AxLabs / grantshares

GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
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Quidli - Crypto reward tool on Discord for NEO #37

Open grantshares-dapp[bot] opened 1 year ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago


Quidli is the top token rewards tool for crypto orgs to keep their communities engaged natively in Slack and Discord.

We’d like to enable NEO to recognize their most active community members for their contributions, such as social media participation. Quidli is already used by community teams at orgs such as ConsenSys and the NEAR Foundation.

Proposal Information


This initial proposal to NEO is to build a light integration of the NEO blockchain as well as the NEO token to the Quidli API and app environment.

This will enable us to offer NEO token to our user base of 600+ organizations (notable users include ETHDenver, OrangeDAO, Xooglers, SOSV, dlab) as an option to distribute as micro-incentives across browsers, email, Slack and or Discord via Quidli’s hosted sharing wallet application.


We want to build an awesome community ecosystem with NEO, and boost community engagement through this partnership. We will impact positively the NEO Ecosystem, especially we will:

Added values:


Our immediate aims for adding NEO are:

  1. To enable the NEO to use Quidli internally via Discord

  2. To offer our existing user base NEO token as a micro-incentive option

Deliverables & Roadmap

Timeline & MVP (Results): Within 3 weeks after successfully agreed on the grant application and the grant reception:

Milestones: Following the grant agreement, we will need to test the NEO token in the Quidli test environment.

1st Milestone (first week): Our tech team will probably need additional/technical documentation from the NEO Dev team concerning the token integration (we can discuss through Telegram or Discord), as well as using NEO tokens to be able to test the token within the Quidli environment.

2nd Milestone (2nd week): We will implement the two steps of the outlined roadmap, we will be working on: • Dev & general hosting/maintenance • Deploy as incentives to reward our user base at the Quidli level

3rd Milestone (3st week): • Review of the PoC/MvP with the NEO grant team • On-boarding of the NEO Marketing & Community Management teams • Marketing coordination released on our social media

Deliverables Verifiability

Once the NEO integration is done (3 weeks), we will set up an on-boarding session with the NEO Community management, Marketing team and community members and send your first NEO to your community members on the quidli web app and discord.

Budget Plan

We're ask for $500 in NEO to implement the first two steps of the outlined roadmap:

About You / Your Organization

About Quidli:



->Bought first Bitcoin in 2013 (~$800) ->Helped launch high-growth e-commerce ventures in Southeast Asia, notably ZALORA & LAZADA Vietnam as EiR @ Rocket Internet LinkedIn profile link: Twitter handle:

Guillaume Figielski - CTO -> Mined Ethereum from 2016-2018 -> As blockchain engineer (incl. Solidity), launched ChainImpact, one of the first blockchain dev studios in France -> Senior full-stack developer @ French multinationals including Airbus, Orange, and Peugeot LinkedIn profile link:

Luke Vignal - Head of Business Dev Previous experience : Account Manager @Zendesk, Ex-Forrester LinkedIn profile link: Twitter handle:

Titus Decali - UX Designer Experience:

Luis Marquez - Back End Dev Linkedin:

Portfolio of Projects / Past Experience

Previous partnership Examples:

NEAR Foundation: Needs: The NF Community team was looking for ways to engage foundation members and to build a strong culture of internal and external recognition. Use Case: Near Foundation is using Quidli both internally (Slack) and with the foundation's network of external partners (Discord) for rewarding members.

ETHDenver: Needs: ETHDenver (SporkDAO) was looking for a way to increase awareness and boost community engagement. Use case: Quidli helps with the on-boarding of new members (by tipping members in SporkDAO token). The ETHDenver team also appreciate quidli as a formal and nice process to recognize community members on Discord.

iExec: Needs: With plans to launch a community ambassador initiative, iExec was exploring a P2P sharing rewards solution. Use Case: Use Quidli for sharing rewards with active contributors on Discord.

More user stories here:

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "fd2e688d8f764b1bf0d5b3cbec51690287454785"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "75"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Hi @Lukerio, welcome and thank you for submitting your proposal. Sounds like a very concise and well defined proposal.

First some pessimistic thoughts that came to my mind 😅 Just to heat the discussion.

And here comments about some specifics of the proposal description:

I didn't find the time to watch all your explanatory videos yet or try the actual app. So, i'll join back later with a deeper understanding of your product.

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Hi @csmuller and thank you for your quick feedback!

Regarding your questions:

Let me know if you have other questions, we can also arrange a demo meeting to show you how the discord bot is working, and see furthermore features. Have a great weekend!

csmuller commented 1 year ago

@Lukerio Thanks for your answers. The bounty feature sounds valuable for grabbing user attention and interaction.

Concerning Quidli, we propose the creation of multi-channel groups, the possibility to put incentives (bounty programs), to incentivize a whole channel... I think we're much more complete, but it all depends on what are your needs right now. Happy to discuss furthermore on that.

About this 👆 Does that mean that Quidli already has more features than just tipping individuals? Ok, you talked about the bounties, so that's one. "incentivize a whole channel" sounds like another one. I imagine that a community manager could allocate a certain amount of tokens to a channel, that can then be used by its user/admins to tip each other. I guess a short demo call would be helpful :) But first I'd like to hear the opinion of some other Neo community members here.

leiw5173 commented 1 year ago

@Lukerio Thanks for your application. It is great to see your proposal in the Grantshares program.

Here are several questions for you from my side:

  1. In the proposal title, you said:

    Quidli - Crypto reward tool on Discord for NEO


But in the description, you said:

This will enable us to offer NEO token to our user base of 600+ organizations (notable users include ETHDenver, OrangeDAO, Xooglers, SOSV, dlab) as an option to distribute as micro-incentives across browsers, email, Slack and or Discord via Quidli’s hosted sharing wallet application.

So in this proposal, will this tool also be available in Slack, email, and browsers?

  1. For Neo, we have communities in TG, Discord, Reddit, and Facebook group. So could this tool work on TG, Reddit, and Facebook group?

  2. In Neo, we are a dual token mechanism, so could you also support GAS (another native token) in your tool since we use GAS as a reward more?

  3. According to the bounty feature, it will definitely be more attractive for Neo. Could you introduce more about this feature? How does it work?

  4. I saw the demo video on your website. It is cool. But it seems a little burdensome when you create a special task, and try to reward everyone who finishes the task. Could this bot send rewards automatically based on the tasks?

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply!

To respond to your questions: So in this proposal, will this tool also be available in Slack, email, and browsers? -> It will be possible to trade NEO tokens (or GAS) on the web app, your discord server and your slack server. Our current users will also have the opportunity to trade NEO or Gas token on the web app, on their slack and discord servers.

For Neo, we have communities in TG, Discord, Reddit, and Facebook group. So could this tool work on TG, Reddit, and Facebook group? -> For the moment, quidli is only available on web app, discord and slack. Telegram integration is in our roadmap for 2023 and we are open to work on integrating other work2.0 applications for 2023 (like reddit).

In Neo, we are a dual token mechanism, so could you also support GAS (another native token) in your tool since we use GAS as a reward more? -> We can handle both integration (GAS and NEO). Usually, we're asking 500$ integration fees per new token, but we can do both for this proposal.

According to the bounty feature, it will definitely be more attractive for Neo. Could you introduce more about this feature? How does it work? -> We can schedule a demo session to talk furthermore on that. We did it for NEAR Foundation, especially for the on-boarding of new NEAR users on quidli, I need to ask the product about what we can build in terms of other activities/bounty. Let me know if you have ideas I can share with them. The airdrop ( or /give-to-an-entire-channel function) is also available directly on discord. Other features interesting for NEO community management (group creation, being able to tips users from different groups on different channels (Discord, Slack,...), leadership board).

I saw the demo video on your website. It is cool. But it seems a little burdensome when you create a special task, and try to reward everyone who finishes the task. Could this bot send rewards automatically based on the tasks? ->We are working on more features regarding the automation part (for example, an option to automatically send $1 of NEO when a new person joins your discord). In the meantime, I share with you this page which shows some use cases concerning the use of quidli:

Please let me know if you have other questions, you can also select a time slot on my calendar (end of the week or early next week works best for me):

vncoelho commented 1 year ago

I think you should proceed. Sounds a good tool.

deanragnarok commented 1 year ago

I think NNT will have to abstain from this vote because we literally just launched a similar project. We know that other GrantShares members will evaluate this proposal fairly and will vote according to its merits. Regardless, thank you for your proposal @Lukerio 🙏

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for all your responses! What are the next steps on your side? Anything you need from us before submitting the project to the NEO Community? if you'd like me to set up a demo session, please feel free to take a slot in my calendar here:

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

Hey @Lukerio! Thanks for your proposal!

  • "In the proposal you ask for $500 in NEO" - I confirm we are asking for $500 in NEO, not 500 NEO, sorry for the mistake.

So, about this ☝️... can you please edit your proposal, then?

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Hi @gsmachado , I can't edit it. sorry

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

@Lukerio of course you can. 😅

Follow these steps:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

@gsmachado : done it!

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

@Lukerio just for clarification on how GrantShares works: if you feel confident about your proposal (and this discussion) and would like to move on to the next steps, you can put your proposal on-chain.

There's no guarantee, however, that DAO Members would endorse it. Only after endorsement by any DAO Member that your proposal will go to the voting phase.

It's up to you to try it out.

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

@gsmachado I feel like it would be difficult for us to not have any "sponsors" from internal team of NEO in order to deploy Quidli, in addition, we have no guarantee to have access to the grant while integration will require time and development efforts on our part.

If you think that there is no or not sure to find synergies between NEO and Quidli for the moment (you are already using a tipping solution on discord since quite recently), I can get back to you when the timing is better and when you (or your members) would like a better rewards solution.

csmuller commented 1 year ago

In general, I'm in favor of this proposal. But, indeed the timing is a bit unfortunate because of the coincidental release of GasBot. The Neo community is currently getting used to the GasBot and tipping in Discord. I think it's not the right time to introduce Neo to Quidli (or vice versa). Though, I'd like to see an integration in the future. IMO, the proposal can stay in the discussion phase till then and can be modified if needed.

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Let's do that, thanks for your transparency! Let's keep in touch (maybe get back to you guys in january/february) to see how things going with GasBot and update my proposal after.

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Hi NEO team,

I'm getting back to you to see if you've had any feedback on your experiment with the GasBot bot. We are still interested in partnering with NEO on our side. I think this could lead to more engagement within your community and more incentivization options for your Discord Community Manager than your current bot. Please let me know if there is an update from your side on the topic,


Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Hi, any updates on your side? We had a couple of new features: we've added:

Lukerio commented 1 year ago

Hi, Any thoughts about my previous message?

csmuller commented 1 year ago

It seems to me that the Neo-internal GasBot from NNT was well received by the community and is widely used. Additionally, NNT has plans to add more features. Even though, I like Quidli and its capabilities, I think it would have a hard stand against an internal project from people that are well known by the community. But, what Quidli can do for Neo is, possibly increase usage of NEO (or other Neo-based tokens) outside of the Neo ecosystem (while GasBot is mainly used inside of the ecosystem).

@deanragnarok, what is your opinion on this?

deanragnarok commented 1 year ago

@csmuller To address the question of usage, I think you are generally correct in saying that GasBot is used mostly inside the ecosystem, but we also have visions of expanding outside also.

I think our stance is still the same. NNT is going to abstain from this one because we have a competing product. Not only that, it's one of our major internal initiatives. However if the rest of the council sees value in this proposal we aren't going to stand in its way.