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cat image not appearing in run launcher and wezterm not opening #21

Closed Vikash-Singh-Tanwar closed 1 year ago

Vikash-Singh-Tanwar commented 1 year ago

sorry if this question is dumb but i am a newbie and just started using window managers first of all the cat is not visible in run menu wezterm worked after installing font and zsh but second issue it vluetooth not visible in systry and empty patch is thier and secondly fi icons comes under media tray icons are missing from powermenu tray too

thyeun commented 1 year ago

@vs66388 for the cat image not appear on your launcher, there are few things you need to check.

  1. Check the file ~/.config/eww/scss/variables.scss. Look for the first line $assets: '/home/demeter/.config/eww/assets/';, you need to change the path according to your correct right path.
  2. Open up your file manager and go to ~/.config/eww/assets folder, and look for wallpaper.png either the file is symlink to /home/demeter/.config/background, if yes, you have to replace it with one of the file from folder ~/.config/eww/assets/wallpapers/ with same file name.

For bluetooth visible in you eww bar, you have to install the dependency of gnome-bluetooth-3.0 (you can find out all the related dependencies for this eww bar on readme.md).

the fi on the media player is wrong codepoint from the font ubuntu nerd font, you have to change the correct one from the nerd font cheatsheet. Change it from the file ~/.config/eww/scripts/myshell/main.js. You will see the fi in that file, so just replace the correct one from the nerd font cheatsheet.

Vikash-Singh-Tanwar commented 1 year ago

everything is fine now but in powermenu icons are not visible just empty boxes + instead of search icon fl sign comes

thyeun commented 1 year ago

@vs66388 for the powermenu you still not follow the change on the variables.scss, all that icon link to the $assets path, if your path are correct, all the powermenu icons will appear.

for the launcher search icon as you see is fl, you have to change it in the file ~/.config/eww/yuck/windows/app_launcher.yuck.

Vikash-Singh-Tanwar commented 1 year ago

i fixed the path in ~/.config/eww/scss/variables.scss and after creating newsymlink llauncher was fine but powermenu icons are still missing and is thier a way to reduce 16px gaps around bar its to large for a 15 inch laptop display

thyeun commented 1 year ago

@vs66388 show me your code for variables.scss, and powermenu.scss.

Vikash-Singh-Tanwar commented 1 year ago

this powermenu varibles please tell about reducing gaps and sorry for trouble if i did anything stupid with code

thyeun commented 1 year ago

@vs66388 Check back the original powermenu.scss file. look like yours one is different.


 @if $theme == 'light' {
                        &.shutdown{ background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/light-shutdown.png'); }
                        &.reboot{   background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/light-reboot.png'); }
                        &.logout{   background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/light-logout.png'); }
                        &.suspend{  background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/light-suspend.png'); }
                        &.lock{     background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/light-lock.png'); }
                        &.shutdown{ background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/shutdown.png'); }
                        &.reboot{   background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/reboot.png'); }
                        &.logout{   background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/logout.png'); }
                        &.suspend{  background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/suspend.png'); }
                        &.lock{     background-image: url($assets+'powermenu/lock.png'); }

Yours on google drive

 @if $theme == 'light' {
                        &.shutdown {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/light-shutdown.png');
                        &.reboot {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/light-reboot.png');
                        &.logout {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/light-logout.png');
                        &.suspend {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/light-suspend.png');
                        &.lock {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/light-lock.png');
                    } @else {
                        &.shutdown {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/shutdown.png');
                        &.reboot {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/reboot.png');
                        &.logout {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/logout.png');
                        &.suspend {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/suspend.png');
                        &.lock {
                            background-image: url($assets + 'powermenu/lock.png');
thyeun commented 1 year ago

@vs66388 Show a screenshot of your bar that you want to reduce gaps.

Vikash-Singh-Tanwar commented 1 year ago

no the one that come with the config i wanna reduce the flaoting gaps and powermenu worked after i changed to assests