Axlfc / UE5-python

🐍 Code to test Python Unreal Engine 5 capabilites, Blender & HoudiniFX scripts for testing, a twitter bot, reddit script and ChatGPT, DALL-E & other open-source text and image generation models scripts and utilities.
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chatBot: Add support for non openai text generation models #6

Open Axlfc opened 1 year ago

Axlfc commented 1 year ago

Implement a solution when calling or "if first or second argument is a matching language model". By default is calling the model "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301" by openai.

This models are downloaded in ~/.cache/huggingface/hub


Version Disk Space
gpt-neo-125M 526 MB
gpt-neo-1.3B 5.31 GB
gpt-neo-2.7B 10.7GB
Version Disk Space
bloom-560m 1.12 GB
bloom-1b1 2.13 GB
bloom-1b7 3.44 GB
bloom-3b 6.01 GB
bloom-7b1 14.11 GB
bloom 700 GB
Version Disk Space
flan-t5-small 308 MB
flan-t5-base 990 MB
flan-t5-large 3.13 GB
flan-t5-xl 11.4 GB
flan-t5-xxl ~45 GB
Version Disk Space
galactica-125m 250 MB
galactica-1.3b 2.63 GB
galactica-6.7b 13.73 GB
galactica-30b ~61 GB
galactica-120b ~250 GB
Version Disk Space
opt-125m x GB
opt-350m x GB
opt-1.3b x GB
opt-2.7b x GB
opt-6.7b x GB
opt-13b x GB
opt-30b x GB
opt-66b x GB
Version Disk Space
pygmalion-350m 1.32 GB
pygmalion-1.3b 2.93 GB
pygmalion-2.7b 5.44 GB
pygmalion-6b 16.34 GB
Version Disk Space
santacoder 4.6 GB
Axlfc commented 5 months ago

Add our favorite LLM's from HuggingFace to this!

('StabilityLM 2' and beyond)