Open ImNotNihal opened 5 days ago
Task 3.1: Implement a 5-point rating scale for the Cooperation dimension. Task 3.2: Set up submission confirmation (confirm page) for peer assessments.
Task 3.3: Store rating data in the database.
Task 3.1: Implement a 5-point rating scale component in React for Cooperation. Task 3.2: Develop submission confirmation page in React. Task 3.3: Add a MongoDB schema and Node.js route to save rating data.
A.T. 3.1 : Submit Cooperation Rating
1.The student sees an option to rate teammates specifically on the "Cooperation" dimension. 2.The rating option is clearly labeled as "Cooperation" or similar
A.T. 3.2 : Submit Cooperation Rating
1.The student selects a rating for the "Cooperation" dimension and submits the feedback. 2.Upon submission, a confirmation message appears, indicating that the feedback was successfully submitted.
As a student, I want to provide a peer rating for the Cooperation dimension to submit feedback on team collaboration.