AxaFrance / oidc-client

Light, Secure, Pure Javascript OIDC (Open ID Connect) Client. We provide also a REACT wrapper (compatible NextJS, etc.).
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Where to find Dpop token ? #1261

Closed bhargavmullakuru closed 5 months ago

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Issue and Steps to Reproduce

I need dpop token which i need to send it along with accesstoken for additional api call. from where can i access it after login?





Additional Details

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru , thank you for your issue. Are you using react version or oidc-client? Dpop is a dynamic value. Is it injected dynamicaly by the fetch proposed by the library. Oidc client expose the function to compute it. I think it is missing in the react library.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Hi @guillaume-chervet , Thanks for your reply. I'm using the react version.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

How to get the generated dpop for oidc-client after login?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

You can use oidc-client directly. it is compatible with the react version. I will expose it in react version too very soon.

import { OidcClient } from '@axa-fr/oidc-client';

const oidc = OidcClient.getOrCreate()(configuration);
const demonstrationOdProofOfPossession = await oidc.generateDemonstrationOfProofOfPossessionAsync(accessToken, url.toString(), optionTmp.method);
bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet Getting issue near getOrCreate() .... Expected 1-2 arguments, got 0

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Yeah, sorry @bhargavmullakuru , I forgot one parameter

import { OidcClient } from '@axa-fr/oidc-client';

const oidc = OidcClient.getOrCreate(()=>fetch)(configuration);
const demonstrationOdProofOfPossession = await oidc.generateDemonstrationOfProofOfPossessionAsync(accessToken, url.toString(), optionTmp.method);
bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Hi @guillaume-chervet . One more thing, are we using default encryption algorithm ES256 ?.

Is there anyway to switch between RSA256 and ES256 encryption algorithms ?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru , is it a blocker for you? I will try to make it configurable quickly.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet Thanks for quick responses and Yes, It's a blocker since the API team is using RSA256 encryption algorithm.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet, we can have a configuration property, so that user can switch algorithm to RSA256 or ES256. whichever needed. :)

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

I am searching how to do this.

I do not find which one it can be =>

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet ... There are lot of names with RSA. Basically I was getting API error like.

    "error": {
        "status": "401 Unauthorized",
        "detail": "Invalid Token:java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey incompatible with org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey"

They are using RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 .. link is

We need to configure this algorithm I think. Thanks.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru thank you for the informations. Are you using keycloack? So that i can reproduce it.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

We are not using any keycloack @guillaume-chervet .

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Do you have your openid wellknow url content? Accepted Algorithms should be listed in there.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet They are accepting only RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

hi @guillaume-chervet any luck ?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

I'am on it :) I wil publishd some alpha, I have no way to test it with a oidc server.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet . I will test it.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

7.13.16-alpha.1275 version should do the job. You can look at the pr readme configuration to understand how to configure it.

I cannot test it properly.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Cool. thank you very much @guillaume-chervet . Let me get latest module and verify it. I will post updates here.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Hi @guillaume-chervet, I'm getting Parse error. Could you pls give me sample configuration for RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 Thanks in advance.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

I will be few days away from computer. Until thursday. I will try with a RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 configuration. Which configuration are you using? Where does it crash?

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet ... Happy vacation. If you have already tried, Can you share me the configuration object. So that I will try to implement and try it.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Here you will find the default configuration @bhargavmullakuru :

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Hi @guillaume-chervet Just an update, Through our config below jwt was not generating properly. The configuration i've used and jwt was generating fine. But something is not fine where as both tokens were not matching.

demonstrating_proof_of_possession_configuration: {
      importKeyAlgorithm: {
        name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
        hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, //can be "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", or "SHA-512"
      signAlgorithm: { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } },
      generateKeyAlgorithm: {
        name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
        modulusLength: 2048, //can be 1024, 2048, or 4096
        publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]),
        hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, //can be "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", or "SHA-512"
      digestAlgorithm: { name: "SHA-256" },
      jwtHeaderAlgorithm: "RS256",

Our generated token screenshot was attached below. Screenshot 2024-01-23 232825

in the other side, the working jwt generated through postman was working fine as attached below. Screenshot 2024-01-23 232659

the post man script which was used, which is working fine.

var uuid = require('uuid');

var navigator = {}; //fake a navigator object for the lib
var window = {}; //fake a window object for the lib
eval(postman.getGlobalVariable("jsrsasign-js")); //import javascript jsrsasign

// generate a key pair
let kp = KEYUTIL.generateKeypair("RSA", 2048);
jwkPrv = KEYUTIL.getJWK(kp.prvKeyObj);
jwkPub = KEYUTIL.getJWK(kp.pubKeyObj);


pm.collectionVariables.set("dpopProofPrv", JSON.stringify(jwkPrv));
pm.collectionVariables.set("dpopProofPub", JSON.stringify(jwkPub));

// Set headers for JWT
var header = {
    "alg" : "RS256",
    "typ" : "dpop+jwt",
    "jwk" : jwkPub

var tenant = pm.environment.get("tenant");
var currentTimestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
var claims = {
    "jti": uuid.v4(),
    'iat': currentTimestamp,
    'exp': currentTimestamp + 1*1800,
    "htm": "POST",
    "htu": ``,

var sHeader = JSON.stringify(header);
var sPayload = JSON.stringify(claims);
var signedToken = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(header.alg, sHeader, sPayload, KEYUTIL.getKey(jwkPrv));

console.log(`DEBUG: DPoP proof=${signedToken}`);
pm.environment.set("dpop_proof", signedToken);
bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet Seems like we are missing something while setting headers in packages/oidc-client/src/jwt.ts image

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

i'am back. When i try your configuration I have an invalid signature. I will try to find why.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

@bhargavmullakuru , I have understood what to do with all your information.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

pretty sure that 7.13.16-beta.1276 version works for you :) !

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Hi @guillaume-chervet ... I used the version you mentioned above. It was generating ES256 dpop by default. Did you changed some configuration settings ?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru , i have tester with this configuration in comments inside the demo

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet actually it was not working with that version. I used 7.15.0-alpha.1286 and it worked. Thanks for your help. 🙏🏼

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru it should work with that 7.14.0 stable version :)

Thank you so much for all your information that help a lot! DPOP is an awesome feature.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Thanks @guillaume-chervet . It's working with stable version now.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet Can i close this issue ?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Sure yes !