AxLabs / grantshares

GrantShares Program 🌱
Apache License 2.0
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Audit funding for Battle Hardened Smart Contracts #87

Closed grantshares-dapp[bot] closed 11 months ago

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 1 year ago


On average, one out of three NFT collections fail and ultimately have little to no trading value or utility. This figure was derived from a Nansen study of 8,400 collections with approximately 19.2 million NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Battle Hardened wants to give forgotten HODLers value and utility to their NFTs across multiple blockchain networks, beginning with Neo, then expanding to Solana, Polygon, and Ethereum.

The idea for Battle Hardened was born out of the despair and loss that happens when a project creator pulls the rug, absconds as a leader, and leaves a community of token holders behind. The protocol seeks to remedy this despair by giving the NFT project's ownership back to the NFT holders while simultaneously giving agency to the project creators.

In addition to providing new life to NFTs, Battle Hardened will also implement a cross-chain token, "B," that will be used for everything on the platform (i.e., minting, voting, in-game purchases, etc.). The token will utilize the FTW Bridge for cross-chain movement, which was audited using funds from a previous GrantShares distribution to Forthewin Network. We aim to release 1 million B tokens on each chain Battle Hardened integrates.

This GrantShares proposal requests funding to audit and support the further development of Battle Hardened, a protocol that fuses NFTs from different projects and revitalizes them. The Battle Hardened concept incorporates an arena inspired by Pokemon Battles and Stats systems, and will iterate upon the logic of TOTHEMOON Fusion Battle Arenas that launched in 2022. 

In July 2022, we submitted a GrantShares proposal to fund the development of Battle Hardened, and were not endorsed by a voting member. Undeterred, the platform's development went forward and has primarily been self-funded with some support from Neo ecosystem projects. To help increase the chances of this proposal's success, we contacted a GrantShares voting member to solicit help in drafting this submission.

Battle Hardened requires smart contract audits by Red4Sec or Overlord to ensure the safety of user assets interacting with the platform and protocol. The audits will guarantee a high level of security and protection.

Proposal Information


Battle Hardened will upcycle NFTs, by adding utility to old and new projects on any blockchain that can support off-chain queries and token metadata. This project was designed to give the creator and the NFT user agency over their digital assets.

For creators, they can mint fused NFTs and establish traits and attributes on their own timeline before launching the new project. When a contract is not specifically configured for the Battle Hard traits, it defaults to a "Black Market" variant, utilizing our default system. This ensures that contract owners have a baseline functionality for their NFTs within Battle Hardened. However, when the contract is set up and configured, the NFT metadata seamlessly morphs to reflect the owner's intended design. This allows contract owners to determine elemental and nature traits based on various factors, including existing attributes.

By providing these customization options and validation mechanisms, Battle Hardened empowers contract owners to shape the attributes and characteristics of their NFTs, giving them full control and flexibility within the Battle Hardened ecosystem.

For the end user, the individual can fuse NFTs from multiple projects and compete in battles on the platform, giving new life to an abandoned project.

In the Battle Hardened ecosystem, we introduce "blueprints" to revitalize inactive or stagnant NFT projects. Blueprints serve as templates for Battle Hardened NFTs, when the original NFTs have been 'unfused' by the owner.

When a Battle Hardened NFT loses its staked NFTs, its blueprint remains tradable and usable. With blueprints, users can farm and create multiple variations for Trading and Collecting, obtaining NFTs with optimal stats and unlocking the full potential of the Battle Hardened ecosystem for any project that adopts our system.

Users acquire compatible NFTs with matching properties and attributes to bring a blueprint back to life. By doing so, they revive the power and functionality of the original Battle Hardened NFT, injecting diversity and exploration into once dormant or "dead" ecosystems.

We collaborate closely with creators to ensure our system supports both linear and aggregated growth. Our goal is to empower ecosystems and provide the necessary tools for creators and users to thrive. Battle Hardened NFTs can be grouped based on their contract attributes, identifying the specific contract to which they belong.

This addition incentivizes users to engage with a wide range of projects, fostering diversity, creativity, and continuous growth within the NFT community.

Furthermore, Battle Hardened incorporates a physical element inspired by OneBand's phygital activations and keychain rings. While the specifics of the phygital activation system are proprietary and beyond this proposal's scope, future grant proposals may address its development. This proposal focuses solely on the Neo smart contract aspect of the Battle Hardened project.


Our motivation is simple: we want to give users agency over dead NFT projects, and breathe new life into those NFT communities with which other NFT projects might want to collaborate. We want the Battle Hardened smart contracts to be safe and secure for all to use.


A primary goal of the Battle Hardened project is to leverage existing relationships to build out our vision and become autonomous from any one project. When we can launch the platform, we will be collaborating with the Neo ecosystem project, TOTHEMOON, to evolve the forthcoming game's current NFTs and expand their utility beyond the TTM metaverse. We are also looking to collaborate with Forthewin Network to create a squad style for the FTW Fusions to compete alongside one another in Arenas.

Ultimately, we seek to be independent of any Neo ecosystem project or any blockchain ecosystem project and serve as a protocol-agnostic standard to help communities build upon NFT projects that their founders forgot. We want to empower the rugged NFT holder, give their NFTs equal metaverse utility, and function in other projects that are actively building.

Deliverables & Roadmap

Total Estimated Duration: 2 Months

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1

Total Budget: US $12,000 equivalent in NEO (~1385 NEO as of 6/21/2023)


For the next six months, our roadmap will include the following:

Deliverables Verifiability

The stack is a mixture of open and closed source code. Only the contract layer will be visible as we need to work with other NFT projects, but we cannot expose sensitive material that goes into contract configuration that will be handled on our middleware server for privacy and security reasons. Each deliverable/milestone will be verifiable by the community through the following:

Smart Contract Audits:

Graphic Design Needs:

Development and Community Engagement:

Budget Plan

We seek US $12,000 in funding to assist with smart contract audits, development costs, and branding. 

To date, I have invested $15,000 into graphic design for the avatars, launch, and maintenance of the Battle Hard website, manufacturing of phygital boxes for distribution, and countless days put into developing this protocol. Below is an outline of what GrantShares funding will help provide.

Smart Contract Audits: US $3,000. We will engage Red4Sec or OverLoad to provide a comprehensive audit to endure the highest level of security and user asset protection.

Graphic Design/Marketing Needs: US $2,000. These funds will be earmarked for incorporating the Neo brand into the first iteration of Battle Hardened. I'm a retired graphic designer, so most of the costs incurred are sweat equity and funds, but I would like to allocate a portion of the budget to funnel toward social media promoters to share the word about Battle Hardened, once it is live. (For example, we would like to let the broader blockchain and cryptocurrency community learn they can mint NFTs on Forthewin Network's Smith function, then use those NFTs on Battle Hardened).

Development Costs: US $4,500. These funds will be earmarked for supplying our smart contract developer with income while he works on building our code. Thus far, we've spent 400 development hours building the platform, and we estimate between 200 and 400 more hours of work required to launch the platform on Neo. At $35/hour for front-end development and $40/hour for back-end, we anticipate a minimum of another $10k of dev costs.  

Shipment Costs: US $2,500. These funds will be earmarked to offset postage costs for the first 100 phygital boxes we will be shipping to users, which will support the Neo blockchain. Each box will cost $24 to ship, plus taxes. The phygital boxes include the following items: rewards card populated with NEP and NEP-11 NFTs (i.e., Neo Boyz and swappable Battle Hard avatars), keychains accessible via OTP, amulets, and pens. 

The proposed budget would provide us with adequate funding to have our smart contract(s) audited, continue to fund developer costs, and help fund other graphic design needs affiliated with marketing the launch of Battle Hardened on the Neo network. 

About You / Your Organization

Individual/Entity Name: DIGI Byte


GitHub Repository:


My background is an amalgamation of graphic design, digital media, server engineering, and game design. My primary areas of expertise include C#, Unity, JavaScript, and server-side logic.

Portfolio of Projects / Past Experience

In the blockchain space, I’ve been building with TOTHEMOON as the lead game developer focusing on server-side logic and game design. Examples of deliverables include:

Beyond work on Battle Hardened, I will continue contributing to TTM's growing ecosystem to handle future projects alongside the forthcoming games.

Proposal Info :clipboard:

[ {
  "target_contract" : "0x6276c1e3a68280bc6c9c00df755fb691be1162ef",
  "method" : "releaseTokens",
  "params" : [ {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"
  }, {
    "type" : "Hash160",
    "value" : "b997d53504084f8195a225f637dc277411efa29d"
  }, {
    "type" : "Integer",
    "value" : "1385"
  } ],
  "call_flags" : 15
} ]

👇 React with 👍 if you liked it, or 👎 if you think this proposal can be enhanced!

DylanNNT commented 1 year ago

GM all! I helped the Battle Hardened team draft this GrantShares proposal and look forward to the product discussion. I chose to help the team prepare a GS proposal because we should support grassroots BUIDLers who have bootstrapped their projects and are building on Neo.

The voting members might remember when Digi submitted a proposal last July to begin building the Battle Hardened protocol but didn't make it to the voting stage once the proposal was put onchain but not endorsed.

Digi went away and built the platform regardless, sunk his time and resources into it, and expanded the scope to become multi-chain with an additional phygital element. The phygital element is one of particular interest, especially after seeing the excitement in the interactions with folks using OneBand rings at Consensus and Tribeca.

What interested me in Battle Hardened was thinking about the NFTs I hold with founders who have just left the community. What will I do with these tokens that no longer have teams building behind them? Battle Hardened gives me a sense of excitement about the projects again and now offers a new utility to an otherwise dead project.

Ultimately, Battle Hardened will exist on multiple chains but will build on Neo first. If successful, Battle Hardened will be able to foster cross-chain movement between users in different ecosystems and potentially reach a new market share of users of revitalized NFT projects with a new invigoration in their tokens.

The Neo community needs to trust the product they are using. I support this team in getting their contracts audited and helping cover the costs of shipping the first 100 phygital items to Battle Hardened users who will be interacting with the Neo blockchain.

I also like the story arc of this second proposal: if the first time doesn't work out, BUIDL, and come back with a product when seeking GrantShares support again.

digimbyte commented 1 year ago

What interested me in Battle Hardened was thinking about the NFTs I hold with founders who have just left the community. What will I do with these tokens...

That was the same thing on my mind as well when I worked on the foundations for the traits for TOTHEMOON creatures. originally it was a web interface with a color picker and a database, it has since grown in scope to be more inclusive. no more divided communities, everyone is equal. sticks together, strong.

Ultimately, Battle Hardened will exist on multiple chains but will build on Neo first.

Neo will be the core, even when it grows onto larger platforms, any record keeping and systems I develop will be focused on Neo as its the perfect balance of scale, features, and cost, even if it doesn't have all the features I 'want' but I hope enough people back me up to help those features become reality.

dylanTTM commented 1 year ago

your team has received a lot of money from Neo and Neo community for TTM project,we have waited 2 years,you should focus on TTM project before intending to do a new one

digimbyte commented 1 year ago

Thank you for expressing your concerns and for your interest in the TTM project. I understand that there might be some confusion regarding my involvement in TTM and the funding sources for my independent project, Battle Hardened.

I want to clarify that Battle Hardened is a separate project that I am personally funding and developing in my spare time. While I am part of the TTM team as the game lead, my role primarily involves activities such as QA for 2D & 3D Artwork, providing developer updates, offering designer feedback, and ensuring a clear direction for TTM games and services. I do not personally program the games for TTM.

Rest assured, I am committed to both TTM and Battle Hardened. Although they are separate endeavors, I am collaborating with the TTM team to ensure that the BH system works effectively for them and other systems as well.

I appreciate your understanding and support. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with me.

DylanNNT commented 1 year ago

I'd also like to point out that Digi is conducting a 7-day AMA on r/neo:

Zaeem87 commented 1 year ago

I must say I am intrigued & impressed by the whole concept. If implemented & executed flawlessly, the project will give a new meaning to all of us holding all kinds of NFT projects starting from NEO. While I have raised some queries on the proposal on the Reddit AMA, I feel it is imperative that the project be granted with required funds. The 12k USD required may save a lot of NFT holders like me from total loss of failed NFT projects. Hope the founder / developer gets the grant and delivers the project as per stated timelines in the proposal. Good Luck.

digimbyte commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the support, hearing the community questions has brought attention to potential oversights and while it was not part of my initial design as I want to respect the markets, I can see a potential need or desire for a more freedom in creations. a lot of the use will come down to how others would want to adopt and work with them. would someone be afraid for expanding from BH as basically pre-minted collections.

but for black market, that's kind of the point, I welcome the idea and change to enhance Hardened NFTs to be cross contract, cross chain however would be not possible in the current state but it certainly would be possible. if that is the case however, I would have to implement a wrapper of some kind to link a cross chain NFT to a Neo equivalent.

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 11 months ago

⛓ This proposal was created on-chain! 🔥🚀🎉

➡️ Now, waiting for a GrantShares Member to endorse it... ⏰

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 11 months ago

⛓ This proposal was endorsed on-chain! 📄🔑

➡️ Voting period starts NOW!

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Pay attention to the following deadlines:

General info:

roman-khimov commented 11 months ago

unlocking the full potential of the Battle Hardened ecosystem for any project that adopts our system

That I guess is the main problem for me. It seems to be a very niche thing tied to TTM and unless it's a kind of a new NEP I doubt anyone else will use it.

we cannot expose sensitive material that goes into contract configuration that will be handled on our middleware server for privacy and security reasons

Can't say if it's justified or not based on proposal only, but this is also problematic for me if it's intended to be used by third-party projects.

Nothing inherently bad about the project, but not something I'd support with real money.

digimbyte commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate your insights and would like to provide some clarifications.

Battle Hardened is designed to be an independent standard for revitalizing NFTs across different projects, not limited to TTM. While inspired by TTM, I am actively seeking broader adoption and collaborations. I want to highlight that COZ also features a similar system via PROPS. However, Battle Hardened aims to be more accessible and protocol-agnostic, welcoming projects from various ecosystems.

Regarding the middleware, it allows secure contract configuration for adopting Battle Hardened. Access will be provided to valid wallet owners, ensuring flexibility and security.

The attached image shows the contract config portal, enhancing user experience and customization options. image

Community feedback is valuable to me, and I am committed to transparency and inclusivity.

If you have more questions, feel free to ask.

digimbyte commented 11 months ago

unlocking the full potential of the Battle Hardened ecosystem for any project that adopts our system

That I guess is the main problem for me. It seems to be a very niche thing tied to TTM and unless it's a kind of a new NEP I doubt anyone else will use it.

I do want to touch on this again as I wasn't sure on your question specifics. But we do not need a new Nep type with existing contract query options. What we do need however is not viable on the NEP level as only new and updated contracts could implement the NEP. What we need is on the layer below the contracts, from the node layer itself as our focus is to revive dead contracts where owners have vanished. By adopting old nfts, we repurpose them as black market varients. Which anyone can use and attach their own utility too. BH will have its own utility to showcase how anyone can use them.

gsmachado commented 11 months ago

What we need is on the layer below the contracts, from the node layer itself as our focus is to revive dead contracts where owners have vanished

@digimbyte "from the node layer itself" -> I don't get this, sorry. So, it means, you'd need a L2 or something, settling on Neo? Or how do you technically plan to do that?!

digimbyte commented 11 months ago

What we need is on the layer below the contracts, from the node layer itself as our focus is to revive dead contracts where owners have vanished

@digimbyte "from the node layer itself" -> I don't get this, sorry. So, it means, you'd need a L2 or something, settling on Neo? Or how do you technically plan to do that?!

I don't fully understand the tech stack involved as I am still new to block chain development but the issue I am facing as a developer is identifying who a contract owner is where the contract might not be updatable and does not contain a standard get Owner method to invoke consistently.

Since this is beyond my knowledge and beyond a nep standard scope. I've had to compromise on several levels to adjust for a lack of get Owner standard. Primarily: A) Relying on web2 authorisation for contract owners and data persistence B) a DNS style verification to validate the user as an owner where a user would have to mint a custom token with a hash code and a custom image url.

I am trying to be inclusive as my primary goal, so taking into consideration of older projects who do not have "getOwner" or a way of determining a list of wallets who can invoke methods is a technical limitation that is obfuscated.

To clarify on the DNS style of validation, the inspiration is from txt name records but applied to a NFT I will be checking the wallet contains the correct key before validating them. This should take into account for sub contracts such as Ftw and similar where a user could mint an entire collection without knowing how to code or use smart contracts.

This only applies to official projects, not any "black market" as that is our rerug system, allowing both options to exist

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 11 months ago

🎉 Outcome: this proposal was accepted! 🚀

➡️ Now, waiting for someone to execute it... ⏰

General info:

grantshares-dapp[bot] commented 11 months ago

⛓ This proposal was executed on-chain! ✅ 💚

General info:

csmuller commented 10 months ago

Hey @digimbyte, a bit delayed, but congrats to the accepted proposal! Please keep the community updated here about your progress on this project.

digimbyte commented 2 months ago

Hey, almost forgot and missed this comment @csmuller progress is going well, some delays with health and TTM which took me away but development is still going forward. 3 contracts are completed to facilitate the platforms needs website is near completion, the frontend developer is on another project but will resume the final touches for the main contract. the main Hardened contract is complete. all contracts are public/open source on a dedicated Battle Hard repo.

I am going through the process of a Security Audit but the budget is much higher than anticipated compared to other contracts, in response I am preparing for a second Grant Proposal as while I love open source, its not a reliable format for improvements and security.

Personally, I am also not the kind of person that believes trust can be created from nothing, regardless of how passionate or frank someone might speak on a topic. and so I wish that trust and security to be available from day 1.

I have considered bug hunt programs, I may still do this per internal conversations, but I do not find that to be a sufficient vector for validation.

unless someone from NGD would vouch and have my Audits paid for 🙏 as I am only going to get the main contract done, the other two are not as crucial. I do not wish to overstep or ask for too much funding for multiple things.