AyushKumar123456789 / stock-analysis-backend

Backend of stock analysis of project
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Integrate Editor on Stock Form for post writting #12

Open AyushKumar123456789 opened 1 month ago

AyushKumar123456789 commented 1 month ago

Description: Enhance the existing StockForm component with a professional editor to allow editors to create comprehensive and visually appealing stock analysis posts. The editor should support functionalities like adding images, changing fonts, adding links, and previewing the content. You can utilize APIs like TinyMCE or integrate the existing Cloudinary & Multer middleware for image uploads or any other api as per your experties.

It's like implementing the some kind of same editor as provided by github for writting comments which has all features like preview, font change , upload images, addind liks and more.

This kind of editor ................

Screenshot 2024-08-05 184530


  1. Frontend Integration:

    • Add functionality to upload images directly within the editor.
    • Ensure the editor supports changing fonts, adding links, and other rich text features.
    • Display a live preview of the blog post within the form.
  2. Backend Integration:

    • Connect the image upload functionality to the existing Cloudinary upload function.
    • Ensure images are uploaded to Cloudinary when the editor submits the form.
    • Store the Cloudinary URLs in the database and link them to the corresponding stock post.
  3. Form Submission:

    • Ensure that the StockForm includes the image URLs and other content when submitted.
    • Update the frontend to handle the response from the backend, including any error handling for failed uploads.

Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Notes:

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask.

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