AxaFrance / oidc-client

Light, Secure, Pure Javascript OIDC (Open ID Connect) Client. We provide also a REACT wrapper (compatible NextJS, etc.).
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"undefined" is not valid JSON while authenticating once deployed, working fine in local. #1274

Closed bhargavmullakuru closed 4 months ago

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Issue and Steps to Reproduce

Hi @guillaume-chervet , App was working fine in local, After deploying to server, it was throwing the below error.

"undefined" is not valid JSON at getLoginParams, Could you pls help me with this. Her is my config format.

 storage: localStorage,
demonstrating_proof_of_possession : true
demonstrating_proof_of_possession_configuration : config




Screenshot 2024-02-01 214606 Screenshot 2024-02-01 214757



Additional Details

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet, Seems like storage is not working when deployed in server. When debugged, the same storage object in local has diff values, whereas server Storage object doesn't have any values.

In local. Screenshot 2024-02-01 224125

in Dev, Storage was not created properly Screenshot 2024-02-01 224133

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru , do you have a video which can help me to unsderstand user flow on your server?

At which stage does this happen?

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet Just normally deployed and tried to access Dev URL, it is throwing that error. Let me do and send a screen recording

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

You may have a wrong configuration somewhere. I need more information to be able help you.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Yes @guillaume-chervet , but it's working fine in local. 🫣🥲

Moraissz commented 5 months ago

@bhargavmullakuru We have the same problem, but even local it doesn't work

We figure out that its because the redirect uri param did not finish with '/authentication/callback'.

It's mandatory to end with '/authentication/callback' @guillaume-chervet ?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @Moraissz , the callback url can be whatever you want. OidcProvider need to be before any router in the component hierarchie to prevent router to catch the flow.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

@Moraissz what happen with your configuration set on this repository demo?

Moraissz commented 5 months ago

I didn't try my configuration set on the react demo , could try later to see what happens

That's strange, but somehow this undefined problem vanished when we put the /authentication/callback in the redirect url, without changing anything else.

We put the OidcProvider before everything in App.tsx

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

You may have a wrong configuration somewhere. I need more information to be able help you.

@guillaume-chervet Here is my configuration.

    "authority": "",
    "client_id": "6f4906fd-2e64-4296-a0e5-874773300c81",
    "redirect_uri": "",
    "response_type": "code",
    "scope": "openid profile email offline_access",
    "post_logout_redirect_uri": "",
    "demonstrating_proof_of_possession": true,
    "demonstrating_proof_of_possession_configuration": {
        "importKeyAlgorithm": {
            "name": "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
            "hash": {
                "name": "SHA-256"
        "signAlgorithm": {
            "name": "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
            "hash": {
                "name": "SHA-256"
        "generateKeyAlgorithm": {
            "name": "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
            "modulusLength": 2048,
            "publicExponent": {
                "0": 1,
                "1": 0,
                "2": 1
            "hash": {
                "name": "SHA-256"
        "digestAlgorithm": {
            "name": "SHA-256"
        "jwtHeaderAlgorithm": "RS256"

it was working fine in local. no idea why it's failing while accessing url.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet is is possible to set and get when object key is undefined?

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru ,

you redirect_uri is equal to post_logout_uri.

it shoulb be an unique url that OIDC client can use to catch the redirection :)

in the demo it looks like : redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/authentication/callback',

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet I think library is not using post_logout_uri key. Let me try it by appending redirect_uri with '/authentication/callback'

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

after appending with '/authentication/callback' with redirect_uri it worked. Thanks for help @guillaume-chervet , if any issue, i will let you know.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru feel free to close the issue when you think it is done.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet ... Now after login, it was not redirecting properly to home.

It's displaying blank page with console errors. image

any suggestion ? my jsx is below.

      onEvent={(configurationName, eventName, data) => {
        console.log("event...", configurationName, eventName, data);
      <BrowserRouter basename={BASE_PATH}>
        <SettingsContext.Provider value={{ ...settings, configuration }}>
          <App />

and my callback success component is here,..

const CallbackSuccessComponent = () => {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const { idToken } = useOidcIdToken();
  useEffect(() => {
    if (idToken) {
      navigate("/", { replace: true });
  }, [idToken]);

  return <div>CallbackSuccessComponent</div>;

Help needed. Thanks in advance.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru , I hope it is your last problem.

What does look like your BASE_PATH value?

Do you have something if you set up

      onEvent={(configurationName, eventName, data) => {
        console.log("event...", configurationName, eventName, data);
      <h1>Welcome :) </h1>
bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet . My base path value is /

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Just for test @bhargavmullakuru what happen if you removed it?

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

@guillaume-chervet more thing, do we really need /authentication/callback in URL. I think /callback is enough right ? seems like it is looking for /msi/authentication/static/ which the path doesn't exist. it should be /msi/static/. since /msi is the base url in server for my application.

guillaume-chervet commented 5 months ago

Hi @bhargavmullakuru callback can be what you want. It just need to to interfer with your application routes.

bhargavmullakuru commented 5 months ago

Okay @guillaume-chervet .. i will try to register my app url with URL + /callback and will give it a try. Thanks.

guillaume-chervet commented 4 months ago

hi @bhargavmullakuru, is it okey for you, may we close this issue?

bhargavmullakuru commented 4 months ago

Yes, closing it.