AxLabs / grantshares

GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 3 forks source link

Accelerating the adoption of Neo economy with participatory governance #62

Closed grantshares-dapp[bot] closed 1 year ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago


We want to develop our platform for participatory governance further so that we can accelerate and broaden the adoption of the Neo economy by society at large, by bringing into the Neo ecosystem new users such as membership organisations, associations, NGOs, and city governments.

Proposal Information


Voxiberate is a participatory governance platform that enables members of any community to deliberate on complex and polarising issues and arrive at consensus. Currently there are no effective tools for community deliberations; Discord, Telegram, Twitter, GitHub, etc. provide mere messaging services that are not build-for-purpose. This is evidenced by the persisting, and well-documented, “90-9-1 inequality problem in online networks

The target market for Voxiberate are membership organisations, such as non-profit associations, NGOs, cities, and DAOs. This market is enormous: for instance, non-profits in the US employ more than 1.3 million people generating a payroll of more than $55M. Over 63 million Americans volunteer through membership organisations and the share of non-profits in US GDP is >5%. The global GovTech market, including systems to engage with citizens, is currently worth $650B and expected to reach $1T by 2025. We believe that we can tap this market and bring many of these organisations to become users of the Neo ecosystem.

The way we will do that is via a key feature of Voxiberate, which is the rewards system for member participation. This system is essential for incentivising participation in deliberations (called “voxiberations”).  For such a system to be effective rewards must be distributed fairly, efficiently, transparently, and at scale. We are building our rewards system on the Neo ecosystem, because we believe it is the best system for the purpose of incentivisation. In doing so we are creating an acquisition funnel whereby our end clients (that are mostly “web 2.0” organisations) will use Voxiberate to engage with their members, and then reward their members using web3 technologies built on Neo. This will massively increase the social and economic utility of Neo as a whole, and will bring many new users and use cases.

For a description of Voxiberate MVP and how it can be used to pay and set rewards using Gas please see this video ( where the product with the decentralised Neo-based features is demoed. These features have been built and tested. You can also read a report on our recent pilot on how Voxiberate helped a community with divergent views reach consensus on a polarising issue here:


We have already built the fundamental aspects of our Neo-based rewards system using a grant from GrantShares (see below "Related Proposal"). These aspects include onboarding communities using a NeoLine wallet, paying usage fees (in Gas), setting an amount for rewarding participation via a smart contract (in Gas), and distributing rewards to participants according to their contribution.

We have also successfully piloted our MVP with a community. On the basis of the feedback that we received from the pilot we would like to ask the support of GrantShares in order to improve our product further so that: (a) we extend the rewards system in a way that can be easily used by web 2.0 organisations to incentivise their members, (b) improve certain core product features for better user experience, and c ) pilot Voxiberate with 3 key target organisations (a DAO on Neo, a city government, and a membership association).


Our main goal for this project is to demonstrate how Voxiberate can become a significant accelerant for the wider adoption of the Neo economy. We want to do this by developing further several core features of our product including a full payment and rewards system built on Neo, and by piloting Voxiberate with at least 3 organisations that represent our key target markets: a city government, a membership association, and a DAO on Neo.

More specifically we would like to:

  1. Improve the core algorithm by taking into account other comments selected by “citizens” within a group. More specifically, we will elaborate the current implementation of the Delphi method in selecting between two comments by introducing a weighting system based on other citizen selections within the same group to optimise which binary options are presented at each iteration.  This way the system will be able to scale a lot better, by reducing the total number of comments that citizens must select from, and therefore the number of iterations that must take place within the limited time period of each phase of deliberation. This is an important development in our algorithm that will enable the participation of very large groups of citizens in a “voxiberation”. 

  2. Introduce an internal messaging system so that the Facilitator can communicate with the members of a community via the system directly via the main feed, as well as add impromptu links into the feed (such as videos, or quick polls).

  3. Introduce additional features on the Facilitator dashboard so that they can see who is present in the deliberation, and have additional controls on the deliberation flow. Controls should include: override phase duration, end phase when everyone has responded, generate report in pdf that includes who participated, what were the top comments, what was the proposal and the ask, what was the final vote. 

  4. Improve the NeoLine wallet integration for better user experience. More specifically, we will: (a) resolve an issue with Brave browser compatibility when the brave shield is up; (b) fix issue about using decimals for rewards; (c) enable users to change their wallet (currently they cannot); 

  5. Improve the payment and rewards system so that web 2.0 organisations can pay in fiat but distribute rewards in Vox/Gas, and include better subscription management and a basic billing process. Pay particular attention to how we onboard users from web 2.0 membership organisations in a seamless, secure, and efficient way. More specifically, given Voxiberate’s vision to connect the web 2.0 and web3 worlds, design a solution for handling wallets and blockchain interactions on behalf of web 2.0 users.

  6. Design and integrate DeFi features by partnering with Flamingo, and develop the basic plan for the tokenomics approach for Vox, Voxiberate’s utility token that will be built on Neo. More specifically:

  1. Improve the AI engine and overall architecture so that we further reduce the time it takes for the system to process citizen comments and create “groups”;

  2. Implement basic analytics for the deliberation and include these analytics to the final report

  3. Pilot with 3 target market organisations: a city government, a membership association, a DAO on Neo

Deliverables & Roadmap

The total project will last two months.

Month 1


Team Responsibilities

Key Deliverables

Man-days: 21

Cost for Labour Month 1 (USD): 7,115

Cost for Labour Month 1 (NEO/USD $9) NEO: 791

Month 2


Team Responsibilities

Key Deliverables

Man-days: 27

Cost for Labour Month 2 (USD): 9,063

Cost for Labour Month 2 (NEO/USD $9) NEO: 1,007

Cost for AWS Months 1 and 2 (USD): 6,050

Cost for AWS Months 1 and 2 (NEO/USD $9) NEO: 672

Deliverables Verifiability

Our Key Metrics per month of the project are as follows:

For Month 1: Criteria for implementation of improvements: reliability; acceptability; auditability; user base; availability of clear documentation and community support.

For Month 2: Criteria for Improved MVP Dapp release : end-to-end solution delivering better user experience and supporting the growth of the Neo ecosystem, evidenced by the results of 3 pilots with target organisations.

We will be reporting on the above metrics at the end of each month with a Monthly Progress Report. This Report will be published on GitHub, and on the Neo Discord channel #projects. Further commenting and dialogue may take place on GitHub. We will also be announcing milestones and achievements on our Twitter page.

Budget Plan

Our total budget is USD 22,229 (or 2,470 NEO calculated at $9 to 1 Neo ratio given average ratio during the past three months, and in order to hedge for future fluctuations). The budget will be used to pay for labor costs as well as for computing resources during development and testing, experiments to optimise AI, and pilots (AWS). Voxiberate will not charge labor costs for the execution of the pilots, but will absorb that cost internally.

DISCOUNT: We are applying a 10% discount to our total budget, and therefore the budget that we request is:

USD 20,005 (2,223 NEO)

For a detailed breakdown of effort and budget allocation see:

About You / Your Organization

Entity Name: Feline Quanta Ltd (Voxiberate)



Dr George Zarkadakis is the CEO of Voxiberate. He has >25 years’ experience in business consulting, media, marketing and communications; as well as in technology innovation as a founder, advisor, and investor in startups. He has held leadership positions at Accenture, Silicon Graphics, the European Bioinformatics Institute, and Willis Towers Watson. He holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from City University, and is the author of "In Our Own Image: will Artificial Intelligence Save Us or Destroy Us?” (Penguin 2015), and "Cyber Republic: reinventing democracy in the age of intelligent machines" (MIT Press 2020, with an introduction by Don Tapscott, author of “Blockchain Revolution”). He has been awarded a French knighthood for his international work on the public understanding of science; is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Centre; and a global thought leader on the future of work and democracy. He speaks English, French, and Greek. Full bio and projects:

Anders Alm has >20 years of experience as a software developer and entrepreneur, and is the CTO of Voxiberate. He is the founder of WAU I/O, a technology company that delivers customized web 3.0 and business software solutions to the international market, and an investor and Board member of e-sakafo, the leading food delivery service in Madagascar. Prior to that Anders has worked in various project management and product development roles with the Government of Norway, McAfee and Dell. He studied engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, and is fluent in English, Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish. Full bio and projects:

Luiza Romero has a degree in Law. She has worked at EY for 11 years, in its global tax practice. In 2014 she became the driving force behind the design and implementation of six uniquely positioned tax data analytics solutions with a global scale, and worked with global innovation leaders on a variety of technology projects, mobile/web applications (TaxChat), AI and crypto (EY CryptoPrep). In 2018 she joined a blockchain startup as a product manager to help lead the financial audit and reporting industry transformation into its decentralized and real-time future. She is a lecturer on blockchain at NYU. She speaks English and Portuguese. Full bio and projects:

Dimitris Lazarou has an MSc in High Energy Physics from Florida State University, and a BSc in Software Engineering from Athens University. He has 8+ years of experience as head of data science in successful startups such as Seez (second hand car marketplace in Middle East) and Careem (acquired by Uber for $3.1B in 2020). Prior to that he worked as quantitative analyst at Golden Water Capital (a hedge fund) and Signal Maritime. He is an expert in Machine Learning, Data Engineering and Data Warehousing. He speaks English and Greek. Full bio and projects:

Maria-Adriana Ilie graduated in 2022 with a BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, and she's an experienced UX/UI designer across a diverse portfolio of projects. She is currently studying for a Master’s degree in visual and digital media at the IE Business School in Madrid. She speaks English, Spanish and Romanian. Full bio and projects:

Theodore Spyrou is an internationally recognised business and thought leader in membership organisations, NGOs, and associations. He’s a mechanical engineer with an MBA from Bayes Business School in London where he also lectures on membership association leadership and management. Having led membership organizations as CEO, Theodore has been included in the top 2% of UK business executives and voted the “social entrepreneur of the year” in 2013. He is an advisor to Voxiberate, supporting our go to market strategy in targeting membership organisations and associations. He speaks English and Greek. Full bio and projects:

Portfolio of Projects / Past Experience

See above section.

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "0567d50f5afec7e8455583996d38dddd7af3c30b"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "2223"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

im lacking to understand who will provide incentive rewards ?

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

im lacking to understand who will provide incentive rewards ?

@ioannistsil thank you for your question. The reward is provided by the organization that sets up a voxiberation. For example, a membership organization that wants to engage with its members will set up an amount in some currency that will be then used to compensate participants for their participation. This mechanism is important to incentivise participation and to also nudge towards good behaviour - this takes place by rewarding more those participants who have contributed well-reasoned and thoughtful comments. Hope this answers your question.

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

Yes understood. another thing you stated on your goals "Pilot with 3 target market organisations: a city government, a membership association, a DAO on Neo" Are your team in talks with a city goverment or a membership association or you will try to contact them on near future . i'am asking to find if you have anything concrete regarding entities which will be ready to use your platform.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

@ioannistsil yes we are in talks with Miami City and with the International Water Resources Association (IWRA) to conduct pilots in the next few weeks.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

Sharing the announcement by Venture Miami (the business office of Miami City) for a voxiberation Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 17 31 36

hk8206127 commented 1 year ago

more dao's , more dapps , more liquidity , easy to use bridges , integrated liquidity pool , interested in development and adoption of FUSD.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

more dao's , more dapps , more liquidity , easy to use bridges , integrated liquidity pool , interested in development and adoption of FUSD.

@hk8206127 we share the same vision, and we are (a) piloting with a DAO to learn more about how users will use Voxiberate; (b) we ask support to start building a DeFi backend that will connect web 2 organizations to Neo web3 and thus increase the adoption and value of FUSD

andersalm commented 1 year ago

more dao's , more dapps , more liquidity , easy to use bridges , integrated liquidity pool , interested in development and adoption of FUSD.

we want to make DAOs more attractive and help them run better by forming stronger consensus and reducing friction between opposing and controversial views. we envision Voxiberate to be a module that any DAO can connect to and use when they need to make decisions on important and/or difficult issues.

Voxiberates success will benefit Neo with more users, organizations, and general interest from the public.

as we will accept card payments for our services and distribution of rewards, this will bring more liquidity to the Neo ecosystem, as we will need to purchase GAS (or other tokens?) to distribute the rewards paid for by card. this will act as a fiat -> Neo bridge, and educate new users about the benefits of blockchain and defi.

our users will be able to convert their GAS to NEO so they can stake and earn more GAS, or swap to FUSD for a more predictable store of value.

as a user earning GAS from participating in Voxiberations as rewards, they can in turn spend this GAS to start their own Voxiberations and onboard even more new users.

in our opinion a good win-win-win scenario

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

in my view voxiberate has a limited usecases bound to small target group as a city government, a membership association, a DAO Not to people. its very hard to scale

andersalm commented 1 year ago

in my view voxiberate has a limited usecases bound to small target group as a city government, a membership association, a DAO Not to people. its very hard to scale

it can also be used for business. internally or for partnerships and joint ventures.

first, we already made sure it works with 20 people now we aim for 200 per Voxiberation

ultimately we want to support 100K+ users

the main bottlenecks are (1) GPU power (cost), (2) server infrastructure (cost), and (3) onboarding (capacity to train and support facilitators)

if we get anywhere close to 100K+ users, we already have the business model operational and we scale up gradually according to demand.

do you have any specific concerns regarding scaling?

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

in my view voxiberate has a limited usecases bound to small target group as a city government, a membership association, a DAO Not to people. its very hard to scale

it can also be used for business. internally or for partnerships and joint ventures.

first, we already made sure it works with 20 people now we aim for 200 per Voxiberation

ultimately we want to support 100K+ users

the main bottlenecks are (1) GPU power (cost), (2) server infrastructure (cost), and (3) onboarding (capacity to train and support facilitators)

if we get anywhere close to 100K+ users, we already have the business model operational and we scale up gradually according to demand.

do you have any specific concerns regarding scaling?

The hard part is to onboard people on Voxiberate platform but the platform itself are not targeting people but organisations one of this entities could have 5 people so in my opion is hard to scale in terms of people who will use the platform creating demand for vox token or GAS/NEO

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

@ioannistsil as explained in the proposal we are targeting a vast market. Membership organizations have thousands of members, and there are thousands of such organizations worldwide. The revenue of these organizations is based on membership fees and numbers - and to continue to attract and retain members they must engage with them meaninfully (not just through email and polls). This market is underserved and Voxiberate is a tool that we are currently piloting with a very big membership organization - which is the first validation that we could provide this market with a new and innovative tool that they need. We are thinking big and we believe that Neo should think big as well.

csmuller commented 1 year ago

Hi @steven1227, @DylanNNT, @deanragnarok, @shargon, @EdgeDLT, @devhawk, @roman-khimov, @Borisitwork What is your opinion on this continuation of the the Voxiberate proposal?

roman-khimov commented 1 year ago

It'd be easier for me to have an opinion if I had tried it in some way, but currently I have a very vague understanding of it. Maybe it doesn't work at all, maybe it's the coolest thing ever, I don't know.

One thing to note though is that the request is relatively big, to me Grantshares sweet spot is somewhere around $1-5K, maybe $1-10K, just enough to kick off for some wild ideas or when there is some specific limited task to do. Allocating 20K+ for one project (especially if it's not the first 20K) may not allow a number of others to happen, that's what I'm concerned about.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

@roman-khimov We would be happy to demo Voxiberate you or any other member of the DAO, just let us know when it would be best. Regarding the budget it is of course a decision that you and other members of the DAO will have to make, on the basis of our proposal and by judging if what we are aiming for can be valuable to Neo. Our position is that, by adequately supporting us with the budget that we are requesting, we can make a significant step towards developing our product adequately enough so that we become a viable conduit for attracting new users and use cases to the Neo ecosystem. We need those funds so we fully develop our backend for linking web 2 organisations with rewards distribution using the Neo blockchain and DeFi integrations, as well as for improving the experience of deliberation. This is because we are currently beyond the PoC stage - and are having our first pilots - but not at a stage to open an equity round, given that our MVP is not "fully baked" yet given its complexity. We hope that you will support us with the grant that we are asking so we can move forward to the next level of our growth as a Neo-backed company.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

May I also add that we have included in our proposal a free pilot for a Neo community. We really want Voxiberate to make a considerably positive impact in Neo's international growth, adoption and recognition.

deanragnarok commented 1 year ago

My opinion on this is that Voxiberate has done the right thing by phasing its proposals as we ask larger projects to do. I also think that it has provided a quality proposal, being clear about its goals, budget allocation, and how it feels it can benefit the Neo ecosystem. Further, I believe the team to be sincere in their start-up mentality, and that this isn’t some side project that is likely to be abandoned.

I agree with @roman-khimov that the amount feels high, but I suppose the two questions we need to ask ourselves is:

a) Do we like the project, and;
b) What additional boxes would be asking the proposer to tick to feel comfortable with the amount requested?

For the reasons I mentioned, at this stage I am personally (i.e I am not speaking for the whole of NNT, we would still vote internally) inclined to support this proposal as I feel it is one of the more professional teams and projects to come through GrantShares. I'd like it if the amount requested could come down a bit, but I could find peace with it.

@zarkadakis perhaps you could provide some thoughts on if you think this might be the last proposal you’d need to do through GrantShares, or if you envision subsequent proposals? That may provide us some context in what we may be committing to financially longer term.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

@deanragnarok thank you for your comment. This would be Voxiberate's last proposal to GrantShares. As I mentioned in my response to @roman-khimov above we are asking your support so we may finalise our MVP (and making it Neo-native with regards to rewards distribution), deliver three key pilots and then be able to go out and raise a pre-seed round. I am willing to offer a 10% discount on our budget. Please also take into consideration that (a) we are absorbing the labour cost for the pilots, (b) the Neo/USD ratio has improved significantly since we put forward our application. Taking into account our discount together with point (b) the total amount in Neo that we are requesting will be discounted around 30%-34%, which we think is great value for your investment.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

Everyone: Following our discussion above, I have updated our budget by applying the 10% discount and adjusting the exchange ratio. I will now proceed with placing our proposal on-chain and formally ask for your support. My team and I look forward to continue working with GrantShares and the Neo community.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

⛓ This proposal was created on-chain! 🔥🚀🎉

➡️ Now, waiting for a GrantShares Member to endorse it... ⏰

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

⛓ This proposal was endorsed on-chain! 📄🔑

➡️ Voting period starts NOW!

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

Everyone - I recorded a demo of Voxiberate in two parts. Please review as you make your decision on our proposal. Part I is showing how a Facilitator sets up a community, Gas rewards, and an Ask: Part II is showing how a DAO member (Called "citizen") participates in a "voxiberation" (a facilitated deliberation with other members of their DAO using Voxiberate):

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🎉 Outcome: this proposal was accepted! 🚀

➡️ Now, waiting for someone to execute it... ⏰

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

⛓ This proposal was executed on-chain! ✅ 💚

General info:

gsmachado commented 1 year ago

@zarkadakis congrats on the proposal being accepted!

The REAL WORK starts now. 😅

Keep us, the GrantShares community, updated on your progress! Remember: you can always use this discussion thread for it.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

Thank you GrantShares for voting in favour of our proposal and for supporting Voxiberate. Yes indeed @gsmachado real work starts now! We look forward to making progress and reporting back to the GrantShares community.

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

Please find attached a report on a pilot that we executed following an open invitation to anyone in Neo, to "voxiberate" on a statement about a possible direction for Neo. Voxiberate_Neo Community_Report_230323.pdf

ioannistsil commented 1 year ago

More than two months already passed is there anything released ?

zarkadakis commented 1 year ago

@ioannistsil we got the grant at the end of March and we started working in early April, and are making good progress. There has been some delay due to a number of reasons, but we are now back on track with a view of completing the project by late June/ early July. Given the complexity of the system and interdependencies various aspects need to be integrated and tested thoroughly before release We will be releasing a full progress report once we have completed the work.

zarkadakis commented 11 months ago

Hi everyone - want to give you the heads up on where we are: there have been several delays in our development but we are now in the final testing phase of the new version of Voxiberate. We did the first cycle of whole system testing last week and we identified a number of bugs and several UI improvements that we must do, and are currently working to resolve these. We will do at least one more cycle of whole system testing in mid-August before moving the system from development stage to production. I will inform this group once we are about to go live. Our web3 version will be moved from TesNet to MainNet too. Thank you for your support and your patience.

gsmachado commented 11 months ago

@zarkadakis thanks for the update!

Please, update us again by mid/late August. We're curious to see all these improvements. 🚀

zarkadakis commented 9 months ago

Everyone - I m pleased to announce that we have concluded this phase of product development for Voxiberate (MVP 2.0). We have managed to deliver on all of our objectives (except in-app analytics), which explains the delay. Developing and intergating so many features required a lot of work, testing and debugging... Nevertheless, we have now a fully baked MVP where a community can voxiberate asynchronously as well as synchronously, thus responding to one of the key user requirements. Facilitators have now much more control and we have also developed an internal messaging system. As a team we learned a lot on how Voxiberate is used through testing with real users, and thus how to further develop the product and indeed expand the use of AI. We will soon be opening a pre-seed round to fund further product development as well as the soft launch of the current product to a target market so we can test more. We would like to thank the Grant Shares community for all the support that you gave us - and are looking forward to continue engaging with the Neo community and ecosystem.

gsmachado commented 9 months ago

Hey @zarkadakis @andersalm Thanks for the kind words!

So, in order to make the outcome more visible to the community, could you maybe record a video with the final outcome? Like, the fully-backed MVP -- with asynchronous and synchronous mode.

gsmachado commented 9 months ago

@zarkadakis @andersalm Moreover, are you guys planning to open MVP 2.0 so that we could actually use the Neo integration of Voxiberate, in production -- or even just in testnet?

zarkadakis commented 9 months ago

@zarkadakis @andersalm Moreover, are you guys planning to open MVP 2.0 so that we could actually use the Neo integration of Voxiberate, in production -- or even just in testnet?

Hey @gsmachado (a) I ll post a loom in the next few days that will record the internal testing that we will do; (b) we will be making available as open-source the Neo/web3 integration parts, just bear with us a few days till we get everything sorted, soon as we do either Anders or I will provide link to access

zarkadakis commented 9 months ago

You can also see here a short demo of some of the new features we introduced in this iteration of our MVP:

zarkadakis commented 9 months ago

Will add links to GitHub with Neo elements of our product soon..

zarkadakis commented 8 months ago

See below links to GitHub with all Neo related work, all open-source and available to everyone with many thanks for your support: