Ayfel / PrefabLightmapping

Script for saving lightmapping data to prefabs. Used through the Assets tab in Unity. Place your prefbas in the scene with this script at the root. Set up your lighting and in the editor go to Assets->Bake Prefab Lightmaps. After is processed you can now spawn your prefabs in different scenes and they will use the lightmapping from the original scene.
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Lightmaps load problem #11

Closed Dawid93 closed 4 years ago

Dawid93 commented 4 years ago

Hi first of all, thanks for this script is great :) , but i've got a problem. When i spawn prefab with baked lightmaps from pool sometimes they don't wont to load like on the screen below. This is the same prefab.


Dawid93 commented 4 years ago

That was my fault. I set gameObject active to false after spawn to pool, so I add event to script and now i'm wait for lightmaps load.