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Apache License 2.0
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KIKA Token Software Company-- a community owned software company, powered by NEO (BUILD BACKEND INFRASTRUCTURE AND FIRST APPS) #68

Closed grantshares-dapp[bot] closed 1 year ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago


KIKA is a web3 only software company that seeks to build multiple apps that allow users a simple user experience, access to web3 tokens without any upfront investment or assets, a return of all profits to the token holders, and much more. Currently, we are seeking to build the backend infrastructure using secure devops practices, testing and monitoring of security and token transaction, publishing of token smart contract to NEO main net (currently on Test Net), and build first mobile app or apps.

Overall long term vision, team members, tokenization model is available here:

Proposal Information


Because there is a barrier to web3 projects to most users with smart phones, we propose building a series of apps, starting with one. The unique feature of KIKA apps is they all have a "hidden" blockchain backend. Users will be able to simply login to any app and have access to a blockchain enabled wallet and therefore can receive KIKA tokens. This is currently available on . Here users can send to other users and receive token from other users. This unique architecture will allow multiples of apps to be formed once the infrastructure and backend is built. We are currently proposing for funding to start with our first app, thus establishing the backend infrastructure that will be the basis for many more apps.


Motivation 1:

There are billions of poor and young people that do not have access to the current world economy and future token economy because of their lack of assets. example: Airbnb users must own a house to make money, most of the world doesn't. Uber users must own a car, most of the world doesn't. YouTube users must have thousands of followers, Most of the people on it never will.

However, most of the world does have a cell phone. We will build apps (starting with one) that allow simple uploads of videos, to create value for themselves. (see abstract link). This is possible with the infrastructure and database we are creating and currently seeking funding for.

Users of our apps can simply watch video's and get paid directly from the advertisers to earn a few KIKA token. To the poor and young people of the world a few tokens is very empowering. This is something that developing world often forgets and only builds products for people of means.

Motivation 2:

Web2 oligarchs use fiat currency to buy back their stock shares and actually hurt the global economy, disproportionately effecting women and the poor, and ultimately users of the apps they create. We will create a business model that includes all stakeholders including, users, developers, and investors and returns all profits to the token holders. There will not be a CEO, but a voting system that includes every stakeholder. (see abstract) Anyone without any assets can become an owner in the KIKA software company and benefit and participate in its growth. The company will not be tied to any fiat market and will be entirely tokenized.

for more info please watch:

Motivation 3:

App users should have some return on their information, data, app use, etc. KIKA will return all profits to the token holders, give the users of the apps a vote in the overall decision making of the company. Our apps will have a competitive advantage over other apps and web3 projects that do not follow this model.


What are the main goals, and why?

  1. Build the secure web and mobile versions of KIK-SEND in order to establish the infrastructure and publish the KIKA token smart contract on NEO Main Net. (currently on TestNet)
  2. Establish the backend infrastructure, database, deployment, sdlc pipeline, etc.
  3. If funding allows, build the start of web and mobile versions of KIK-ADS, allowing users to transfer video, mp3, pdf's in exchange for others tokens. creating a digital marketplace without NFT's.

How would you bring value to the community?

Our process follows the model of "steady wins the race-one app at a time". Once the infrastructure and first app is established we can gain users by allowing a VERY simple user experience, and incentivize early adopters by giving them free token. We see our apps as an intermediary between web3 wallets, tokens, trading, et cetera and simple web2 user experience that users are already used to using.

It has been proposed by our marketing team that we pay early users to upload a video of themselves saying ,"I am Satoshi Nakamoto" in show of solidarity of their support of Web3.

We will encourage users to NOT store any long term tokens or large sums in our database wallet and will strongly encourage them to use an external NEO compatible wallet (since KIKA is a nep-17 token) for security and value protection.

Currently KIK-SEND users can send and receive NEO Gas without owning an external wallet. We will expand this to include NEO Token and create a simple purchase option on this platform. Allowing users to transfer KIKA token to something with easy liquidity like NEO token is very important to the overall value of the company and user experience. The cumulative effect of all future apps in the KIKA family will have a positive network effect to the NEO community by introducing new users to NEO, NEO-GAS, and Web3 without any previous knowledge, buying tokens, or downloading wallets.

Deliverables & Roadmap

Specify deliverables in detail, including the following info for each:

Also, provide a roadmap overview for the deliverables.

  1. Receive funding and convert to spendable cash to hire development team.
  2. Establish first app/apps, backend infrastructure, security test, smart contract deployment (6 months)
  3. Use funds to possibly add liquidity to KIKA token. (this can come later) and give KIKA tokens to early adopters of KIK-SEND and KIK-ME (3 months). Monitor, test, secure.
  4. Re-establish outline for growth of future KIKA apps and user base and continue.

Deliverables Verifiability

How would the community be able to verify that the promised deliverables (or milestones) were successfully achieved?

We/I will actively be involved in the NEO community forums and would love to have everyone's feedback and involvement! I would love if NEO community were the first early adopters of our apps and were the first to benefit from any increase in KIKA token value! We will publish all milestones on Neo Discord, and establish a company website to allow interested parties to follow our progress. Community forums will be established including KIKA slack channel for development teams, KIKA discord channels, KIKA website and team members contact info.

Milestone 1: Build infrastructure and first testable app. We will actively recruit the NEO community to participate!

Milestone 2: We will give KIKA tokens or NEO gas to first video uploads in order to establish database, test functionality, and troubleshoot coding issues in beta versions.

Milestone 3: Once secure and running apps we will establish marketing campaigns on an app by app basis.

Budget Plan

2000 NEO is approximately $25,000, K in US Dollars (currently). The first half to 3/4 ($12-20k) will be to hire more experienced development team to build secure and long term backend, pay for cloud services, build api's, first app deployment, monitoring, testing, with a special emphasis on security(as per Da Hongfei's recommendation in his interview with Tim Draper). ( approx 6 months) Yes this seems like it is not enough but we will offer ownership to the first development team in KIKA as part of the incentive package (see abstract link). Our tech advisors (see abstract link) can also help with directing the budget decisions to reach our desired goals. The budget will very much be "shoestring" and using agile methods will establish a very "lean" product to show a good product-to-market fit. We will try to squeeze every development dollar out of this budget to have a marketable product that is live on MainNet and establishes real value to the user. (not TestNet value)

Once the first beta versions are established, budget will be used for marketing and possibly adding liquidity to the KIKA token.

Ideally the larger the budget the more apps we can make and the faster we can go, but this will get us over the first very large hurdle. Once the backend infrastructure is established and the token transfers are working properly and everything is very secure, we can then build multiple apps from that and not have to re-invent the wheel each time. This will allow for more inexpensive app development in the future. Eventually it will provide more and more value to the users as the user base grows across all KIKA apps.

See above

About You / Your Organization


Few sentences about you or about your organization.

I have Bachelors of Science in Community Development and have worked in non-profits, social services, low income housing and construction for many years. I have been programming off and on over the years but became disenchanted in mid 2000's as web2 projects were taking potentially "good" community development projects and returning profits to wall street. (serving the poor and underprivileged is a part of my spiritual practice) After hearing about Bitcoin and Web3, I developed a renewed interest in the potential to serve people in various ways that the world has not yet seen.

I first started KIKA when I wanted to make an app that allowed users of social media to make an advertisement for a company (at the time I ran a small remodel company) and post it to their social media, and the person could then get a tip from the company. My friend suggested I call it "Kick back", as in receive a kick back from the company. That later turned into KIK-ADS which allows users to make the ads for any company and the token name KIKA was born. It also happens (I believe that there are no coincidences) that KIKA is Sanskrit for "Many gathered together as one" which is very much a part of our mission. (ie Many apps as one company)

Having some experience buying and selling cryptocurrency and trying various web3 projects, I renewed my interest in web and software development to build the first version of KIK-ADS without the hassle of downloading wallets and keeping track of multiples of tokens that other blockchain projects were doing. I fell in love with what NEO was doing and knew it would be the right blockchain for my project. Once I realized wallets could be created on the backend and tokens could be instantly transferred, I knew that the possibilities of what could be built from that were endless, including a simple media transfer platform, among many other apps. That is how KIKA Software Company was born.

Portfolio of Projects / Past Experience

Provide information about what you've done in the past. What is your experience? What did you build/achieve in the past?

I have a Professional Certificate in DevOps and Software engineering, but I am trained in community development. Nothing happens without community. I'm smart enough to know what I don't know. I will need more experienced engineers to build this project in any timely manner. We have a saying in community development "Rome wasn't built by one person". Currently I am spending all of my time finding funding to get over the next hurdle for KIKA.

Currently there are only web versions of two apps. (see abstract) There is enough code to establish Proof of concept, including token transfer, database architecture, and wallet creation. (currently on NEO Testnet). Using this model will help guide the hired development team quickly. I will be able to show them the architecture and code that is currently operating the test apps. This will significantly reduce development time and expense. I will code as much as I can myself along with the dev team hired in order to save on budget. I don't have any established requirements for the mobile apps on its framework, database, or which cloud services to use. I will be relying on input from other developers and the team hired as to the best options for long term support, scalability, and security, but I am language agnostic and can figure out most languages and frameworks. The software development lead (see abstract link) will act as the overall guide to the uniformity and overall development of the applications and long term goals. Currently I'm playing that role but want that role to be a separate identity. (see abstract link)

I will play the role of product owner for the devops process until we can grow a larger community of users. Because I have experience in fundraising and community development, that is currently the best use of my time. I could spend the next few years learning and coding the first MVP's but that would not move the project along quickly enough to be effective to the users, which is ultimately the goal. Because the project has such a large and long term scope and vision it is important to focus my energy in establishing community, finding funds to pay developers, keep the vision alive, and guide it to have the most benefit to the end user. I have many years of experience running construction projects which is not much different to me than software development projects.

Thank you for your time and reading my proposal! I truly hope that together we can build this into something amazing that helps grow web3 and NEO beyond our current imagination!

Try it yourself. Go to and click LOGIN. That's it! you now have a wallet!

You can now receive KIKA, NEO, AND NEO GAS and transact in any of our future apps and send to any other user.

(Google account holders only at this point)

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "4c0cd3413f96f8409c8fe5ddfc914db581864211"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "2000"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

πŸ‘‡ React with πŸ‘ if you liked it, or πŸ‘Ž if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 This proposal was edited by the proposer.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

β›“ This proposal was created on-chain! πŸ”₯πŸš€πŸŽ‰

➑️ Now, waiting for a GrantShares Member to endorse it... ⏰

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines: ⏰

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago

🚨 Outcome: this proposal expired! β°πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈοΈ

General info: