AyeCode / geodirectory

GeoDirectory is the leading Directory Plugin for WordPress. Compatible with Gutenberg and the most popular page builders such as Elementor, Oxygen, Beaver Builder and Divi. GeoDirectory is the only solution for WordPress that can scale to millions of listings and high traffic.
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ER - Add Awesome options to GD Dynamic Content #1086

Open alexrollin opened 4 years ago

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

Advanced Options like:

Additional Field Support

city region country zipcode neighbourhood street street2 bbox=1.1,3.1,1.4,1.2 (UL, UR, LR, LL)

Location Conditions Support for testing for a specific [gd_dynamic_content key="region" condition="is_equal" search="california"]

Multiple Conditions

key1="my_checkbox" condition1="is_not_empty" key2="my_checkbox2" condition2="is_not_empty"

Filter Visibility

Logged in user is listing owner (is_listing_owner or is_author or is_admin) Logged in Logged out User Role(s) Listing Package (id(s)) (can be done with package_id field search value) CPT= Location ID ="1,2,3"


IF first condition not met, DO second condition Allow nested if else

**Nesting of GD Dynamic Content inside GD Dynamic Content

GD Dynamic Content to work inside another GD Dynamic Content Tested not working now.

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

Member Request https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/street-address-shows-city-when-street-address-is-optional-and-not-provided/#post-532873

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

Add support for UWP custom fields with the use of a key key=‘uwp_my_custom_field'

See also https://github.com/UsersWP/userswp/issues/353

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

To show based on the post type would be really helpful. To keep a single details template it is sometimes necessary to show the same widget, like linked posts, but to do something like change the title based on the post type.

1naveengiri commented 2 years ago

condition by user_role https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/1954224825/34123?folderId=3812058