AyraHikari / SamsungMusicPort

Samsung Music Port for all Non-Samsung ROM
GNU General Public License v3.0
103 stars 4 forks source link

Numbering of items in Playlists #7

Open rgmcleod52 opened 1 year ago

rgmcleod52 commented 1 year ago

First, I am happy that I found this port of the Samsung app to run on my Google Pixel 6.

I'm not absolutely sure that this is a bug in this port, but hopefully you can answer whether it is or isn't.

With the original Samsung Music app on a Galaxy S7 when I play a playlist in my vehicle (2014 Toyota Tacoma) the dashboard display shows each song along with a Track number. In this environment, the track number increases as each new song plays.

Now I have a Google Pixel 6 phone with your port of the app and I've noticed that when playing a playlist that the Track number does not increment - it always says "Track 1" for each song.

I don't know if this is because of some change in Android (my Pixel 6 is running Android 12), or some setting in Android that I have not found yet, or something in the port of your app.


Rick McLeod

641i130 commented 9 months ago

I got some type of script functioning to mess with the playlist files. https://gist.github.com/641i130/2f1d7a2f8a8bfb0d30bf6f57e11df9e5 If you want to try converting or reordering with the file, try using the script and see if it gets you started.