Open ImNotNihal opened 5 days ago
Task 1.1: Retrieve group data from the database in real-time. Task 1.2: Display retrieved group data in the instructor’s dashboard.
Task 1.1: Update Node.js backend to fetch group data in real-time from MongoDB. Task 1.2: Create a React component to display group data on the instructor dashboard.
Task 1.3: Implement a similar group view component for the student dashboard.
A.T.-1.1 : Display group on dashboard
1.The instructor’s dashboard shows a list of all existing groups.
2.Each group entry displays the group name.
A.T.-1.2 : Display Group Members
1.Selecting a group on the instructor’s dashboard shows a list of its members.
2.Each member entry includes the member’s name.
As an instructor, I want to view existing groups and their members on my dashboard so that I can monitor group compositions.