Closed sreid-brock closed 6 months ago
First, I would recommend to downgrade the firmware to 11.8. There is a known issue on 11.9 that will make your ACAP fail, we are working on it
But besides that, it seems you have another problem, because your acap is crashing here
inference-server-1 | exec /opt/app/acap_runtime/acapruntime: exec format error
exec format error usually occur when the architecture of the device doesn't match the one the ACAP was built for.
docker build --tag $APP_NAME --platform linux/arm/v7 --build-arg ARCH .
docker build --file Dockerfile.model --tag $MODEL_NAME --platform linux/arm/v7 --build-arg ARCH .
Here the platform flag is not required.
docker save $APP_NAME | docker load
docker save $MODEL_NAME | docker load
The purpose of this command is to save the docker container in your computer and send it to the camera, your docker load is missing the -H flag, double-check the readme of the example to see the correct usage
Thank you for your suggestions.
I'm using an Axis P3255-LVE which has linux/arm/v7 architecture. I'm also using Docker_Daemon_1_5_0_armv7hf_signed.eap on the device which I believe should match that architecture. Is there something else I'm missing? My Ubuntu machine is linux/amd64, which is why I added the --platform flag to the build command above, but I feel like I'm missing something here in terms of architecture/compatibility.
Unfortunately, the libvdostream error remains with the "P3255-LVE_11_8_61" firmware.
Please let me know if you have further advice.
armv7 and armv7hf are not the same architecture, and we define the architecture via the --build-arg
flag, not the --platform
Look again at the readme with the example build instruction:
Make sure to follow the build instructions as explained there, starting from the export of the variables.
The camera reports its architecture as armv7hf (through the basicdeviceinfo getAllProperties method of the API). So adding Docker_Daemon_1_5_0_armv7hf_signed.eap as an app on the device should work fine then, right? Are there other potential causes of the "exec format error" issue other than architecture, or something I'm still missing regarding the architecture?
I have been going through the instructions you linked with the same results. I must be missing something here.
Hi, the architecture of the docker acap is correct. Did you make sure to use the -H flag? for these three commands?
docker save $APP_NAME | docker load
docker save $MODEL_NAME | docker load
docker compose --env-file ./config/env.$ARCH.$CHIP up
Without the -H flag, you are running the example on your computer rather than on the device, that might be the problem
Thanks, I was able to make some progress by specifying the host (though I seemed to have a TLS issue so I've temporarily disabled it on the Docker daemon and switched to port 2375).
The save commands are working, but I'm getting a connection refused / authentication error with the docker compose command. Browsing to gives me the following error:
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":null}]}
I'm able to successfully "docker login" on the command line so I'm not sure why there's an authentication error. Any thoughts?
docker save $APP_NAME | docker --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:2375 load docker save $MODEL_NAME | docker --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:2375 load
docker --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:2375 compose --env-file ./config/env.$ARCH.$CHIP up
WARN[0000] /home/brock/Desktop/Axis/acap-computer-vision-sdk-examples/object-detector-python/docker-compose.yml: version
is obsolete
[+] Running 1/0
✘ inference-server Error Get "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:53711->[::1]:53: read: connection refus... 0.0s
Error response from daemon: Get "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:53711->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
If the problem is TLS authentication, you can either disable TLS from the Docker ACAP settings, Or (recommended for security) set up TLS certificates. In the second case ou can follow the instructions here:
The error I posted above was with TLS already disabled in the Docker ACAP settings. I can set up TLS certificates, but isn't that unrelated to the "authentication required" error I'm getting at ""?
Ah I see so it could be that your camera doesn't have access to the internet directly?
One of the images needed, the acap-runtime is supposed to be pulled from the camera when you do the docker compose up command. If it can, you have to save it manually like you did for the other two containers.
docker pull axisecp/acap-runtime:1.3.1-aarch64-containerized
docker save axisecp/acap-runtime:1.3.1-aarch64-containerized | docker --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:2375 load
and compose up again
Thanks for the suggestion. It successfully loaded the "axisecp/acap-runtime:1.3.1-aarch64-containerized" image to the device, but I'm still getting the same "connection refused" error with the "unauthorized" and "authentication required" messages if I browse to the URL.
I've had someone else try and they cannot access either, so it's not just my account. Is this a private registry or something? I'm not sure why the camera is trying to access it or what I have to do to gain access.
Update: Your suggestion above was the right approach. I initially just didn't replace aarch64 with armv7hf in the command.
Thanks again for your help!
Minimum Debug Steps
Before opening the issue, try to load the model on the device using this command:
Please provide us this log together with your issue.
brock@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Axis/acap-computer-vision-sdk-examples/object-detector-python$ larod-client -g model_path -c cpu-tflite larod-client: command not found brock@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Axis/acap-computer-vision-sdk-examples/object-detector-python$ journalctl -u larod -- No entries --
I am attempting to go through the steps for the object-detector-python sample, but the application fails to run. I was able to run the hello-world sample, but for object-detector-python I get an error on the docker compose command:
Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting "/usr/lib/" to rootfs at "/usr/lib/": mount /usr/lib/ (via /proc/self/fd/6), flags: 0x5000: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type
To reproduce
cd ~/Desktop/Axis/acap-computer-vision-sdk-examples/object-detector-python export ARCH=armv7hf export CHIP=tpu export APP_NAME=acap4-object-detector-python export MODEL_NAME=acap-dl-models docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --credential yes --persistent yes docker build --tag $APP_NAME --platform linux/arm/v7 --build-arg ARCH . docker build --file Dockerfile.model --tag $MODEL_NAME --platform linux/arm/v7 --build-arg ARCH . docker save $APP_NAME | docker load docker save $MODEL_NAME | docker load docker compose --env-file ./config/env.$ARCH.$CHIP up
See error:
WARN[0000] /home/brock/Desktop/Axis/acap-computer-vision-sdk-examples/object-detector-python/docker-compose.yml:
is obsolete [+] Running 2/0 ✔ Container object-detector-python-inference-server-1 Created 0.0s ✔ Container object-detector-python-acap_dl-models-1 Created 0.0s Attaching to acap_dl-models-1, inference-server-1, object-detector-python-1 inference-server-1 | exec /opt/app/acap_runtime/acapruntime: exec format error acap_dl-models-1 | exec /bin/sh: exec format error Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting "/usr/lib/" to rootfs at "/usr/lib/": mount /usr/lib/ (via /proc/self/fd/6), flags: 0x5000: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected typeEnvironment
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.