AyatanaIndicators / ayatana-indicator-display

Ayatana Indicator Display
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Move "ADB host key verification" out of ayatana-indicator-display #90

Closed peat-psuwit closed 11 months ago

peat-psuwit commented 12 months ago

"ADB host key verification" refers to a process where the phone, having ADB enabled, asks user after connecting to a PC for the first time if they allow connection. The phone verifies that it knows the PC using PC's RSA key pair, hence "host key verification". Obviously, this feature is specific to Ubuntu Touch.

Now, in Canonical's infinite wisdom, they put the UI of this process into indicator-display - yes, this one - despite it not having anything to do with display at all. It kinda works when indicator-display is inherently part of Ubuntu. However, when indicators are separated from Ubuntu, this obviously doesn't make any sense anymore.

My intention is to eventually separate this part of a-i-display into its own daemon, doing only ADB host key verification. However, at the moment I don't find a time for it yet. Thus, this issue.