Ayu-hack / Hacktoberfest-Contributions

This repository helps beginners contribute to open source and participate in Hacktoberfest. We welcome all pull requests (Python & Java), prioritize genuine contributions, and promote good first issues! #hacktoberfest2022 #hacktoberfest2023 #hacktoberfest2024
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HangmanGame and PasswordGenerator by @ishubtripathi #64

Closed ishubtripathi closed 1 month ago

ishubtripathi commented 1 month ago

Pull Request: Password Generator and Hangman Game Projects Overview This pull request introduces two engaging Java projects: a Password Generator and a Hangman Game. Both programs aim to enhance users' programming skills and provide fun, interactive experiences.

  1. Password Generator Description: A simple yet effective password generator that allows users to create secure passwords based on customizable criteria. Features: •Customizable Length: Users can specify the desired length of the generated password. •Character Set Options: Users can choose to include: •Uppercase letters •Lowercase letters •Numbers •Special symbols •Secure Random Generation: Utilizes SecureRandom for generating random characters, ensuring better security compared to •basic random functions. Usage: •Compile the Java file using javac PasswordGenerator.java. •Run the program with java PasswordGenerator. •Follow the prompts to specify your password criteria. •Future Improvements: •Validation to ensure at least one character type is selected. •Options for minimum character types to enhance security. •A graphical user interface for better user experience.
  2. Hangman Game Description: A text-based implementation of the classic Hangman game where players guess letters of a hidden word within a limited number of attempts. Features: •Random Word Selection: The game randomly selects a word from a predefined list. •User Interaction: Players guess letters and receive feedback on their guesses. •Attempts Tracking: The game tracks the number of attempts left, adding a challenge. Usage: •Compile the Java file using java HangmanGame.java. •Run the program with java Hangman Game. •Follow the prompts to guess letters and reveal the hidden word. •Future Improvements: •A larger list of words or integration of an API for word selection. •A scoring system or leaderboard. •Enhanced user interface, possibly graphical. Contribution These projects aim to provide users with tools for better password management and an entertaining game experience, promoting both security awareness and programming practice. I welcome any feedback and suggestions for further enhancements!
Ayu-hack commented 1 month ago

Merged.There are more repos where you can make pull requests, and your contributions will definitely be accepted! They are also part of Hacktoberfest 2024. Don’t forget to tag me in your LinkedIn certificate post if possible. Thank you! 😄

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