AxLabs / grantshares

GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 3 forks source link

Web3 Community - Italy #4

Closed grantshares-dapp[bot] closed 2 years ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago


I want to create the "Web3 Italia" community to address a wider audience outside our Neo acquired users and from generic contents to specific ones: I would introduce them to the Neo ecosystem. The Web3 topic is not yet well covered here in Italy, and my goal is to evangelize the Neo vision of smart economy targeting my action on the following buyer personas: • Startups & non-blockchain users --> 70% • Marketers and their micro community --> 10% • Developers --> 20% As you can see, the focus will be on the non-developer users. The adoption must be pursued by both sides: developers and community members (aka early users of the future N3 dApps). In the last years the NGD goal has been focused only on tech-side. Now Neo N3 represents one of the most advanced L1 blockchain platform and we need to attract also more users, putting the community back to the center of interests and taking care of it. This project and its best practices, if well managed, could be replicated in other markets, creating standards activities for building the Neo local communities.

Proposal Information

The word “community”, in our case, means a group of people with the same interests. My interest will be developing the Web3 (Smart Economy Vision), from the concepts to the adoption opportunities in the real life supporting the new users with the first steps to be done for entering the Neo ecosystem. We will make it locally, in Italy, where #Web3 is not a common keyword yet (not even SEO speaking) and we could have a great space to grow.


At the moment we are witnessing the flourishing of many blockchain based projects and initiatives and there is an increasing attention towards the tokenization of processes and development of smart contracts. Decentralization is leading us towards Web 3.0. It’s evident now that the standard that is spreading is based on EVM. The system effect is attracting developers, therefore dApps and users/investors towards L1 which are not technologically too performing from many points of view. There are huge funds that finance the development, not comparable to what happens in the non- blockchain world. It is crazy that now there are more funds available as grants than developers capable of using them to launch their own project. Despite this, the blockchain world is still a niche sector. I therefore believe that the Neo ecosystem still has enormous opportunities to grow and guarantee itself a market share adequate to the technology developed, already ready to use. Neo still has a massive chance, but to do it, it needs the full support from its community, reducing the gap between it and the organizations that govern it. I will operate online and offline by leveraging all our contacts: startups, companies, marketers, universities and other communities "close" to our topic.

I will create a web site for managing the contents where we will deep dive into general Web3 topics and more specifically into the Neo tools and dApps for providing guides, support and tutorials for our user base. The mainly strategy is to gain new users organically through posts SEO oriented and engage them by a weekly newsletter and social networking. This is a kind of content already posted in another my website in the past for the N3 launch event: Neo N3: l’infrastruttura per la Smart Economy

I will promote our work to all the contacts of my company and pre-existing mailing list which already includes a large number of prospects users such us students, startup teams, digital marketing groups and investors.

At the time of writing, I can count of the following additional digital resources already “up and running”: • r/innovazione (Reddit) • DeFi Hub (Blog) • DeFi Hub (Twitter) • Neo Italia | Smart Economy (Telegram)

One of the first actions will certainly be to bring the users of these different communities into the new one since they all cover innovation and fintech topics. After that I would like to go ahead only through website, Reddit and Telegram group (converting it from “Neo Italia to Web3 Italia).

Being in contact with many other Neo community members, I will able to coordinate with them any kind of action to submit to my community like interacting with one specific dApp, participating in a contest or in any airdrop or simply promote other social initiative to amplify the resonance of a message to a greater number of users. In this case the local communities have the function of enlarging the number of people who listen to the message and making the communication more granular.

Finally we aim to organize an (offline) meetup at least once a quarter where you can meet people and talk together about Web3 and Neo or to introduce our topics when we participate in events organized by other groups.


During my journey into Neo, perhaps the most beautiful thing I have seen, was the birth and growth of City of Zion. An organization of volunteers, heroes for me, who were fundamental for the startup phase of Neo. A high-value community that acted as an intermediary between Neo Global Development (NGD), Neo Foundation (NF) and users, managing funds and resources for directly organizing many dApp competitions. Make it again, locally in my country would be great.


I think Neo should have more active local communities managed by people who really believe in the smart economy vision. These communities would be functional to the operation of the entire ecosystem and would make Neo's global social channels more efficient. A widespread management of users would bring benefits to everyone, also offering the possibility of coordinating communication activities more effectively. The Italian community will be a test and we will use it to draw up the best practices to be used for other markets. In addition, more local communities could bridge the gap between some users and the various organizations, until NGD and NF.

Deliverables & Roadmap


a. Business plan “from local to global communities” (long term) b. Microstep plan (6 months - short term) c. SEO landscape analysis d. Define the publishing plan

Total Estimated Duration: 1 months Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 Total Budget: 500 NEO


a. Landing page with the following call to action:

  • i. Telegram group
  • ii. Support/info request
  • iii. Newsletter

b. Use cases area (Neo related) with the main examples to interact with the web3 application (e.g. how to create a wallet with Neoline; how to connect the wallet with GhostMarket, Flamingo, LyreBird etc etc). This area could become a sort of Neo world wiki). This effort has thought for non-developeer user

c. Blog with SEO oriented posts with general web3 content and more specific Neo related ones

Total Estimated Duration: 6 months Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 Total Budget: 1000 NEO


a. Engage the users online & offline b. Social media posting c. Telegram group management d. Reddit management

Total Estimated Duration: 3 months Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 Total Budget: 500 NEO


a. Create structured contents for developers linked to the Neo documentation b. Create a reserved area for developers c. Engage and support the developers

Total Estimated Duration: 3 months Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 Total Budget: 500 NEO


  1. FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION --> from 07.01.2022 to 07.31.2022
  2. WEBSITE --> from 07.01.2022 to 12.31.2022
  3. COMMUNITY & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES --> from 07.01.2022 to 12.31.2022
  4. DEVS ORIENTED AREA --> from 10.01.2022 to 10.31.2022

Deliverables Verifiability

All our project assets will be public, and each Neo members will be able to join our community (Italian language), monitoring and verify our activities. In addition, we will create a discord team group (English language) where you can reach us, and we will share our results in terms of community activities.

Budget Plan

We are a team of 4 people with the necessary skills to complete this phase of our project. As we will describe below, each member of the group has an experience of more than 10 years in the following areas: • Business consulting & project management • Software development (full stack) • Process & Operation management • Digital Marketing & Social media communication • Deep knowledge of the Neo ecosystem

The overall required resources are about 2500 Neo and this part of the project will last 6 months, from the begin of July until the end of the year (2022). The estimated budget will allow us to plan the various activities and to be able to quickly find solutions if unforeseen problems arise, such as the need to request support from other people in a specific area of the project.

I have carefully seen Moralis growth path and we consider it an example to follow, if we reach the goals of this first phase of the project and if you will be satisfied with our work, we would go ahead with the second phase bringing on board a first-rate development partner company.

About You / Your Organization

*Name: Ethour/Luca L. --> Project Lead Website: Clorophilla


Hello Neo Fam! I’m ethour and as you probably know, I am a part of Neo Community since the first Antshares days. I saw how a little project (Ant) became a blue chip and then stopped its grow. I saw the foresight of the founders to stop and think about building the best possible platform, while the competition only thought about growing in the eyes of its users, without worrying if it had solid foundations (sustainable growth). Now it is our time! I know very well our ecosystem and I want to give my contribute. I have more than 10 years of experience in managing special projects in operations area (Customer Service, CRM, ERP integration). For this new project I decided to directly engage my own company Clorophilla, a venture builder vehicle with whom we are supporting the Italian startup ecosystem. Now we must build the Italian Neo Ecosystem! Here there are the other team members: • Simone --> Community Operation • Riccardo --> Business Consultant • Luca B. --> Software Engineer

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "1b3b3b7b47f1bd5c6d81dad3cfd8e6facf7a5cbd"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "2500"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

csmuller commented 2 years ago

Hey @Ethour, great that you found your way to GrantShares. I'm happy to see a more marketing related proposal here. It seems that, through your company Clorophilla, you already built a decent network in which you can spread the interest in web3 and Neo. Your proposal is quite comprehensive and detailed, yet we have some discussion points.

  1. Why do you think is it the right approach to target the Italian "market" specifically? e.g., because of language barrier, a local network, or simply a restriction of the project's scope? Could targeting only Italy be too restrictive (even if we target Web3 as a whole) and not attract enough "subscribers"? What about targeting Europe (EU) as a whole?

  2. From the text I'm not clear about your role in Is that part of Clorophilla's work or yet another project of yours with which you maintain your network?

  3. A more detailed question: In the section on the DEVS ORIENTED AREA you write: "b. Create a reserved area for developers." Is that supposed to be part of the website where you'll also host the non-dev information and guides?

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Hey @Ethour, great that you found your way to GrantShares. I'm happy to see a more marketing related proposal here. It seems that, through your company Clorophilla, you already built a decent network in which you can spread the interest in web3 and Neo. Your proposal is quite comprehensive and detailed, yet we have some discussion points.

  1. Why do you think is it the right approach to target the Italian "market" specifically? e.g., because of language barrier, a local network, or simply a restriction of the project's scope? Could targeting only Italy be too restrictive (even if we target Web3 as a whole) and not attract enough "subscribers"? What about targeting Europe (EU) as a whole?
  2. From the text I'm not clear about your role in Is that part of Clorophilla's work or yet another project of yours with which you maintain your network?
  3. A more detailed question: In the section on the DEVS ORIENTED AREA you write: "b. Create a reserved area for developers." Is that supposed to be part of the website where you'll also host the non-dev information and guides?

Hello Claude! Firstly thank you for your interest on my proposal. You can find below my answers:

  1. Following my experience I think the Italian market could be the right target for this project in short and mid/long term strategy. In the short term I can engage directly and more easily my network, not yet educated in crypto/blockchain world, but very related to the innovation area (startup/marketers). In addition focusing on one specific market we can have many benefits, such as lack of competitors online (seo speaking) and offline. So, I am confident we can reach a decent number of users (prospects) in the short terms. Looking at the mid/long term I think that Italy, like other markets could be large enough for reaching and maintaining a very important community. Last, I think we (Neo) should have many different local community for feeding the global one. This goal should be simpler than creating global communities where we will immediately meet the competition of other crypto-projects, facing the risk of having to confront with them on the usual topics: price and speculation to attract users.

  2. DeFiHub is my personal blog. I would maintain it until the Web3 project will be up and running with a consistent community, then I have a plan to migrate users and some contents (redirect) to the Web3 Project.

  3. Yes you are right. My intent in the last section of the project is firstly to move (slowly) the topic of our content to more technical aspects creating a direct link with the already existing guides/tutorials/documents/library of Neo 3. This contents will be public and indexed. Then I would like to create workspace area with the aim of being able to give initial support to the developers and then direct them to the official Neo channels where they can certainly be better followed. Summarizing I would like to reach out to non-blockchain developers and act as the first touchpoint.

I hope I have provided you with the exhaustive answers. I am available for any further information.

csmuller commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the detailed answers.

As a Swiss I have to agree that a federation of communities can work extremely well. So, I do like the approach and attempt of building (geographically) local communities. Additionally, in your context it makes sense because of your "Italian" network.

About the Budget: The first deliverable/milestone FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION has a budget of 500 NEO for 1 FTE for a month, while, e.g., COMMUNITY & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES has a budget of 500 NEO for 1 FTE for three months. What's the reason for that difference? Is the calculation based on a different salary class of the person working or does it include expenses for tools, infrastructure, marketing?

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

I agree with @csmuller. I think a federated community is a good thing.

However, I still think that if something would be started in this direction, why not call it the "Web3 EU Community" as the umbrella org? Then, as a first "group" (use case), the "Web3 Italy"

Ulixes1985 commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody, nice to meet you. Please let me jump in the discussion, as I will collaborate with @Ethour on this project. I will try to summarize our thoughts on the budget. We have defined an overall budget for the whole initiative to get our objectives in six months, split into different areas and declined in FTEs just to meet platform format's requirements. Nevertheless, the "FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION" phase could be more costly considering the initial set up and the launch of the project. Afterwards we will probably take advantages of the potential synergies gradually generated. Hope this clarifies a little bit more. On the other points I fully agree with what @Ethour previously shared.

deanragnarok commented 2 years ago

Buongiorno! Come stai? Apri la finestra!

Ok, that's about all the Italian I know... :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the proposal! A few questions from me:

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Hi @gsmachado! We could also start with a sort of Web3 EU Community as a landing page and then create the sub-local communities with direct external link as I would not use sub domains. It's a good long-term goal and we are open to discuss with you about it, but I just want to underline some details about my original idea:

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Buongiorno! Come stai? Apri la finestra!

Ok, that's about all the Italian I know... 😅

Thanks for the proposal! A few questions from me:

  • In regards to your current DeFi Hub website, how often do you publish new content, and how frequently do you aim to publish content on the new Web3 site? Do you plan on authoring all the content yourselves?
  • I took a squizz at the Clorophilla website, but didn't see any examples of companies or projects you've worked with in the past. Could you give us an idea of the types of clients you have, and maybe cite some examples of similar work you've done in the digital marketing / SEO space relevant to your goals in this proposal?

Ciao @deanragnarok and thank you for your interest!

I created and managed many blogs in the past. I do not currently have a portfolio or track record that I can show to you and with whom I can convince you or not. I have always worked on organic search and, as you can imagine, I have tried to exploit the campaigns of the main crypto exchanges. If you need it, as an example, I can privately show you my results, achieved with the referral programs. I attended a master in Digital Marketing & Social Media Communication in 2016 and I'm still in contact with both some teachers of the business school and many colleagues (we have a telegram group | ex-alumni). Digital marketing, together with Fintech, is my greatest passion :)

shargon commented 2 years ago

Hello @Ethour , you say that you have been with neo since the beginning, but I don't remember to meet each other at any event, nor to see you on the neo github discussing issues or proposals. Also your github is empty

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Hello @shargon I'm a part of the Neo Community since the Antshares days, we were very few people into the Slack channel. I'm not a dev so I don't use GitHub as repository, only few comments from me. I wanted to attend devcon in Amsterdam in 2018 but unfortunately i couldn't. I have often read about you and I thank you for your very important contribution in the development of Neo 😀

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

Hi @gsmachado! We could also start with a sort of Web3 EU Community as a landing page and then create the sub-local communities with direct external link as I would not use sub domains. It's a good long-term goal and we are open to discuss with you about it, but I just want to underline some details about my original idea:

  • concentrate the initial efforts on a homogeneous and consistent audience;
  • create the best practice for building a local community and replicate the actions in other markets in the simplest way possible. I would not want to create a too complex structure, at least initially as we may have to correct the trajectory.

@Ethour Yes, I get it. Makes sense. Focus is key and I agree with your approach. 👍 💪

But, being the devil's advocate here, you also have to look at the DAO's point of view: why initially focus on a community where the generated material will not be in English and can't be 1-to-1 reused?

I understand your point that even if the market share for the Italian community is relatively small, we could "create the best practice for building a local community and replicate the actions in other markets in the simplest way possible". I really like this point. That's why I'm inclined to go on and endorse this proposal.

However, I think you should argue a bit about my "devil's advocate" argument above ☝️, giving more arguments on how we can generate material for the Italian communities that can be 1-to-1 reused once the Web3 Community goes beyond Italy. This is a question of generating things now that can be reused in the future without a large re-investment.

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Hi @gsmachado! We could also start with a sort of Web3 EU Community as a landing page and then create the sub-local communities with direct external link as I would not use sub domains. It's a good long-term goal and we are open to discuss with you about it, but I just want to underline some details about my original idea:

  • concentrate the initial efforts on a homogeneous and consistent audience;
  • create the best practice for building a local community and replicate the actions in other markets in the simplest way possible. I would not want to create a too complex structure, at least initially as we may have to correct the trajectory.

@Ethour Yes, I get it. Makes sense. Focus is key and I agree with your approach. 👍 💪

But, being the devil's advocate here, you also have to look at the DAO's point of view: why initially focus on a community where the generated material will not be in English and can't be 1-to-1 reused?

I understand your point that even if the market share for the Italian community is relatively small, we could "create the best practice for building a local community and replicate the actions in other markets in the simplest way possible". I really like this point. That's why I'm inclined to go on and endorse this proposal.

However, I think you should argue a bit about my "devil's advocate" argument above ☝️, giving more arguments on how we can generate material for the Italian communities that can be 1-to-1 reused once the Web3 Community goes beyond Italy. This is a question of generating things now that can be reused in the future without a large re-investment.

I am perfectly in line with your vision and willingness to make this project scalable. My concern, having a lot of experience as a user and community member, as I have already written, is the lack of focus on results. Our goal, in these 6 months, is to bring something concrete in terms of users, adoption and brand awareness for Neo. Subsequently, based on the results achieved, we could think how to expand the project horizontally (other markets and / or global) and vertically (new features).

However, in these 6 months we can already start the following additional activities: 1) Create a global landing page in English; 2) Identify other key markets for Neo and find a local project leader; 3) Share all aspects of the project, structure and objectives with the other local project leads; 4) Provide support to other local initiatives as well as offer our contents for immediate translation, all following a single editorial plan; 5) Sharing keywords/analytics analysis to exploit the peculiarities of each single market; 6) Manage, maintain and update the Global Website by adding all other local initiatives.

I think replicating is cheaper than building, so if well conceived, Web3 Italia would also include a part of the investment for the global community since we have already thought about the global structure as well. Only I repeat, let's start from what is most easily accessible and concentrate the effort. First pilot+hypercare period, then roll out.

deanragnarok commented 2 years ago

@Ethour A bit of feedback from NNT. We like this initiative in general, but we think it'll have an easier time passing a vote if you broke it down into smaller proposals. If there is a way for you to restructure in such a way where the council can see you've delivered on one phase before funding the next, I think it will help you now, and in the future.

I don't want to push down how you should approach that, but for example, if you work into your concepting phase deliverables like wireframes or concept designs, that would be the sort of thing that may help build confidence in the funding of the development and execution phase of the website.

lllwvlvwlll commented 2 years ago

@shargon I can verify that he has been in the community for a very long time and can attest to his actively marketing informed content to the general community. My primary concern is associated with the developer portal since there are many activities associated with this already. It would be good to have an owner for this, but as discussed previously with @gsmachado and @deanragnarok, it may be better to have these run under the official Neo domain or at least managed by the entire community.

Ethour commented 2 years ago

@shargon I can verify that he has been in the community for a very long time and can attest to his actively marketing informed content to the general community. My primary concern is associated with the developer portal since there are many activities associated with this already. It would be good to have an owner for this, but as discussed previously with @gsmachado and @deanragnarok, it may be better to have these run under the official Neo domain or at least managed by the entire community.

@lllwvlvwlll the developer portal should be very basic and we can decide together what incipit we can provide to the devs before referring them to the "official one", under the Neo domain. You can consider it as first touchpoint for the devs we will involve. In any case, for this point we will follow your indications, as you surely have a more large vision about the various projects on going.

Ethour commented 2 years ago

@Ethour A bit of feedback from NNT. We like this initiative in general, but we think it'll have an easier time passing a vote if you broke it down into smaller proposals. If there is a way for you to restructure in such a way where the council can see you've delivered on one phase before funding the next, I think it will help you now, and in the future.

I don't want to push down how you should approach that, but for example, if you work into your concepting phase deliverables like wireframes or concept designs, that would be the sort of thing that may help build confidence in the funding of the development and execution phase of the website.

@deanragnarok thanks for the final feedback from NNT, I really appreciate in any case your consideration and I understand your point of view. However, I would like to point out that dividing the project into several phases/microsteps would create some issues in the scheduling of activities, resources assignment and generate more costs, missing synergies due to simultaneous work on several fronts. I realize that financing many small projects exposes "our funds" (of the Neo community) to less risk, but I also think that proposals must be evaluated on the basis of their validity (arguments/proposers) and not on their size. This is just my opinion! The common goal is to benefit the community. I would like to know the opinion of the other members on this to understand how to proceed.

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

@deanragnarok thanks for the final feedback from NNT, I really appreciate in any case your consideration and I understand your point of view. However, I would like to point out that dividing the project into several phases/microsteps would create some issues in the scheduling of activities, resources assignment and generate more costs, missing synergies due to simultaneous work on several fronts. I realize that financing many small projects exposes "our funds" (of the Neo community) to less risk, but I also think that proposals must be evaluated on the basis of their validity (arguments/proposers) and not on their size. This is just my opinion! The common goal is to benefit the community. I would like to know the opinion of the other members on this to understand how to proceed.

I'm also aligned with @deanragnarok (and probably NNT) vision to first try to provide funds to proposals with a smaller scope but part of a LARGER vision -- as we clearly have here in this proposal. Your vision (and execution plan) is great, IMHO.

Thus, we are indeed evaluating this proposal based on "how viable is", how good technically it is, and the potential impact on our community. Otherwise, we would simply say "we don't agree with it"... but instead, we're here discussing things here to streamline it. 💪 👍

But, as a grants DAO, I feel we need to take the following approach: "If we like the larger vision (that would require a bunch of money, way more than asked), we give you a small chunk of funding to bootstrap it... and if we see traction over time, we will give you more funding, with a high degree of chances (due to interim results of previous proposals)"

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

But... guys... let me explain you something.

As I wrote in this comment, this is a DAO! 💚

So, if any GrantShares DAO Member would like to endorse this proposal as is, no worries!

In this case, @Ethour could go ahead and put the proposal on-chain... then a member could endorse it to go to the voting phase. You can check the GrantShares Proposal Lifecycle on our docs page. 😄 👍

Just don't forget: if you put this proposal on-chain and no DAO Member endorses it, the proposal will expire and you'll need to re-submit it.

So, the discussion phase of a proposal is really important to provide confidence to the proposal author ("Proposer", in this case, @Ethour). If the proposer is confident that someone would endorse it, then, I suggest moving on and putting the proposal on-chain (through the dApp, only the proposer is able to do that). 🚀

Ethour commented 2 years ago

But... guys... let me explain you something.

As I wrote in this comment, this is a DAO! 💚

So, if any GrantShares DAO Member would like to endorse this proposal as is, no worries!

In this case, @Ethour could go ahead and put the proposal on-chain... then a member could endorse it to go to the voting phase. You can check the GrantShares Proposal Lifecycle on our docs page. 😄 👍

Just don't forget: if you put this proposal on-chain and no DAO Member endorses it, the proposal will expire and you'll need to re-submit it.

So, the discussion phase of a proposal is really important to provide confidence to the proposal author ("Proposer", in this case, @Ethour). If the proposer is confident that someone would endorse it, then, I suggest moving on and putting the proposal on-chain (through the dApp, only the proposer is able to do that). 🚀

Clear, thank you everyone (crossfingers) and go Neo!

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

⛓ This proposal was created on-chain! 🔥🚀🎉

➡️ Now, waiting for a GrantShares Member to endorse it... ⏰

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

⛓ This proposal was endorsed on-chain! 📄🔑

➡️ Voting period starts NOW!

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

lllwvlvwlll commented 2 years ago

I've endorsed this proposal and encourage other members to do so as well. Below are a few reasons for this logic:

csmuller commented 2 years ago

@lllwvlvwlll Thanks for pushing this proposal forward and your detailed opinions. I agree that, specifically in this case, splitting this proposal might lead to too much overhead and over-complication. @Ethour's long involvement in the Neo community gives me confidence that, with a grant, he will be able to foster his acquired knowledge and skills to provide Neo with even more value.

vncoelho commented 2 years ago

I agree with last comment of @lllwvlvwlll, and, I know that @Ethour has been active in the community for a long time and I remember him in the community since AntShares time.

We will discuss internally, since our vote is cast in name of NeoResearch, and will provide an answer asap.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

🎉 Outcome: this proposal was accepted! 🚀

➡️ Now, waiting for someone to execute it... ⏰

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 2 years ago

⛓ This proposal was executed on-chain! ✅ 💚

General info:

gsmachado commented 2 years ago

@Ethour congrats on the accepted proposal.

Please, keep in mind to report your progress to the community.

This is of utmost importance since the OUTCOME of this proposal (i.e., the result, what you build/done) may decide future proposal acceptances. It's also a matter of reputation (of whom requested the grant) and respect towards the DAO and the whole Neo community.

Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and build! We wish you great work ahead!

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Thanks again for the opportunity. We will do our best and share our progress constantly.

mfbz commented 2 years ago

Buon lavoro @Ethour e team! 🤩

Ethour commented 2 years ago

Grazie Micheal! 🤞🏻

Il giorno dom 14 ago 2022 alle 15:57 Michael Fabozzi < @.***> ha scritto:

Buon lavoro @Ethour e team! 🤩

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-- Luca Latini Inviato da iPhone

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Hey @Ethour, how is your project going? Can you show us any results, e.g., from your analysis of the SEO landscape or the landing page?

EdgeDLT commented 1 year ago

Here's a link to what @Ethour shared a few days ago.

Ethour commented 1 year ago

Hey @Ethour, how is your project going?

Can you show us any results, e.g., from your analysis of the SEO landscape or the landing page?

Hi Claude, If it is okay for you I would like to continue to maintain the document indicated by Edge ( so that it is always accessible to everyone. I have also talked with Dylan and he gave me some suggestions.

My idea is to periodically integrate this repository on Github to share with you our steps and at the same time document what we have done so that it can be replicated by other communities. Can this approach work for you? Do you have any other suggestions?

Right now we have commissioned a SEO Manager to do a full audit on all our online activities (mainly on-site), we will share it shortly so we can provide you with quantitative KPIs as a second draft of our document.

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Hey @Ethour, that's great. I'm fine with that approach. We will keep an eye on changes int that repository 👍

Ethour commented 1 year ago

Hey @Ethour, that's great. I'm fine with that approach.

We will keep an eye on changes int that repository 👍

Perfect! I will inform you here whenever I update the repository. I reiterate that your feedback/tips is very welcome. We started 3 months ago, built a first small base and identified a working format, now we need to move forward!

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Good work so far! I like the webpage. Looking forward to the report on the SEO audit. Event if it's hard to grasp community activity in numbers, I'm glad that you are trying to provide KPIs.

Ethour commented 1 year ago

Hello community! we have finished our 6-month project and you can find an update on the GitHub page we created to monitor our activities:

In particular you will find a SEO audit to which we submitted our web initiatives with the corrective actions we are implementing and some ideas on how to continue web development. At the SEO level we are the first on the SERP in Italy with the brand keyword "Web3 Italia", which has proven to be a right strategic choice and for which we are starting to receive the first leads.

As an additional output of the project, we thought it would be useful to produce a document that puts together our ideas and a lot of the feedback we have collected in these months, both from our community and from the Neo community on the "Web3 Model". We would like this document to be the basis for a profitable discussion within the Neo community.

As you will also read on GitHub, we are just beginning our journey. Our community is active and we will move forward with our work. We hope that the material we have produced can be a helpful "template "for other such initiatives.

Efois commented 8 months ago

Hello community! we have finished our 6-month project and you can find an update on the GitHub page we created to monitor our activities:

In particular you will find a SEO audit to which we submitted our web initiatives with the corrective actions we are implementing and some ideas on how to continue web development. At the SEO level we are the first on the SERP in Italy with the brand keyword "Web3 Italia", which has proven to be a right strategic choice and for which we are starting to receive the first leads.

As an additional output of the project, we thought it would be useful to produce a document that puts together our ideas and a lot of the feedback we have collected in these months, both from our community and from the Neo community on the "Web3 Model". We would like this document to be the basis for a profitable discussion within the Neo community.

As you will also read on GitHub, we are just beginning our journey. Our community is active and we will move forward with our work. We hope that the material we have produced can be a helpful "template "for other such initiatives.

Hi Ethour. What are you working on now?