Axosoft / glo-atom

Glo plugin for Atom
MIT License
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Clicking a link to a card on a board that's been deleted logs the user out of their session and sends them to the login screen. #4

Closed BenjaminLove closed 6 years ago

BenjaminLove commented 6 years ago

I was testing out linking cards and came across a scenario that results in unexpected & impolite behavior.

Clicking on a dead card link, when card was on a different board and that board has since been deleted, but the linked card wasn't explicitly deleted

But what actually happens is that the session gets terminated and I get shown the login screen. I imagine this is a low priority issue - since everybody using this will be developers on small teams, they'll have a good idea of what caused the error, and their reaction will just be "understandable, have a nice day". But the solution to this problem will be useful for future features, I'm sure. (Hovering card links to get a preview of the card, transferring cards between boards, establishing card relationships and displaying status of the related card, etc.)

Decided to test a few other scenarios. Here's my notes:

  1. Link to a card that exists on a different board. Delete the board. Click link. (session killed, sent to login)
  2. Link to a card that exists on a different board. Delete the card only. Click link. (sent to other board, which is nice, but no error about the card not existing. If there was lots of content and I was a product manager that only checks in every 2 weeks, I'd be very confused.)
  3. Link to a card that exists on same board. Delete card, click link. (card description closes, no error message. same behavior as above basically)
  4. Link to a card that never existed on same board. Click link.(card description closes, no error. Same as 3)
  5. Link to a card that never existed on a different board that currently exists. Click link. (other board loads, same as 2)
  6. Link to a card that never existed on a board that never existed. Click link. (description closes, board closes, but then the board loads up again.
  7. Hmm: Link to a card that exists on a different board. Delete the linked card first. Then delete the list the card was on. Then delete the board. Click link. (This actually doesn't sign the user out. This just closes the description and reloads the current board, like 6. So I'm thinking the bad behavior in scenario 1 stems from the fact that the card still exists in the database, and probably has null values for permissions or board or list or something.)
  8. Link to a card that exists on a different board. Delete the linked card. Don't delete the list. Delete the board. (Board reloads, same as 6. )

Hope this helps.

BenjaminLove commented 6 years ago

Heh. This may be happening in Atom, but I wouldn't know, because I'm actually using the vsc plugin.