Aylur / ags

A customizable and extensible shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.74k stars 95 forks source link

GJS error log #417

Open lVentus opened 1 month ago

lVentus commented 1 month ago

sorry, i am new to linux, so maybe these are really stupid questions.

when I run ags, with Aylur's dotfile, these logs appear:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 18:26:16.484: JS ERROR: TypeError: section.get_file() is null

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:26:16.484: Theme parsing error: <data>:1555:12: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:26:16.484: Theme parsing error: <data>:1555:12: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): Gjs-WARNING **: 18:26:16.511: Unhandled promise rejection. To suppress this warning, add an error handler to your promise chain with .catch() or a try-catch block around your await expression. Stack trace of the failed promise:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): Gjs-WARNING **: 18:26:16.511: Unhandled promise rejection. To suppress this warning, add an error handler to your promise chain with .catch() or a try-catch block around your await expression. Stack trace of the failed promise:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 18:26:16.539: net.hadess.PowerProfiles is not available
no icon substitute "nix-snowflake" for "nix-snowflake", fallback: "application-x-executable"
no icon substitute "nix-snowflake" for "nix-snowflake", fallback: "application-x-executable"
no icon substitute "nix-snowflake" for "nix-snowflake", fallback: "application-x-executable"
no icon substitute "nix-snowflake" for "nix-snowflake", fallback: "application-x-executable"
no icon substitute "code-url-handler" for "code-url-handler", fallback: "application-x-executable"

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 18:26:16.857: value "-0.070000" of type 'gdouble' is invalid or out of range for property 'value' of type 'gdouble'

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 18:26:16.857: value "-0.070000" of type 'gdouble' is invalid or out of range for property 'value' of type 'gdouble'

(com.github.Aylur.ags:34574): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 18:26:16.857: value "-0.070000" of type 'gdouble' is invalid or out of range for property 'value' of type 'gdouble'