Aymkdn / html-to-pdfmake

This module permits to convert HTML to the PDFMake format
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Add imagesByReferenceSuffix option #177

Closed danhobbs75 closed 1 year ago

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

I'm building a PDF from a template which has sections. Each section is run through html-to-pdfmake separately, and this means when using imageByReference=true the references clash.

Adding an option suffix to the reference solves this clash.

Ignoring this new settings gives the existing behaviour.

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

I think it would be better to simply introduce a random string in the reference name.

So instead of:

  ret.image = 'img_ref_'+this.imagesRef.length;

We could have:

  ret.image = 'img_ref_'+(Math.random().toString(36).slice(2,8))+this.imagesRef.length;

No need for an extra parameter…

Can you test and get back to me with my solution?

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

Yes, that would work well. But doesn't the suffix need to be known if the image is used multiple times here:

if (index>-1) ret.image = 'img_ref_'+index+this.imagesByReferenceSuffix;
else {
  ret.image = 'img_ref_'+this.imagesRef.length+this.imagesByReferenceSuffix;

and also when building the return array of images at the end:

result.images['img_ref_'+i+this.imagesByReferenceSuffix] = (src.startsWith("{") ? JSON.parse(src) : src);

I think the random string should be created once right at the start of the method so it is set in stone, and then it can be referenced as a constant whenever it's needed.

Sound OK to you?

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

I think the random string should be created once right at the start of the method so it is set in stone, and then it can be referenced as a constant whenever it's needed.

Yes I think you're right :)

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

OK, great. I've done that, and changed the order of the random string and the array index to what you suggested. I've pushed the code after running tests and it looks OK to me. Is the easiest way to do real world testing for you to publish a new version on npm and for me to update the library? I think I need to update references in my package.json otherwise and this step I'm not sure of what to do.

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

I'm going to release the new version in a minute or so.

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

The v2.4.17 should now be available. Thanks.

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for being so quick. I'll do real world testing now.

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

Bad news. It didn't work. Scope bug because the last access to the random string is within a forEach. :-(

I've fixed it and I've managed to test it by copying the entire method to a temporary .js file in my project. I couldn't edit within node_modules as webpack keeps its npm cache safe from such local edits, very wisely. :-D

I've pushed the fix to use a local var within the method, which is then available in the forEach as the this context is now removed.

(Sorry about that - I'm new at this collaboration stuff.)

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. Easy fix. Let me do it.

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

Can you try the below code and confirm it works, please?

// source: https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/blob/f4f8b8422f9b3fbab58e35ac3f8f870d35813b7d/client/src/app/core/ui-services/html-to-pdf.service.ts
// and https://github.com/bpampuch/pdfmake/issues/205

  To use it:
  import htmlToPdfMake from 'html-to-pdfmake.js'
  htmlToPdfMake('<b>my bold text</b>');

 * Transform HTML code to a PdfMake object
 * @param  {String} htmlText The HTML code to transform
 * @param  {Object} [options]
 *   @param  {Object} [defaultStyles] An object with the default styles for each elements
 *   @param  {Boolean} [tableAutoSize=false] It permits to use the width/height defined in styles for a table's cells and rows
 *   @param  {Boolean} [imagesByReference=false] It permits to return two objets ({content, images}) to handle the `<img>` tags by reference
 *   @param  {Boolean} [removeExtraBlanks=false] Some blank spaces in your code may cause extra blank lines in the PDF – use this option to remove them
 *   @param  {Boolean} [showHidden=false] TRUE if the 'display:none' elements should be displayed
 *   @param  {Boolean} [removeTagClasses=false] TRUE if we don't want to have 'html-TAG' added as a class for each node
 *   @param  {Array} [ignoreStyles=[]] An array of style property to ignore
 *   @param  {Function} [customTag] It permits to handle non-regular HTML tag
 *   @param  {Object} [window] The `window` object (required for NodeJS server side use)
 * @return {Object} it returns a PdfMake object
 * @example
 * // Some styles are applied by defaults for the supported HTML elements
 * // but you can pass your own styles if you prefer
 * htmlToPdfMake('<div><h1>My Title</h1><p>My paragraph</p></div>');
 * // If you want to overwrite the default styles, e.g. you want <li> to not have a margin-left, and links to be 'purple' and not 'blue', and links without 'underline'
 * htmlToPdfMake('<ul><li>this is <a href="...">a link</a></li><li>another item</li></ul>', {
 *   defaultStyles:{
 *     a:{
 *       color:'purple',
 *       decoration:null
 *     },
 *     li:null
 *   }
 * });
//var util = require("util"); // to debug
function htmlToPdfMake(htmlText, options) {
  'use strict';
  this.wndw = (options && options.window ? options.window : window);
  this.tableAutoSize = (options && typeof options.tableAutoSize === "boolean" ? options.tableAutoSize : false);
  this.imagesByReference = (options && typeof options.imagesByReference === "boolean" ? options.imagesByReference : false);
  this.removeExtraBlanks = (options && typeof options.removeExtraBlanks === "boolean" ? options.removeExtraBlanks : false);
  this.showHidden = (options && typeof options.showHidden === "boolean" ? options.showHidden : false);
  this.removeTagClasses = (options && typeof options.removeTagClasses === "boolean" ? options.removeTagClasses : false);  
  this.ignoreStyles = (options && Array.isArray(options.ignoreStyles) ? options.ignoreStyles : []);

  // A random string to be used in the image references
  var imagesByReferenceSuffix = (Math.random().toString(36).slice(2,8));

  // Used with the size attribute on the font elements to calculate relative font size
  this.fontSizes = (options && Array.isArray(options.fontSizes) ? options.fontSizes : [10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28]);

  // set default styles
  this.defaultStyles = {
    b: {bold:true},
    strong: {bold:true},
    u: {decoration:'underline'},
    del: {decoration:'lineThrough'},
    s: {decoration: 'lineThrough'},
    em: {italics:true},
    i: {italics:true},
    h1: {fontSize:24, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
    h2: {fontSize:22, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
    h3: {fontSize:20, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
    h4: {fontSize:18, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
    h5: {fontSize:16, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
    h6: {fontSize:14, bold:true, marginBottom:5},
    a: {color:'blue', decoration:'underline'},
    strike: {decoration: 'lineThrough'},
    p: {margin:[0, 5, 0, 10]},
    ul: {marginBottom:5,marginLeft:5},
    table: {marginBottom:5},
    th: {bold:true, fillColor:'#EEEEEE'}

  // store the references to the images
  this.imagesRef = [];

   * Permit to change the default styles based on the options
  this.changeDefaultStyles = function () {
    for (var keyStyle in options.defaultStyles) {
      if (this.defaultStyles.hasOwnProperty(keyStyle)) {
        // if we want to remove a default style
        if (options.defaultStyles.hasOwnProperty(keyStyle) && !options.defaultStyles[keyStyle]) {
          delete this.defaultStyles[keyStyle];
        } else {
          for (var k in options.defaultStyles[keyStyle]) {
            // if we want to delete a specific property
            if (options.defaultStyles[keyStyle][k] === '') delete this.defaultStyles[keyStyle][k];
            else this.defaultStyles[keyStyle][k] = options.defaultStyles[keyStyle][k];
      } else {
        // if we add default styles
        this.defaultStyles[keyStyle] = {}
        for (var ks in options.defaultStyles[keyStyle]) {
          this.defaultStyles[keyStyle][ks] = options.defaultStyles[keyStyle][ks];

  if (options && options.defaultStyles) {

   * Takes an HTML string, converts to HTML using a DOM parser and recursivly parses
   * the content into pdfmake compatible doc definition
   * @param htmlText the html text to translate as string
   * @returns pdfmake doc definition as object
  this.convertHtml = function(htmlText) {
    // Create a HTML DOM tree out of html string
    var parser = new this.wndw.DOMParser();
    if (this.removeExtraBlanks) htmlText = htmlText.replace(/(<\/?(div|p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|li)([^>]+)?>)\s+(<\/?(div|p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|li))/gi, "$1$4").replace(/(<\/?(div|p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|li)([^>]+)?>)\s+(<\/?(div|p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|li))/gi, "$1$4");
    var parsedHtml = parser.parseFromString(htmlText, 'text/html');

    var docDef = this.parseElement(parsedHtml.body, []);

    // remove first level
    return docDef.stack || docDef.text;

   * Converts a single HTML element to pdfmake, calls itself recursively for child html elements
   * @param element can be an HTML element (<p>) or plain text ("Hello World")
   * @param parentNode the parent node for the current element
   * @param parents Array of node names of all the parents for the element
   * @returns the doc def to the given element in consideration to the given paragraph and styles
  this.parseElement = function(element, parents) {
    var nodeName = element.nodeName.toUpperCase();
    var nodeNameLowerCase = nodeName.toLowerCase();
    var ret = {text:[]};
    var text, needStack=false;
    var dataset, i, key, _this=this;

    // ignore some HTML tags
    if (['COLGROUP','COL'].indexOf(nodeName) > -1) return '';

    switch(element.nodeType) {
      case 3: { // TEXT_NODE
        if (element.textContent) {
          text = element.textContent;
          // check if we have 'white-space' in the parent's style
          var styleParentTextNode = this.parseStyle(parents[parents.length-1], true);
          var hasWhiteSpace = false;
          for (i=0; i<styleParentTextNode.length; i++) {
            if (styleParentTextNode[i].key === "preserveLeadingSpaces") {
          // if no 'white-space' style, then deal with white spaces
          if (!hasWhiteSpace) text = text.replace(/\s*\n\s*/g, " ");
          if (options && typeof options.replaceText === "function") text = options.replaceText(text, parents);

          // for table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, ul, ol: remove all empty space
          if (['TABLE','THEAD','TBODY','TFOOT','TR','UL','OL'].indexOf(parents[parents.length-1].nodeName) > -1) text = text.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
          if (text) {
            ret = {'text':text};
            ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents});
            return ret;

        return '';
      case 1: { // ELEMENT_NODE
        if (!this.showHidden && (element.style.display && element.style.display === 'none') || (element.style.visibility && element.style.visibility === 'hidden')) {

        ret.nodeName = nodeName;
        if (element.id) ret.id = element.id;

        if (element.childNodes && element.childNodes.length>0) {
          [].forEach.call(element.childNodes, function(child) {
            var res = _this.parseElement(child, parents);
            if (res) {
              if (Array.isArray(res.text) && res.text.length===0) res.text='';
          //console.log(nodeName,'=>',util.inspect(ret.text, {showHidden: false, depth: null})); // to debug
          // find if we need a 'stack' instead of a 'text'
          needStack = this.searchForStack(ret);
          if (needStack) {
            ret.stack = ret.text.slice(0);
            delete ret.text;
          } else {
            // apply all the inhirent classes and styles from the parents
            ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents});

        switch(nodeName) {
          case "TABLE":{
            var rowIndex, cellIndex;
            // the format for the table is table.body[[], [], …]
            ret.table = {body:[]};

            var tbodies = (ret.stack || ret.text);
            if (Array.isArray(tbodies)) {
              rowIndex = 0;
              // Array with All Rows including THEAD
              var allRows = [];
              // for each THEAD / TBODY
              tbodies.forEach(function(tbody) {
                // for each row
                var rows = (tbody.stack || tbody.text);
                if (Array.isArray(rows)) {
                  // Add rows to allRows
                  allRows = allRows.concat(rows);
                  rows.forEach(function(row) {
                    var cells = (row.stack || row.text);
                    // for each cell
                    if (Array.isArray(cells)) {
                      cellIndex = 0;
                      ret.table.body[rowIndex] = [];
                      cells.forEach(function(cell) {

                        // do we have a colSpan?
                        // if yes, insert empty cells due to colspan
                        if (cell.colSpan>1) {
                          i = cell.colSpan;
                          // do we have a rowSpan in addition of the colSpan?
                          _this.setRowSpan({rows:allRows, cell:cell, rowIndex:rowIndex, cellIndex:cellIndex});
                          while (--i > 0) {
                            // keep adding empty cell due to rowspan
                            _this.setRowSpan({rows:allRows, cell:cell, rowIndex:rowIndex, cellIndex:cellIndex});
                        } else {
                          // do we have a rowSpan ?
                          _this.setRowSpan({rows:allRows, cell:cell, rowIndex:rowIndex, cellIndex:cellIndex});


            delete ret.stack;
            delete ret.text;
            // apply all the inhirent classes and styles from the parents, or for the current element
            ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents.concat([element])});

            // if option tableAutoSize, then we try to apply the correct width/height on the table
            if (this.tableAutoSize) {
              var cellsWidths = [];
              var cellsHeights = [];
              var tableWidths = [];
              var tableHeights = [];
              // determine if we have "width:100%" on the TABLE
              var fullWidth = (element.getAttribute("width") === "100%" || (element.getAttribute("style")||"").replace(/width\s*:\s*100%/, "width:100%").includes("width:100%"));

              ret.table.body.forEach(function(row, rowIndex) {
                row.forEach(function(cell) {
                  // we want to remember the different sizes
                  var width = typeof cell.width !== 'undefined' ? cell.width : 'auto';
                  var height = typeof cell.height !== 'undefined' ? cell.height : 'auto';
                  // check if we have colspan or rowspan
                  // if yes, and if width/height is a number, we divide by the col/rowspan, otherwise we use 'auto'
                  if (width !== 'auto' && cell.colSpan>1) {
                    if (!isNaN(width)) width /= cell.colSpan;
                    else width = 'auto';
                  if (height !== 'auto' && cell.rowSpan>1) {
                    if (!isNaN(height)) height /= cell.rowSpan;
                    else height = 'auto';

              // determine the max width for each cell
              cellsWidths.forEach(function(row) {
                row.forEach(function(cellWidth, cellIndex) {
                  var type = typeof tableWidths[cellIndex];
                  if (type === "undefined" || (cellWidth !== 'auto' && type === "number" && cellWidth > tableWidths[cellIndex]) || (cellWidth !== 'auto' && tableWidths[cellIndex] === 'auto')) {
                    tableWidths[cellIndex] = cellWidth;
              // determine the max height for each row
              cellsHeights.forEach(function(row, rowIndex) {
                row.forEach(function(cellHeight) {
                  var type = typeof tableHeights[rowIndex];
                  if (type === "undefined" || (cellHeight !== 'auto' && type === "number" && cellHeight > tableHeights[rowIndex]) || (cellHeight !== 'auto' && tableHeights[rowIndex] === 'auto')) {
                    tableHeights[rowIndex] = cellHeight;
              if (tableWidths.length > 0) {
                // if all columns are in 'auto' and if we have 'width:"100%"' for the table
                // then put widths:['*', '*' …], for all columns
                //if (fullWidth && tableWidths.filter(function(w) { return w==='auto' }).length === tableWidths.length) tableWidths=tableWidths.map(function() { return '*' });
                // see https://github.com/Aymkdn/html-to-pdfmake/issues/151#issuecomment-1273015585
                // if we have 'width:"100%"' for the table, replace "auto" width to "*"
                if (fullWidth) tableWidths=tableWidths.map(function(w) { return w==='auto' ? '*' : w });
                ret.table.widths = tableWidths;
              if (tableHeights.length > 0) ret.table.heights = tableHeights;

            // check if we have some data-pdfmake to apply
            if (element.dataset && element.dataset.pdfmake) {
              // handle when people will use simple quotes, e.g. <table data-pdfmake="{'layout':'noBorders'}">
              dataset = element.dataset.pdfmake;
              if (dataset.charAt(1) === "'") dataset=dataset.replace(/'/g,'"');
              try {
                dataset = JSON.parse(dataset);
                for (key in dataset) {
                  if (key === "layout") {
                    ret.layout = dataset[key];
                  } else {
                    ret.table[key] = dataset[key];
              } catch(e) {
          case "TH":
          case "TD":{
            if (element.getAttribute("rowspan")) ret.rowSpan = element.getAttribute("rowspan")*1;
            if (element.getAttribute("colspan")) ret.colSpan = element.getAttribute("colspan")*1;
            // apply all the inhirent classes and styles from the parents, or for the current element
            ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents.concat([element])});
          case "SVG": {
            ret = {
              svg:element.outerHTML.replace(/\n(\s+)?/g, ""),
            if (!this.removeTagClasses) ret.style=['html-svg'];
          case "BR": {
            // for BR we return '\n'
            ret.text = [{text:'\n'}];
          case "SUB":
          case "SUP": {
            ret[nodeName.toLowerCase()] = { offset: '30%', fontSize: 8 };
          case "HR": {
            // default style for the HR
            var styleHR = {
              width: 514,
              type: "line",
              margin: [0, 12, 0, 12],
              thickness: 0.5,
              color: "#000000",
              left: 0
            // we can override the default HR style with "data-pdfmake"
            if (element.dataset && element.dataset.pdfmake) {
              dataset = JSON.parse(element.dataset.pdfmake);
              for (key in dataset) {
                styleHR[key] = dataset[key];

            ret.margin = styleHR.margin;
            ret.canvas = [
                type: styleHR.type,
                x1: styleHR.left,
                y1: 0,
                x2: styleHR.width,
                y2: 0,
                lineWidth: styleHR.thickness,
                lineColor: styleHR.color
            delete ret.text;

          case "OL":
          case "UL": {
            ret[nodeNameLowerCase] = (ret.stack || ret.text).slice(0);
            delete ret.stack;
            delete ret.text;
            // apply all the inhirent classes and styles from the parents, or for the current element
            ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents.concat([element])});
            // check if we have `start`
            if (element.getAttribute("start")) {
              ret.start = element.getAttribute("start")*1;
            // check if we have "type"
            switch (element.getAttribute("type")) {
              case 'A': ret.type = 'upper-alpha'; break;
              case 'a': ret.type = 'lower-alpha'; break;
              case 'I': ret.type = 'upper-roman'; break;
              case 'i': ret.type = 'lower-roman'; break;

            // check if we have `list-style-type` or `list-style`
            if (ret.listStyle || ret.listStyleType) ret.type = ret.listStyle || ret.listStyleType;
          case "LI": {
            // if it's a stack, then check if the last child has a "text"
            if (ret.stack && !ret.stack[ret.stack.length-1].text) {
              // if not, we restructure our node
              text = ret.stack.slice(0, -1);
              ret = [ {"text": text}, ret.stack[ret.stack.length-1] ];
            // we don't want a child of UL/OL to be an array, but it should be a "stack"
            if (Array.isArray(ret)) {
              ret = {stack:ret};
          case "IMG": {
            if (this.imagesByReference) {
              var src = element.getAttribute("data-src") || element.getAttribute("src");
              var index = this.imagesRef.indexOf(src);
              if (index>-1) ret.image = 'img_ref_'+imagesByReferenceSuffix+index;
              else {
                ret.image = 'img_ref_'+imagesByReferenceSuffix+this.imagesRef.length;
            } else {
              ret.image = element.getAttribute("src");
            delete ret.stack;
            delete ret.text;
            // apply all the inhirent classes and styles from the parents, or for the current element
            ret = this.applyStyle({ret:ret, parents:parents.concat([element])});
          case "A": {
            // the link must be applied to the deeper `text` or stacked element (e.g. `image`)
            var setLink = function(pointer, href) {
              pointer = pointer || {text:''}; // for link without any text
              if (Array.isArray(pointer.text)) {
                return setLink(pointer.text[0], href);
              } else if (Array.isArray(pointer.stack)) {
                // if we have a more complex layer
                pointer.stack = pointer.stack.map(function(stack) {
                  return setLink(stack, href);
                return pointer;
              // if 'href' starts with '#' then it's an internal link
              if (href.indexOf('#') === 0) pointer.linkToDestination=href.slice(1);
              else pointer.link = href;
              return pointer;
            if (element.getAttribute("href")) {
              ret = setLink(ret, element.getAttribute("href"));
              ret.nodeName = "A";
          default: {
            // handle other cases
            if (options && typeof options.customTag === "function") {
              ret = options.customTag.call(this, {element:element, parents:parents, ret:ret});

        // reduce the number of JSON properties
        if (Array.isArray(ret.text) && ret.text.length === 1 && ret.text[0].text && !ret.text[0].nodeName) {
          ret.text = ret.text[0].text;

        // check if we have some data-pdfmake to apply
        if (['HR','TABLE'].indexOf(nodeName) === -1 && element.dataset && element.dataset.pdfmake) {
          dataset = JSON.parse(element.dataset.pdfmake);
          for (key in dataset) {
            ret[key] = dataset[key];

        return ret;

  this.searchForStack = function(ret) {
    if (Array.isArray(ret.text)) {
      for (var i=0; i<ret.text.length; i++) {
        if (ret.text[i].stack || ['P','DIV','TABLE','SVG','UL','OL','IMG','H1','H2','H3','H4','H5','H6'].indexOf(ret.text[i].nodeName) > -1) return true;
        if (this.searchForStack(ret.text[i]) === true) return true;
    return false;

   * Add empty cells due to rowspan
   * @param {Object} params
   *   @param {Array} rows
   *   @param {Object} cell
   *   @param {Number} rowIndex Current row index
   *   @param {Number} cellIndex Current cell index
  this.setRowSpan = function(params) {
    var cells;
    if (params.cell.rowSpan) {
      for (var i=1; i <= params.cell.rowSpan-1; i++) {
        cells = (params.rows[params.rowIndex+i].text || params.rows[params.rowIndex+i].stack);
        cells.splice(params.cellIndex, 0, {text:''});

   * Apply style and classes from all the parents
   * @param  {Object} params
   *   @param {Object} ret The object that will receive the 'style' and other properties
   *   @param {Array} parents Array of node elements
   * @return {Object} the modified 'ret'
  this.applyStyle = function(params) {
    var cssClass = [];
    var lastIndex = params.parents.length-1;
    var _this = this;
    params.parents.forEach(function(parent, parentIndex) {
      // classes
      var parentNodeName = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase();
      if (!_this.removeTagClasses) {
        var htmlClass = 'html-' + parentNodeName;
        if (htmlClass !== 'html-body' && cssClass.indexOf(htmlClass) === -1) cssClass.unshift(htmlClass);
      var parentClass = (parent.getAttribute("class")||"").split(' ');
      parentClass.forEach(function(p) {
        if (p) cssClass.push(p);
      // styles
      var style;
      // not all the CSS properties should be inherent
      var ignoreNonDescendentProperties = (parentIndex!==lastIndex);
      // 1) the default styles
      if (_this.defaultStyles[parentNodeName]) {
        for (style in _this.defaultStyles[parentNodeName]) {
          if (_this.defaultStyles[parentNodeName].hasOwnProperty(style)) {
            if (!ignoreNonDescendentProperties ||
                (ignoreNonDescendentProperties &&
                  style.indexOf('margin') === -1 &&
                  style.indexOf('border') === -1
               ) {
              // 'decoration' can be an array
              if (style === 'decoration') {
                if (!Array.isArray(params.ret[style])) params.ret[style]=[];
                // do not apply twice the same (e.g. applying 2 "underline" will cause an extra blank space with an underline)
                if (params.ret[style].indexOf(_this.defaultStyles[parentNodeName][style]) === -1) {
              } else {
                params.ret[style] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_this.defaultStyles[parentNodeName][style]));
      // 2) element's style
      // we want TD/TH to receive descendant properties from TR
      if (parentNodeName === 'tr') ignoreNonDescendentProperties=false;
      style = _this.parseStyle(parent, ignoreNonDescendentProperties);
      style.forEach(function(stl) {
        // 'decoration' can be an array
        if (stl.key === "decoration") {
          if (!Array.isArray(params.ret[stl.key])) params.ret[stl.key]=[];
        } else {
          // when 'params.ret.margin' is defined but also a 'marginXYZ' is defined in `stl.key`,
          // then we should change the correct index in `params.ret.margin` to reflect it
          if (params.ret.margin && stl.key.indexOf('margin') === 0) {
            // order: left | top | right | bottom
            switch(stl.key) {
              case "marginLeft": params.ret.margin[0]=stl.value; break;
              case "marginTop": params.ret.margin[1]=stl.value; break;
              case "marginRight": params.ret.margin[2]=stl.value; break;
              case "marginBottom": params.ret.margin[3]=stl.value; break;
          } else {
            params.ret[stl.key] = stl.value;
    if (cssClass.length>0) params.ret.style = cssClass;
    return params.ret;

     * Border Value Rearrange a CSS expression (e.g. 'border:solid 10px red' to 'border:10px solid red')
     * @param {String} styleStr The CSS expression values
     * @returns {String} border value in global accepted format (e.g. 'border:10px solid red')
    this.borderValueRearrange = function(styleStr) {
        try {
            var styleArray = styleStr.split(' ');
      if (styleArray.length!==3) return styleStr;
            var v1 = "0px", v2 = "none", v3 = "transparent";
            var style = ["dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset", "none", "hidden", "mix"];
            styleArray.forEach(function (v) {
                if (v.match(/^\d/)) {
                    v1 = v;
                } else if (style.indexOf(v) > -1) {
                    v2 = v;
                } else {
                    v3 = v;
            return v1 + ' ' + v2 + ' ' + v3;
        } catch (e) {
            return styleStr;

   * Transform a CSS expression (e.g. 'margin:10px') in the PDFMake version
   * @param {String} style The CSS expression to transform
   * @param {DOMElement} element
   * @param {Boolean} ignoreProperties TRUE when we have to ignore some properties, like border, padding, margin
   * @returns {Array} array of {key, value}
  this.parseStyle = function(element, ignoreProperties) {
    var style = element.getAttribute("style") || "";
    var ret = [];
    style = style.split(';');
    // check if we have "width" or "height"
    var width = element.getAttribute("width");
    var height = element.getAttribute("height");
    if (width) {
      style.unshift("width:" + this.convertToUnit(width + (isNaN(width) ? "" : "px")));
    if (height) {
      style.unshift("height:" + this.convertToUnit(height + (isNaN(height) ? "" : "px")));
    // check if we have 'color' or 'size' -- mainly for '<font>'
    var color = element.getAttribute("color");
    if (color) {
      ret.push({key:"color", value:this.parseColor(color)});
    var size = element.getAttribute("size");
    if (size !== null) {
      // Getting and sanitizing the size value: it should be included between 1 and 7
      size = Math.min(Math.max(1, parseInt(size)), 7);
      // Assigning the font size
      ret.push({key:'fontSize', value:Math.max(this.fontSizes[0], this.fontSizes[size - 1])});

    var styleDefs = style.map(function(style) { return style.toLowerCase().split(':') });
    var borders = []; // special treatment for borders
    var nodeName = element.nodeName.toUpperCase();
    var _this=this;
    styleDefs.forEach(function(styleDef) {
      if (styleDef.length===2) {
        var key = styleDef[0].trim().toLowerCase();
        var value = styleDef[1].trim();
        if (_this.ignoreStyles.indexOf(key) === -1) {
          switch (key) {
            case "margin": {
              if (ignoreProperties) break;
              // pdfMake uses a different order than CSS
              value = value.split(' ');
              if (value.length===1) value=[value[0], value[0], value[0], value[0]];
              else if (value.length===2) value=[value[1], value[0]]; // vertical | horizontal ==> horizontal | vertical
              else if (value.length===3) value=[value[1], value[0], value[1], value[2]]; // top | horizontal | bottom ==> left | top | right | bottom
              else if (value.length===4) value=[value[3], value[0], value[1], value[2]]; // top | right | bottom | left ==> left | top | right | bottom

              // we now need to convert to PT
              value.forEach(function(val, i) {
                value[i] = _this.convertToUnit(val);
              // ignore if we have a FALSE in the table
              if (value.indexOf(false) === -1) ret.push({key:key, value:value});
            case "line-height": {
              // change % unit
              if (typeof value === "string" && value.slice(-1) === '%') {
                value = value.slice(0,-1) / 100;
              } else {
                value = _this.convertToUnit(value);
              ret.push({key:"lineHeight", value:value});
            case "text-align": {
              ret.push({key:"alignment", value:value});
            case "font-weight": {
              if (value === "bold") ret.push({key:"bold", value:true});
            case "text-decoration": {
              ret.push({key:"decoration", value:_this.toCamelCase(value)})
            case "font-style": {
              if (value==="italic") ret.push({key:"italics", value:true});
            case "font-family": {
                                key: "font", value: value.split(',')[0].replace(/"|^'|^\s*|\s*$|'$/g, "").replace(/^([a-z])/g, function (g) {
                                    return g[0].toUpperCase();
                                }).replace(/ ([a-z])/g, function (g) {
                                    return g[1].toUpperCase();
            case "color": {
              ret.push({key:"color", value:_this.parseColor(value)})
            case "background-color": {
              // if TH/TD and key is 'background', then we use 'fillColor' instead
              ret.push({key:(nodeName === 'TD' || nodeName === 'TH' ? "fillColor" : "background"), value:_this.parseColor(value)})
            case "text-indent": {
              ret.push({key:"leadingIndent", value:_this.convertToUnit(value)});
            case "white-space": {
              ret.push({key:"preserveLeadingSpaces", value:(value==='break-spaces' || value.slice(0,3) === 'pre')});
            default: {
              // for borders
              if (key === 'border' || key.indexOf('border-left') === 0 || key.indexOf('border-top') === 0 || key.indexOf('border-right') === 0 || key.indexOf('border-bottom') === 0) {
                if (!ignoreProperties) borders.push({key:key, value:value});
              } else {
                // ignore some properties
                if (ignoreProperties && (key.indexOf("margin-") === 0 || key === 'width' || key === 'height')) break;
                // padding is not supported by PDFMake
                if (key.indexOf("padding") === 0) break;
                if (key.indexOf("-") > -1) key=_this.toCamelCase(key);
                if (value) {
                  // convert value to a 'pt' when possible
                  var parsedValue = _this.convertToUnit(value);
                  // if we have 'font-size' with a parsedValue at false, then ignore it
                  if (key === 'font-size' && parsedValue === false) break;
                  ret.push({key:key, value:(parsedValue === false ? value : parsedValue)});
    // for borders
    if (borders.length > 0) {
      // we have to merge together the borders in two properties
      var border = []; // array of boolean
      var borderColor = []; // array of colors
      borders.forEach(function(b) {
        // we have 3 properties: width style color
                b.value = _this.borderValueRearrange(b.value);
        var properties = b.value.split(' ');
        var width = properties[0].replace(/(\d*)(\.\d+)?([^\d]+)/g,"$1$2 ").trim();
        var index = -1, i;
        if (b.key.indexOf('-left') > -1) index=0;
        else if (b.key.indexOf('-top') > -1) index=1;
        else if (b.key.indexOf('-right') > -1) index=2;
        else if (b.key.indexOf('-bottom') > -1) index=3;
        // for the width
        if (index > -1) {
          border[index] = (width > 0);
        } else {
          for (i=0; i<4; i++) border[i] = (width > 0);
        // for the color
        if (properties.length > 2) {
          var color = properties.slice(2).join(' ');
          if (index > -1) {
            borderColor[index] = _this.parseColor(color);
          } else {
            for (i=0; i<4; i++) borderColor[i] = _this.parseColor(color);
      // fill the gaps
      for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
        if (border.length > 0 && typeof border[i] === "undefined") border[i]=true;
        if (borderColor.length > 0 && typeof borderColor[i] === "undefined") borderColor[i]='#000000';
      if (border.length > 0) ret.push({key:'border', value:border});
      if (borderColor.length > 0) ret.push({key:'borderColor', value:borderColor});
    return ret;

  this.toCamelCase = function(str) {
    return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase() });

  // input: h in [0,360] and s,v in [0,1] - output: "rgb(0–255,0–255,0–255)""
  // source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54014428/1134119 + https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2353211/hsl-to-rgb-color-conversion#comment58413965_9493060
  this.hsl2rgb = function(h,s,l) {
    var a = s*Math.min(l,1-l);
    var f = function(n) {
      var k=(n+h/30)%12;
      return Math.min(Math.floor((l - a*Math.max(Math.min(k-3,9-k,1),-1))*256),255);
    return "rgb("+f(0)+","+f(8)+","+f(4)+")";

   * Returns the color in a hex format (e.g. #12ff00).
   * Also tries to convert RGB colors into hex values
   * @param color color as string representation
   * @returns color as hex values for pdfmake
  this.parseColor = function(color) {
    // e.g. `#fff` or `#ff0048`
    var haxRegex = new RegExp('^#([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6})$');

    // e.g. rgb(0,255,34) or rgb(22, 0, 0) or rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)
    var rgbRegex = new RegExp('^rgb\\((\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%?),\\s*(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%?),\\s*(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%?)\\)$');

    // e.g. hsl(300, 10%, 20%)
    var hslRegex = new RegExp('^hsl\\((\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%?),\\s*(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%?),\\s*(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%?)\\)$');

    // e.g. "white" or "red"
    var nameRegex = new RegExp('^[a-z]+$');

    var decimalColors, decimalValue, hexString, i, ret=[];

    if (haxRegex.test(color)) {
      return color;

    if (hslRegex.test(color)) {
      // we want to convert to RGB
      decimalColors = hslRegex.exec(color).slice(1);
      // first value should be from 0 to 360
      if (decimalColors[0].endsWith('%')) decimalValue = decimalColors[0].slice(0,-1) * 360 / 100;
      else decimalValue = decimalColors[0]*1;
      // next values should be % to convert to base 1
      ret.push(decimalColors[2].slice(0,-1) / 100);
      ret.push(decimalColors[4].slice(0,-1) / 100);
      color = this.hsl2rgb(ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]);
      ret = [];
    if (rgbRegex.test(color)) {
      decimalColors = rgbRegex.exec(color).slice(1);
      for (i = 0; i < 6; i+=2) {
        decimalValue = decimalColors[i];
        // if it ends with '%', we calculcate based on 100%=255
        if (decimalValue.endsWith('%')) {
          decimalValue = Math.round(decimalValue.slice(0,-1) * 255 / 100);
        } else decimalValue = decimalValue*1;
        if (decimalValue > 255) {
          decimalValue = 255;
        hexString = '0' + decimalValue.toString(16);
        hexString = hexString.slice(-2);
      return '#' + ret.join('');
    if (nameRegex.test(color)) return color;

    console.error('Could not parse color "' + color + '"');
    return color;

   * Convert 'px'/'rem'/'cm'/'em' to 'pt', and return false for the other ones. If it's only a number, it will just return it
   * @param  {String} val The value with units (e.g. 12px)
   * @return {Number|Boolean} Return the pt value, or false
  this.convertToUnit = function(val) {
    // if it's just a number, then return it
    if (!isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val)) return val*1;
    var mtch = (val+"").trim().match(/^(\d*(\.\d+)?)(pt|px|r?em|cm)$/);
    // if we don't have a number with supported units, then return false
    if (!mtch) return false;
    val = mtch[1];
    switch(mtch[3]) {
      case 'px':{
        val = Math.round(val * 0.75292857248934); // 1px => 0.75292857248934pt
      case 'em':
      case 'rem':{
        val *= 12; // default font-size is 12pt
      case 'cm':{
        val = Math.round(val * 28.34646); // 1cm => 28.34646
    return val*1;

  var result = this.convertHtml(htmlText);
  // if we only pass a string without HTML code
  if (typeof result === "string") result={text:result};
  // if images by reference
  if (this.imagesByReference) {
    result = {content:result, images:{}};
    this.imagesRef.forEach(function(src, i) {
      // check if 'src' is a JSON string
      result.images['img_ref_'+imagesByReferenceSuffix+i] = (src.startsWith("{") ? JSON.parse(src) : src);
  return result;

module.exports = function(htmlText, options) {
  return new htmlToPdfMake(htmlText, options);
danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

Code is already fixed and pushed to my branch. Not sure if you can see it now if the pull request has been closed.

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

OK we did the same :) Let me release the new version.

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

Yep, just looked and you've done exactly the same.

Aymkdn commented 1 year ago

I've just published v2.4.18

danhobbs75 commented 1 year ago

Working in the wild. Thank you again.