to be able to make sure the system is automatically doing what it needs to do.

Great. Another question , could Rubic protocol bridge any(NVM) stablecoin like FUSD(Coming soon ) to <-> EVM stablecoins like USDT ,BUSD,USDC etc to enable and inflow and out flow of funds via stablecoins between NEO Chain and EVM compatible chains., thanks.

Yes, indeed users can do that on Rubic

steven1227 commented 1 year ago

Nice to see Rubic team submitted proposal and I know mywish team for a while and we did some good collaboration and community meetups during neo2 time. So I believe you guys are familiar with the Neo tech stack. Welcome back.

For the Rubic cross-chain protocol, because I am not fully investigated in your tech docs yet, my understanding is there is no public chain in the middle layer which relays transactions from different blockchains, what all transactions happened under the work of aggregation which match the swap/dex tx. Is there a way to view all the transactions on your network?

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Nice to see Rubic team submitted proposal and I know mywish team for a while and we did some good collaboration and community meetups during neo2 time. So I believe you guys are familiar with the Neo tech stack. Welcome back.

For the Rubic cross-chain protocol, because I am not fully investigated in your tech docs yet, my understanding is there is no public chain in the middle layer which relays transactions from different blockchains, what all transactions happened under the work of aggregation which match the swap/dex tx. Is there a way to view all the transactions on your network?

Hi Steven, thanks for your kind words about Rubic and MyWish. Team is working hard to be the best and strives to collaborate in this regard as well.

For now there is no option to display all transactions coming through the platform. But contracts of ours are open source for assessment so any user can examine transaction for his/her purpose. Like here, for example -

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Hey @IlyaStor, since Rubic is a DEX aggregator, is it correct that if, for example, I want to swap a Neo-based token (like FLM) with an Ethereum-based token, there has to be a DEX that holds pairs of these tokens already (probably a wrapped version on one side)? What I'm saying is that you guys are not acting as a market maker, right?

alvarodh5 commented 1 year ago

Hey @IlyaStor,

Thanks for the proposal!

We've analyzed it and all the questions/answers in this thread, and we consider that it's an interesting project for the Neo ecosystem.

However, we have some doubts. We would like to know how do you plan for Neo users to use Rubic, since, as you mentioned before, you are going to consider the option of supporting Neo's Chrome extension wallets and desktop wallets.

Thank you!

steven1227 commented 1 year ago

Hey @IlyaStor, since Rubic is a DEX aggregator, is it correct that if, for example, I want to swap a Neo-based token (like FLM) with an Ethereum-based token, there has to be a DEX that holds pairs of these tokens already (probably a wrapped version on one side)? What I'm saying is that you guys are not acting as a market maker, right?

I believe it is more like a matching process between two separate dexs with two independent liquidity pools.

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

Hey @IlyaStor, since Rubic is a DEX aggregator, is it correct that if, for example, I want to swap a Neo-based token (like FLM) with an Ethereum-based token, there has to be a DEX that holds pairs of these tokens already (probably a wrapped version on one side)? What I'm saying is that you guys are not acting as a market maker, right?

I believe it is more like a matching process between two separate dexs with two independent liquidity pools.

correct , o3swap does the same

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Hey @IlyaStor,

Thanks for the proposal!

We've analyzed it and all the questions/answers in this thread, and we consider that it's an interesting project for the Neo ecosystem.

However, we have some doubts. We would like to know how do you plan for Neo users to use Rubic, since, as you mentioned before, you are going to consider the option of supporting Neo's Chrome extension wallets and desktop wallets.

Thank you!

Thanks for your kind words, looking forward to work with Neo chain!

As for integration itself, well, team says the NeoLine wallet highly likely will be added into Rubic for Neo users to use Rubic. HumSwap, DEX Flamingo are also will be integrated for giving audience the access to your network.

Btw could we schedule a call with your representatives to dig deeper in technical side of integration too? Rubic's core team will join for sure. Let's make it happen and discuss more about collaboration!

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Hey @IlyaStor, since Rubic is a DEX aggregator, is it correct that if, for example, I want to swap a Neo-based token (like FLM) with an Ethereum-based token, there has to be a DEX that holds pairs of these tokens already (probably a wrapped version on one side)? What I'm saying is that you guys are not acting as a market maker, right?

Rubic is like a GoogleMaps where you need to go from point A to point B. We will find you all different routes how you reach reach your final destination with the most efficient way and spending a minimum gas fees. But if something goes wrong with one of those routes we can quickly cut of those routes, we still get you to point B with other most efficient way.

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

a quick question do Rubic support walletconnect 2.0 ; NEON wallet are mostly used by hardware wallet users and can be used on your platform with walletconnect. also will rubic open a staking pool for NEO.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

a quick question do Rubic support walletconnect 2.0 ; NEON wallet are mostly used by hardware wallet users and can be used on your platform with walletconnect. also will rubic open a staking pool for NEO.

We’ve finished a WalletConnect improvement in September, and added all of the networks supported on to the WalletConnect Protocol. Any additional wallet integration can be put under the team's internal review as well.

Staking pool for NEO is a separate topic for discussion and can be considered for implementation.

csmuller commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think?

@IlyaStor, Before you put the proposal on-chain, you will have to change the token used for funding to NEO. The GrantShares treasury currently doesn't hold 7000 GAS (see the Treasury page). Please convert to the corresponding amount in NEO. You can edit your proposal in the GrantShares web app if your logged in with the GitHub account you created the proposal with.

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think?

@csmuller Yes, I've read everything in the last few hours -- since I was traveling and couldn't do it -- and I'm pretty much inclined to endorse this proposal.

@IlyaStor another point: be aware that if the "request for funding" is granted, you should report progress to the community using this GitHub thread. Meaning that in the upcoming weeks/months you should report what you guys accomplished, what's the status, what's missing, and when the proposal will be completed. Is this fine with you?

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

@IlyaStor another question: just curious, where did you hear about GrantShares?

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

did rubic faced a hack attack ?

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Yes, Rubic was attacked in the beginning of November (see this medium post). No user funds nor the platform itself was compromised though. The RBC and BRBC token prices took quite a hit because of that.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think?

@IlyaStor, Before you put the proposal on-chain, you will have to change the token used for funding to NEO. The GrantShares treasury currently doesn't hold 7000 GAS (see the Treasury page). Please convert to the corresponding amount in NEO. You can edit your proposal in the GrantShares web app if your logged in with the GitHub account you created the proposal with.

Thanks for reminder! Actually I spoke with the tech team yesterday, they informed me the integration seems to be complex in sense of bridging so the amount of grant would be better to increase up to 7000 NEO since it becomes more time consuming. I'll update GrantShares shortly!

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think?

@csmuller Yes, I've read everything in the last few hours -- since I was traveling and couldn't do it -- and I'm pretty much inclined to endorse this proposal.

@IlyaStor another point: be aware that if the "request for funding" is granted, you should report progress to the community using this GitHub thread. Meaning that in the upcoming weeks/months you should report what you guys accomplished, what's the status, what's missing, and when the proposal will be completed. Is this fine with you?

Yes, we are cool with that. I'll take care of it together with dev team eyes in it as well!

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

@IlyaStor another question: just curious, where did you hear about GrantShares?

Actually we have had Neo chain for a long time to approach and find opportunities to integrate it into Rubic's protocol. Researching process led us to GrantShares so we decided to apply :)

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

did rubic faced a hack attack ?

Rubic continues to work without interruption and all staking funds are safe. None of our contracts were exploited. It was the private keys of the wallet that were compromised. Investigation concerning to the compromised wallet goes on, we give updates about that too. After the situation is sorted out, we will start a new platform security check so that new cases do not happen again.

The RBC token was not hacked. 35M $RBC, which was not in circulation, was sold by the hacker, affecting the circulating supply and the price of $RBC. Initially, it was locked on #Ethereum to mint the corresponding amount on the #BNB Chain in the wallet, which was later compromised.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Yes, Rubic was attacked in the beginning of November (see this medium post). No user funds nor the platform itself was compromised though. The RBC and BRBC token prices took quite a hit because of that.

Exactly, thanks for your support @csmuller !

steven1227 commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think? @IlyaStor, Before you put the proposal on-chain, you will have to change the token used for funding to NEO. The GrantShares treasury currently doesn't hold 7000 GAS (see the Treasury page). Please convert to the corresponding amount in NEO. You can edit your proposal in the GrantShares web app if your logged in with the GitHub account you created the proposal with.

Thanks for reminder! Actually I spoke with the tech team yesterday, they informed me the integration seems to be complex in sense of bridging so the amount of grant would be better to increase up to 7000 NEO since it becomes more time consuming. I'll update GrantShares shortly!

From 7000GAS to 7000NEO is a 3.5X more budget.. and I think it is a bit more over overestimated to integrate a new chain with Rubic with this new price.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think? @IlyaStor, Before you put the proposal on-chain, you will have to change the token used for funding to NEO. The GrantShares treasury currently doesn't hold 7000 GAS (see the Treasury page). Please convert to the corresponding amount in NEO. You can edit your proposal in the GrantShares web app if your logged in with the GitHub account you created the proposal with.

Thanks for reminder! Actually I spoke with the tech team yesterday, they informed me the integration seems to be complex in sense of bridging so the amount of grant would be better to increase up to 7000 NEO since it becomes more time consuming. I'll update GrantShares shortly!

From 7000GAS to 7000NEO is a 3.5X more budget.. and I think it is a bit more over overestimated to integrate a new chain with Rubic with this new price.

Even 2x budget from 7000GAS will work good for the team. During internal discussion and deeper analysis team didn`t find any eligible bridge at this moment for NEO. However tech team will do their best, it can take some more time for integration NEO into Rubic than initially thought so that's why the amount of requested grant was risen.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

I'm willing to endorse this proposal and am also interested in the technical details of the integration. Though, I will not have time to actually be part of the developments. @gsmachado What do you think? @IlyaStor, Before you put the proposal on-chain, you will have to change the token used for funding to NEO. The GrantShares treasury currently doesn't hold 7000 GAS (see the Treasury page). Please convert to the corresponding amount in NEO. You can edit your proposal in the GrantShares web app if your logged in with the GitHub account you created the proposal with.

Thanks for reminder! Actually I spoke with the tech team yesterday, they informed me the integration seems to be complex in sense of bridging so the amount of grant would be better to increase up to 7000 NEO since it becomes more time consuming. I'll update GrantShares shortly!

From 7000GAS to 7000NEO is a 3.5X more budget.. and I think it is a bit more over overestimated to integrate a new chain with Rubic with this new price.

Edited the requested amount to 4300 NEO

Borisitwork commented 1 year ago

The only thing I don't like when I read all this is [ Budget part ] ( Person in charge of making a deal with xy amount ) asked one price, later ( Tried ) to ask much more from [ 7000 GAS ] to [ 7000 NEO ] ( In my opinion this was a move to see try to see what happens - happens --> maybe get lucky ] and when the budget was high now 2 x original is ok, my personal opinion is that you need to determine the number/time, and be much more professional with something like this when asking funds. [ No hate / just speaking feedback from what I was reading ] @IlyaStor

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

The only thing I don't like when I read all this is [ Budget part ] ( Person in charge of making a deal with xy amount ) asked one price, later ( Tried ) to ask much more from [ 7000 GAS ] to [ 7000 NEO ] ( In my opinion this was a move to see try to see what happens - happens --> maybe get lucky ] and when the budget was high now 2 x original is ok, my personal opinion is that you need to determine the number/time, and be much more professional with something like this when asking funds. [ No hate / just speaking feedback from what I was reading ] @IlyaStor

Thanks for your feedback, didn't take it as a hate towards me. I see how this can look like, but that's not a "get lucky try", that is amount what team proposed to request since of complexity. The time for integration still is one month and requires focus of devs on it. I've mentioned we do integrate NEO not only into platform, but we do add NEO into SDK as well for giving access to NEO via projects which integrated our tools and the NeoLine wallet too. We are not scary by huge number of work, instead we are interested in working with NEO and our stand is firm in this regard!

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

I agree with @Borisitwork and @steven1227 here.

The cost seems a bit too high to me, even after the proposal was edited. And I think this might be a blocker to this proposal's endorsement & acceptance.

However, I pretty much like the proposal and the Rubic project.

During internal discussion and deeper analysis team didn`t find any eligible bridge at this moment for NEO.

@IlyaStor about what you wrote here ☝️, did you check PolyNetwork? 😉

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

i agree the cost part is high and personaly i would want some assurance that rubic will open a pool for NEO (creating demand) . polynetwork support N3 the only thing rubic need to do is to adjuct relayers and aggregate dexs

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

@IlyaStor any updates on this proposal?

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

I agree with @Borisitwork and @steven1227 here.

The cost seems a bit too high to me, even after the proposal was edited. And I think this might be a blocker to this proposal's endorsement & acceptance.

However, I pretty much like the proposal and the Rubic project.

During internal discussion and deeper analysis team didn`t find any eligible bridge at this moment for NEO.

@IlyaStor about what you wrote here ☝️, did you check PolyNetwork? 😉

Thanks for the follow up.

The new tokenomics of Rubic was released yesterday so we were pretty busy in this regard. Right, team considers to do integration using PolyNetwork. Anyway once devs take a closer look at that opportunity I'll be able to share more information with you.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

i agree the cost part is high and personaly i would want some assurance that rubic will open a pool for NEO (creating demand) . polynetwork support N3 the only thing rubic need to do is to adjuct relayers and aggregate dexs

So, as mentioned above staking pool for NEO should be negotiated in details since except RBC there was no staking on our platform before. I suggest to schedule a sync discussion with your team. Our founders will be glad to join for proceeding integration and staking talk. My telegram handle is @IlyaRubic, use that way to reach me out faster therefore to chat privately regarding the call.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

@IlyaStor any updates on this proposal?

One more follow up. The devs answer is that we haven't use PolyNetwork before so integration will not be easy, however possible

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

i agree the cost part is high and personaly i would want some assurance that rubic will open a pool for NEO (creating demand) . polynetwork support N3 the only thing rubic need to do is to adjuct relayers and aggregate dexs

@gsmachado @ioannistsil

While devs do research how to use Polynetwork for integration, we have more things to share with you regarding above thread. Team considered the NEO staking point, as I've noted before only RBC token is possible to stake on our platform so adding NEO could be major turn out from current policy including the idea of staking only native asset. Founders and core development members should make staking of NEO totally secure, absolutely protected, make it convenient for audience and matchable to platform itself. So what we offer is to get back to the requested 7000 NEO grant since the amount of work is huge, demands preparation, involves extra resources however led to implementation of staking and chain integration

csmuller commented 1 year ago

@IlyaStor, I don't care much about the staking pool, but still think that integrating Neo with Rubic would be of great value for Neo. I do think that the amount you're asking for is reasonable, since Neo and Polynetwork are new territory for Rubic. But! I think GrantShares is not ready to pay such a large amount at once. It seems to risky. I propose we wait with this proposal until we support milestones that can be paid sequentially and give the GrantShares members more control. Though, there is no ETA for that feature yet.

Any other opinions? @steven1227 @ioannistsil @gsmachado

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

@csmuller thanks for response here. Indeed staking pool became the issue for thread, however it is not the same as the integration of NEO into Rubic. We are open for being collaborated with new chain, it fits quite well for our new tokenomics, roadmap adopted by Rubic's community recently. In order to have the proposal met by NEO publicly we decreased the amount of grant down to 2300 NEO token. The thing with bridge seems to be complicated still although is possible to accomplish for integration. Anything the audience need such as report of the NEO chain adding process in this thread will be done too by us.

csmuller commented 1 year ago

@steven1227, @gsmachado, @ioannistsil Any last thoughts? I'm in favor of the proposal as it is now.

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

@steven1227, @gsmachado, @ioannistsil Any last thoughts? I'm in favor of the proposal as it is now.

Rubic got hacked again i think proposal should be postponed

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, yes, I think we should postpone this proposal. 😓

I was pretty much into endorsing this in its current state but, due to the recent hacks (this, and this one that happened 1-2 days ago), Rubic's team should first figure out what's happening and establish better practices. 😰

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

As you may know Rubic became compromised a few days ago

Rubic's reputation is hurt, however team is full of readiness to restore it. For now we are compensating the affected users' wallets, make new contracts, audit, etc.

We apologize for the situation and will do the best we can to bring the Rubic platform and our tools back to life - safe and convenient. Rubic's team has built an efficient product which we still believe in and continue building, learning from the mistakes we’ve made.

Rubic is aimed at NEO integration and in order to make announcement smooth, valuable and welcome for users we think it is the good idea to postpone the endorsement until the mid of January at least.

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Hello to everyone!

Upd. Rubic is functioning, 19 networks are available. For 13 networks, the cross-chain works on three providers: Symbiosis, deBridge and XY. For all networks, except for Boba bnb and Boba avax, on-chain swaps are available through DEXes. In each network from one to four

Full launch is expected to happen in the first week of February, I will let you know more about right after

IlyaStor commented 1 year ago

Greetings to all! We are excited to continue our discussion regarding the integration of NEO into our cross-chain protocol and aggregator. Rubic's team has put in extensive efforts to ensure that the integration process is successful, and we are now ready to complete this endeavor.

By adding NEO to the platform, we will enable users to easily swap over 15,500 assets across more than 40 blockchains and 90 decentralized exchanges. This will provide users with access to the best rates, highest liquidity, and transaction speeds - all in one place and one single click.

We are committed to delivering the best possible user experience by several implemented improvements. We are confident that our platform will provide immense value to any user.

We kindly request to evaluate our integration model and provide any feedback or suggestions that you may have.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know - we would be more than happy to provide it.

Thank you for your consideration, we look forward to the opportunity to proceed! @gsmachado @csmuller @ioannistsil

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

Hello @IlyaStor

It has been such a long time (Nov./Dec. 2022) since we actively discussed this proposal as a DAO.

GrantShares is interested in working with Rubic, however, I believe the proposal should be accordingly adapted.

On behalf of @AxLabs (one of the GrantShares DAO Members), our suggestion is to considerably re-structure the proposal to handle the following points:

1) Milestone 1: Rubic integration with a fiat gateway (i.e., ChangeNOW) to expose $NEO and $GAS to fiat. 2) Milestone 2: Rubic integration with Poly Network to make $NEO and $GAS accessible to other ecosystems. As far as I know, Poly Network would be integrated into an aggregator (i.e., Rubic) for the first time, and NEO will be accessible to Rubic users which are coming from other ecosystems.

In terms of funding, we think this way:

Upon the successful conclusion of this proposal, Rubic will be available to Neo users and maybe new ideas will emerge for further funding proposals through GrantShares.

As we usually say here in GrantShares, it's better to go step-by-step, in smaller chunks of work (and, consequently, grants), to gain community trust.

You can edit the proposal by following these steps:

Let's keep the discussion going!