AyeCode / geodirectory

GeoDirectory is the leading Directory Plugin for WordPress. Compatible with Gutenberg and the most popular page builders such as Elementor, Oxygen, Beaver Builder and Divi. GeoDirectory is the only solution for WordPress that can scale to millions of listings and high traffic.
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ER Business Hours Improvements top requests #1122

Open alexrollin opened 4 years ago

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

Search for Open and Closed

https://github.com/AyeCode/geodir_advance_search_filters-v2/issues/32 https://github.com/AyeCode/geodirectory/issues/942

Text Input for add lsiting form widget

Input widget is hard to use. Specifically the inability to type the time. People find the slider for the time entry tedious. If we fixed one thing, that would be it, based on requests. We made a snippet to allow entry of the hours directly but that is not a solution for most people.


Default value settings

UI requested, Currenly available as a snippet https://github.com/AyeCode/geodirectory/issues/789

Open Now badge -

rather than show the full business hours on the Archive item we need a badge that has an open and closed template to allow easy translation. Open Next Show if the place is open now with some simple text next
if the place is closed, this badgey-widget would display when it is next open.

https://github.com/AyeCode/geodirectory/issues/684 https://github.com/AyeCode/geodirectory/issues/730

Set multiple days -

a bigger UI enhancement just as often requested, a list of days and you click on one or more days to set hours for those days all together. This is available as a web component but I haven't seen it in WP as php anywhere.


WP All Import mapping for hours -

add support for different input formats for open hours to transform data into the expected/required GD format. Yes people can do this in their sheet but it would be a help to the members who are regularly importing csvs with 100k listings that have hours in a totally different format.


1naveengiri commented 4 years ago

multiple uses of Business hours field

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

open closed search https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/search-for-opening-hours-2/

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

multiple uses of Business hours field https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/business-hours-individual-adaptation/

This one they wanted to use seasonal hours, and multiple fields might help with that.

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

Open now https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/1172435716/0/?folderId=3803506

Stiofan commented 4 years ago

This is of high priority but we want to get AUI in core first, that is our top priority at the moment.

alexrollin commented 4 years ago

We are getting a request every other day for an improved input UI for the business hours field. In some cases it is loading a date picker (not performing well) and in other cases reports of difficulty on mobile.

Overall, though, the number one request is for an improved input widget.

alexrollin commented 3 years ago

open now badge, closed now badge


alexrollin commented 3 years ago

Some CSS to show the open now or closed now text


.geodir-field-business_hours a { cursor: default; pointer-events: none; text-decoration:none; }

.bsui .text-danger, .bsui .text-success { color: transparent !important; }

.bsui .text-success font { color: #44c553 !important; }

.bsui .text-danger font { color:

dc3545 !important;


.bsui .dropdown-toggle::after { display: none; }

alexrollin commented 1 year ago

Seasonal hours request https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/2034951227/0/?folderId=3803506

Specific closed time by date to override normal hours. Like, closed dec 25th 00-00