Closed Thodor12 closed 2 years ago
Hi @Thodor12 , thank you for the issue.
Have you configured TrustesDomains.js? For security access token are only send to domains declared in that file.
// OidcTrustedDomains.js // Add here trusted domains, access tokens will be send const trustedDomains = { default:["http://localhost:4200"], auth0:[] };
Yes, I have set that one, I have separated the backend by authorization server and resource server, in development they run on port 7068 and 7200 respectively, both are added to the trusted domains.
The screenshot I provided is the error I get from the authorization server (port 7068)
Btw, just in case the doubt maybe with the backend, I am using OpenIddict (for ASP.NET) and the response does correctly return a refresh token.
@Thodor12 if you update to v6.0.0beta3 whithout any code chang,e it should fix your problem. Before v6 oidc server domain should not be declared in trusteddomain.js.
I updated to 6.0.0-beta3 but the service worker in that version seems not to function. It crashes with the error:
OidcServiceWorker.js:238 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')
at OidcServiceWorker.js:238:57
at Array.find (<anonymous>)
at checkDomain (OidcServiceWorker.js:238:28)
at OidcServiceWorker.js:279:13
At the function where it wants to validate the userInfoEndpoint, however my system does not expose a userInfoEndpoint because I rely on JWT tokens that already include all the user information.
As per the OpenId discovery document specification the userinfo_endpoint
is RECOMMENDED, not REQUIRED. (, section 3)
Could this be changed so that the userinfo_endpoint
is only checked when it's actually provided?
Should I make a different issue to fix this or can you pick this up?
Sorry again @Thodor12 for that bug. No need another issue i will fix this for beta4. Thank you for your feedback!
I commented the offending line to be able to test it, but right now the library doesn't even attempt to refresh the token, previously it at least attempted to make a refresh token request, now it does nothing?
After the token expiry time rolls over all of the requests just follow up with a 401 error and nothing happens.
Also I don't even get the "session lost" component shown
Hi @Thodor12 , have you tried the beta4?
This is strange if the timer do not start :/
The service worker is functional now, however the refreshing still doesn't happen
If you run the demo with your configuration, what does look like your logs ?
On the demo, by default it works and it continuously rolls my token over and over (because it's expiration is currently set to 60 seconds), so that works as expected.
I then updated the demo to use 6.0.0-beta4 and everythings stopped working
Hum, i have an idea where it can come from.
Do you have a sample an idtoken?
This token format is identical to my access token. They're encrypted using ASP.NET Core Data Protection stack. You can only unprotect these through the data protection system, provided you also have the correct certificate, is that usable for you?
(This was the refresh_token btw)
Oh sorry, you said idToken:
Thank you very much @Thodor12 . I understand what append. Do you have a sample of the first token call after login.
You may remove refresh token value and set an old expired access token. I need to find information to know when access token expire.
This is the initial token call:
"access_token": "CfDJ8OpP9CaZdrhJkH68OTXlDjw10gomah53FkxI3XnCIO7QHl-gUCxDvQgfAX9paDUEaS2ENTtALZlymYD2yNXB-LW_Fc_4mP5Tv9MO0nz5q7er2l-nwWA0JAU_sd1w_-v0w_-nfOhvw2NC_l5l8JvD0wjmXIygrBxEKT9SsMTcTcjI-_eX1dT12Lt-nI1t5CaPDn32YYpbNdpp0N7BXYY0lxpHhVvVJU0EYlt2Rl3uBbzD8YS3J7zcrPLJ_jNdEMYEyL1ziRvdXlDdgz4PNVZ4QIpPPKyISKcEeyOIjnSkoJSMC_9de2ddvo6b0f06iCahLJAQz6WXS4RcIy2Z5O9ykVik8w0h4bH5CKBC8HzYSAFrc9_Zq2c4ISbpLRplZRBp0yQEqC6mJ1nRdEtLr1iDitAUBAD6fZRQvwwiCsC3WK8hCPdPLkBPWn2RYojDLED_7Jxtz-AB3UhTOC_qVPbRWxS2SqSUq_Guqf-S4FwNtMjzo39CeF9J0WJtsd3AMBI73986iqJ-4j0idgjEnMWD4QiY_h7GosegPrYb8Iia9HJK8YMpq-PE9QFEyrgbQQKqs_0cGMRwUYF7sdO3dbhBTZ_p_eMKF4vxbhUHKLzEmcbmjZdVdojt2CCS8BjmtmSSCScaQU4CnDSfFOalpsIevHhY1NqQ7QUPCdPJTLZXsuQ4nC2wDxI2FSKFkmwk0ilFlJUDmQi5QLhbu1fuDkNWb5E",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 60,
"scope": "openid profile email roles offline_access full.access",
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkNFNjQ1QUMzNkZCRDUxQzkzNzI1Rjk2MjIwN0ZDNTUxRjlCRTM3N0EiLCJ4NXQiOiJ6bVJhdzItOVVjazNKZmxpSUhfRlVmbS1OM28iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJzdWIiOiI1IiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0aG9tLnZhbmRlbmFra2VyQG91dGxvb2suY29tIiwibmFtZSI6IkFkbWluIiwicm9sZSI6IkFkbWluIiwib2lfYXVfaWQiOiI4NzMiLCJhenAiOiJyZWFjdC1zcGEiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoidTFkZVpGZmxsbUVQLU8wZ1FXU2RsUSIsIm9pX3Rrbl9pZCI6IjU2MCIsImF1ZCI6InJlYWN0LXNwYSIsImV4cCI6MTY1ODU5MDIzNiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6NzA2OC8iLCJpYXQiOjE2NTg1ODkwMzZ9.XVrj0t7m4Xpf4xfQ6z-ZUD4PXes63sQD_Yz4tDtqxiTgb_MdNNJgByT2gJlWoBgo1m_OphR8q4DGVvjc8r3e4yzuCf3mjpiMD4-K9g3Og5AmP_C-cknMUe0zAOo5To1tn8FghEd0mY-gzJo70x5KXKsL5wl45dqRvXfVjlmAR8u-BqMhGmKLOO7BZCETftyUNAICqfJPe-eEkkTo5RzCYuEo6N4trdRmpbap0W3PK3GOLyLEzYGmkxwG4LqfEs09hzSCrpk_Y4GCbQH0X-NNXC4xLev7rXw58R5vv7K1RRFRRN_19PlooDVTjNwOBrSfHop3mr8KeLwcEbPPH8h5_A",
"refresh_token": "CfDJ8OpP9CaZdrhJkH68OTXlDjz5wKJ8uZfoRgBiUfHIh9KcYOIyiClfOJzFW2hpDh5PjggQU6FmkOjuau5xhMohp3XqnuucAjkfCFcV-nbIUxYh0mSl_IyEkA0XkLL55qkm-sLkM56dbd0wIp2lrb2iv79Lo7UK90ceI-5IdlTuuW1sX2hQzZkLUd6yjIKCxXF2l90UxJ0geQ8TTKM1iusavoOvVxdnYVeIy5ZqBs7iyjQlqWAW5IMHzbsH4tGUe5Uzpud2aNNIRxyfDrYfVQvfhTzCeCl1p0XJr6zqoq6vFkLzbei6K7IoVwl9v8s-oiwJQeEtO3JnKe-eUYpESJfYocJ2TODom13IReT37-VKMbuy82xVuABv5JIesster8AbJrq2hFfe35qaqIjL7-syuRCphy4Uo3v9Kb0WqXIwZqHrfwR6ZC0UXoe1BqjDLTQFoQzRCYR1ldquA5IW0HdaHDe1j-_kA7KTNDPiGC5IzIWKd_p_Q6Lx_7J1O44GqmELT1V2o16Zz9D4BHl4LjpN0xgrBM9t2_J7kBLEiO1hoddJpWgQh12BDGdj80VzHxUMveK3HcVlKdpPQsN7CuvnsEUuZ2zcGZLh9LWSFW8l1LoIqxl_mGt1h5izqdkVMAdEaTKLx_kajy9eRer0tx66x13xCggJ59zb3dJoZhq0v6oZX9ulvTg8K8FdVjTNyJ6NYS-JqqT6enL3Tc8AHXTQGEbc6Ic70KmZLMnyFPLskoieBiGdllC4df7ZXXTONlbFfCLepZ7OPPsp5VL3BN9aarB0Wfh699xYt_YbgP6fHFGQO1wGYSVRMzk_KThJK5C6SAqRI_L_4xDfooBLysx34wzWORgkroK6MZGxwKHOMLY8KvKdmnJbLOybYze3UT5LR-d3JcesjvkfvoeLOJGwsKVtamgwoV_C3eRSbhksh3hLGgnZmsWHNS8kFhcOo9db3BV7FD06BEcn5TpHNg2vm3miR2-wfQobUGXFc0caCrLld6DUJ9C1po3J1qpTQnSxMkAnfstmpMcWNfD0HPlsRQ3E4e1yNU_Y-d4Bf4ahUnEJkzOf_-DbwZGykt_ISgv4ZiQJbcls632Om__HgVVNEKESJmIdfnEmHfB23JuEdphVWGqLWf0FVDyQYbfoviqdljWMu2CbW2bemW-sZJCPxPU"
I don't care about any of the tokens, this is just a testing environment
Sorry, that was the response, this is the form data input:
grant_type: authorization_code
client_id: react-spa
redirect_uri: http://localhost:3000/authentication/callback
code: mCbfs6Zmtb4Au-IRja9vKrD-Ov0ZQQjZv8HQiONt2Yw
code_verifier: 30Aux9eTElGqOOp901gt9KRA5YpaE2lRXn7veEaHw6QF5HflN5OUqCa67GQBXxCtCOrBiHCBG6cyQrAPQNlwTdlaozYmMovzDHE8QUf1NFkVTGxD3nd37OTLuu60XC9O
I just noticed that requests that are being made to the OidcKeepAliveServiceWorker.json are resulting in errors (infinitely pending, then failing). Could that have something to do with it?
This only happens seemingly right after the initial token connection, if I hard reload after that it's resulting in a 304
Hi @Thodor12 , thank you very much for all your information and your help. OidcKeepAliveServiceWorker.json is a fake request in order to keepalive the service worker. It fail when window is reloading, but it does not matter.
I just publshed version 6.0.0-beta7 which should fix your issue.
Checked the commit out, looks good, however for people that do use JWT tokens, and not encrypted tokens you probably want to make use of the iat
This won't be for me since I have that encrypted token but could be useful for others.
Edit: Actually you can get the iat
claim from the id_token
since that one, per the specification, is mandatory to be a JWT token and thus always can have an iat
claim, if it doesn't have one you could still fall back on the current datetime (because the iat
claim is considered optional)
Edit 2: Actually, as per the OpenID Connect specification, the iat
claim is mandatory: (section 2)
@guillaume-chervet Unfortunately beta7 still had no effect, the tokens still won't roll over.
I have attached the onEvent
method like the demo application does too, I can in fact see the token_timer, however it's timeLeft is really high despite only having a 60 second expiry time on my token, I don't think the expiresAt calculation is going completely correctly if I'm being honest.
@guillaume-chervet I found the issue (finally), turns out the backend decouples the lifetime of the access_token
and id_token
into 2 separate things, useful but not well documented.
The default lifetime for the id_token
turned out to be 20 minutes, and I set the access_token
only 1 minute.
So this isn't really a problem with react-oidc
anymore, I have managed to solve it now.
Howver the following question, we can still see if a request ends in a 401 through our own code, is there a way we can manually trigger a refresh using the refresh_token
and retry?
Thank you again @Thodor12 for your information. Beta 6 does not use idtoken information. It may work for your use case. You may set refresh_time_before_tokens_expiration_in_second: 20 In your configuration.
I will study how to retrieve well all token expiration date.
On a different note, in v5 I could use Axios using:
const { accessToken } = useOidcAccessToken();
const axiosInst = useMemo(() => {
const config: AxiosRequestConfig = {
baseURL: Environment.API_HOST + "/api",
if (accessToken) {
config.headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
const client = axios.create(config);
client.interceptors.response.use(originalResponse => {
return originalResponse;
return client;
}, [accessToken]);
return axiosInst;
The accessToken here would be the service worker protected value but the service worker would replace it with the correct token. However this functionality seems to be broken in v6, the service worker no longer intercepts the requests? Resulting in all requests ending in a 401, how do you properly use Axios?
I dislike fetch and don't want to use it because the API is quite bad.
Hi @Thodor12 , the same behavior should happen in v6.
Do you have somewhere on github the code of your oidc dev server?
It may be quicker to reproduce all the problems.
I set up a more robust algorithm in beta 8 :
I will grant you access to the 2 repositores, backend and frontend so you can take a look. Can I contact you elsewhere which is a bit faster in terms of communication?
Slack, Teams, Discord?
Hi @Thodor12 , thank you very much. I will try to create a slack and look a your code.
Just write down your email and I can invite you into a slack group, then we can continue discussion in there, alright?
I'll need to give you some information on how to set up the project since I work on it alone and thus provided no README etc
My mail is guillaume.chervet at I am in holiday, i won't be a lot in front my computer before next week.
@guillaume-chervet Hey, you managed to take another look at Slack to check if you could manage to get my application running? If you're busy that's alright, still attempting to see if I can get it fixed myself but no progress yet.
Hi @Thodor12 , I'am sorry i will be 2 weeks more in holiday (I have worked that previous week) on the beach :)
Did you tried last version 6 ? I think it should fixes many things.
Your code you give me access at front side looks good.
Hey, I updated to 6.0.12 and it seems to be properly working now. The token now automatically rolls if it expires, so that's good.
However 1 odd thing that I noticed, if I refresh the page normally, the page reloads properly and the backend serves the content directly. But if I hard reload (CTRL + Shift + R) the page that it loads results in a 401, because the token is not loaded. But when I then reload the page normally again, it works again??
It looks like on a hard reload the service worker does not get initialized on time because I do not see the service worker modifying any requests in the network tab, but on a soft reload it does modify them properly
Oh, nevermind, turns out this is intended behaviour: 👀
In that case everything works like a charm now, thank you for all your support and effort and enjoy the rest of your holiday 😄
Issue and Steps to Reproduce
When using the service worker, the access token is translated to a protected value for security reasons, and then converted back into the actual token when sending them to the backend. However this doesn't seem to be happening with the refresh token, this one is sent as the protected value itself and not reset by the service worker.
I have the follow oidc configuration:
On the backend I've set my access token to expire within 90 seconds to trigger refreshing very fast for testing purposes.
react-oidc: 5.13.5
The refresh token should be received in the backend as the actual refresh token value, not the service worker protected value.
The refresh token comes in as the service worker protected value.
Additional Details