Ayush7614 / Daily-Coding-DS-ALGO-Practice

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C++ code for Preorder, Inorder, Post-order and Level-order Traversal of a Binary Tree #2450

Open arkayyy opened 2 years ago

arkayyy commented 2 years ago


Objectives of the script:

  1. Clear and concise code for preorder, inorder, postorder and level order traversals of a Binary Tree
  2. Decoding and understanding the process of various methods of traversals in a binary tree


Features of the script:

  1. Efficient and easy-to-understand code (fully working, along with the main function)
  2. I will be covering multiple approaches with time complexity analysis
  3. Step-by-step explanation of the solution will be provided
  4. Can you assign me this issue under HacktoberFest 2021?

Programming language

arkayyy commented 2 years ago

@Ayush7614 Can you assign me this issue under HacktoberFest 2021?

divya1509 commented 2 years ago

@Ayush7614 I can add these solutions in Java. Can you please assign me this issue?